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Advertisements & Notices

... i DENIO NEW KRUCH, IWLLHEIt, 'tTi L1 be. Coinsearaited $on' Tifl l u p Ax thes~ltih,t ?? -xh Y I 01I BISHOe OF 0 ? ANGOII, WbOj woiljpreceh, in' l!.Og l at EleVelOCk in the morneig. and Wlsh a:t3iX iii the e5eOvi, :- iTO ?? . O- '~TQ ?? OWiEN ,FAMIL2,S. . W~TD'the nblative5 of Mine Cathciri Lloyd, of Denhwh ' VT wo did in1540 leain~ eolrty., Hef lathrer was ' I de in 7, '18,45 ?? ,, * j eai. j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADJOURNED QUAT NOTICE. I'S HEREBY GIVEN, A ni~iAT the Gi ERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE - I. for the County ot AisOseyg. T 11 be held by AdJournment at the County Ha, in Beaumaris. on S&ATnDAY the 28th day f uary Instant,atthe hourof Eleven oelock in the forenoon, at Ft which time and place nlt Businese, aatters, and Things appertain- ion to the Assesstaint, 7Managerl2ent aind Application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ARTIFICIALTEETU. , ¢ T c n- wi 'ISv 0V:3>tk30- ART~ICI8IAL TEETH SELF:ADHZSIYVE! WlTHOUT TSPRING'S ! -!VULCANIZBED INDIA'! j ! - s wRUBBER :ASABASE1 . -U£ PR9QTECTEDBY HE1t '1AJWESTY'S ROYAL-- LETTERS PATENT. MESSRS; GABRIIIL, Dentisto, have the ho ourtoifut moin theie Patientsmnd 'thoe .vho 'may Vis I t consult them that they have isitrodaied into'their Prctice'iwitlithe jibaltest' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LLOYD AND OWEN FAMILIES. WANTED, the Relatives of Miss Catherine Lloyd,'of Denbigh, who died in -1845,'1eavibg property. Her father was Wil- liamn Lloyd, and her mother Marv Owen. , Apply to TIIoN AS IcRELAND, Accountant, Hlunuter-sqiuare, I Edinburgh. N MOTICE., r LL persons who have any claim against the Estat6 of Mr. A JOHN H UGUoS, late of Park Lane, Denbigh, Solicitor, are. requested ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To BRE 'SzOLD,' VAIRIk roner of the favourrite Dok nuE -Wim See him, it a J..~ pusrohaer.cau be found. APPj~y to Mr ELIc, S Antelope Inn, flnlywell. XORSET.ED ABtO'WNor~IAY OIIOUSSDr MAHE, siot lees than15 hands . A.1highj,'wlth good freeaction, quiet in double andasingle her-, C ndeass must-be above 4years old, and sound. tC Horses likely to suit to be sent, any day before 10 n.m., to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1FRESHFIS-H!;ill FSH ~, att~tl~~ o, te .Nobility add; Gentry, Vy ?? Wales. Sec to the abuandait Stoik- of prgim FreslaM ~jj~,SmljOO15r5, etrssted~toil'U per P'ost ryil~h carefully attdnded l ?? -twjce.,ievery!dYaoJhaL ?? -at u~ig'o~lI or Fohof4heprtmstqalitnd will dispose of it i'bn niost itodgerate termns': A. libera, fediietlii. rnad'e't c tat C cul~stoes:- - ?? To I~~i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AL na' 'who, hae6 ~any c aim apllth''tfie Is~tatt f Mr., *J cooim y 1500.,, to cll uon m undrsiged, nd dochage ?? t a dela3. . 1,.,IUCHAlID'WILLIAMkSYj f A, '.Sol icio Oioie~OS~ - ale sgtfeet, ?? 15 59 , , ?? 7ernin-tyio'. n ?? ;. TRA MtIR,, , TIA BYTT lON C;~ELEBRATEDcCMRA ?? . N.B BeS(TntE'aADfC),ApPJE;L;ENllEand 'ADOC BILILBnSdl thle facultyi,nobility drg -, an ?? 2ddre the original prer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W1ISTER SAILINGS .OF THE TRIN0f OP WALES STEA:XEl, as IFP RnEPINCE OF WALE8. 8teamer (Thoma aS 12 , zDevice, Comnmander) e. ae underfoth_ - s fr tho 3 rol;9 nMENAI'BRIDOE, MONDAYS and FRIDAYS. T From LIVERPOOL. WSDNRSDAYS and SATURDAYS. Calling at'LLANDUDNO, weather peraitting. -Osofor-Waes takeniat Clarence Dock every Tuesday, during -~ -:nter. Faye-tlbabin, 4t.; Deck, 2s. 9d. 6 - Apply toiT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OARNARVONSIIIE TO WIT. Jr JOHN.. LLOYD JONES, Erquire, Sheriff and Rteturninog JIOffiver of the County of Carnarvon, do herob7y give public GA Notice, that I have, by virtue and in pursuiance of rhe Corrupt SM~ Practices Prevention Act, 1854,1 appoifited- OWEN OWEN, of Sl ~huoh-tcetPvvlhci, n he ?? Carnarvon, At- of I JOHN LLOYD JO ESEQxrcit, Sheriff. *TO BuitDERS AND OTHERS. mENDERS aire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARNARVO1NSHE AND ASGUSEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1T I E GENERAL, MEETi NG of the above Society will be held x on MONDAY. the 6th of February, at the MNAOISTicATSI' Roou, Bangor. at 3 p.m. JOHN 'WILLIAMS Secretary. THE RHYL (OPEN) COURSING MEETING W ILL take place (by the kind permission of IV. S. Conwy, Esq., Bodrhyddan), on TrunSODiY, 9th of February, 181O. JuDGE-Mu. P. TAYLR. * THE RHYL CUP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3~buT CE ARD DISCO1JM MiB FlVE O irn sums forfixei periods, or at seven daysi Jaoiico, t 4liyee per Cent, at CALL., *..i 0. H. L&W, Manager. Officee;: 56 Cantoi-street, West,E.C.. S C4 . SOLXAu.TER1 W&1hTED. AE ~I~itl'lCATDb ~AfAiTElt will shortly be required for A5 Llasffelh .rNatlozasrebool. Apply to the Rev. R. OwEN, the Rectory. Llegt tni, Anrgklesy. January 15tb,-1860. 3DVCATIQE &Ot CALLY ...