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Advertisements & Notices

... D.IILY SAILINGS AND QUICKEST ROUTE- BarWEEN GLASGOW AND) DUBLIN, ANS flEIWEEN GLASGOW -AND LONDONDIIRIY, VI'A GREENOCKC AND BELFAST.. ?? T*'esfeovailble for Po urteen Days. GLASGOW &BELFASTC GPOYAL MAIL STEAM PACKETS These Vessels axe appointed by her Majesty's Postmaster. General to Sail FRONT GLASGOW, Every Eveiy (Sunaida exeted),onad attr odaoc, 24thsly fot. 1859. nd drindg NvmerA eemean ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YES; it was I. Call at the Shop ia A Street. Yonwillfind ?? there. Ientreatyou. . T OST, on Tuesday, 27th December, 1859; some- in L shere in Glasgow, supposed about the North Quirter, a GOLD- G ENEVA WATCH, No. N44, laving a Guard Fob.Cbaii and Two Gold Seals attached. Any person r7turnioi- the7 estee to . W. Thomson, No. SS ReI'flseld Street, Glasgov; wifi be suitably . Rewarded.r _ -U EY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ijw lledito for ag1C-C0NTlNUVD. TO BE SOLD, rHAT GOMMPARTMENT of BUILDING GROUND, JL situated on the north side of BlythswoodTerraee, Glasgow, and extending from Dougla Street to Pitt Street, together with jblteI BILDINGS at p resent thereon. This Ground extends to S02o Square Yards, or thereby, exClQ- sive of the street3. and has a frontage of about 245 feet to Blyths- vood Terrace, besides ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.T E P TL&BL18 in great va~rlety. Ek:ORS in great variet y. SOFAS and O R8 in great vari efy. :9ASY CHAIRS in great variety, WARDROBES in great variety. TESTER BEDS in great Variety. FEATHER BEDS i% greet msrfiey. CRIFFONNIERES in great varey. BOORCASE S iso great variey CHEMS DRAWERS in great Variety. BASIN-STANDS in great ariety. TOILIST TABLES in great variety. DRESSING GLASSES in great ...

FITIM Pemn who calle

... d at the caedojaxil Rsaisay T~itien Tbursda last, ve-fm Two BOXES for 1r. e. BaAnro w, s rq e L AGAIN. NOTION. 1 y ~ a oe dthe P'arty that 3ungaged the VICTORIA .P-HALI, & Buebum sia treet, for Soiree on Wednesday, 11th jast, would be sodas CALL attheabove Hall, without delay, % would ?? geR. LR.EFXOX. OST, on Tuesday, 27th December, 1859, Some- J whose 4n Giaov. saosed about the North ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUluftetoo gg6 %-(CoNTIUEDa) . INDIA PALE ALE. a YOUEG-ER &r CO:). are now Rzgisrngug Orders for the October Brewing of the above Ale. 5- From the daily increasing demand for their PALE AL,; parties requiring early supplies should give this their mmediat. ABBEnti°XY BREWERY, EDINIBURGH-ESTABLISH~ED 1749. AG;ENNTS-JOHiN BAIRD & CO.. 5. JAMAICA ST., GLASGOW. INDIA PALE E. ?? YOUNGER.& CO. have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1g- OST, on Satrday last, a BUNCH of Small J K XEYS, on a Flat Steel Rmg.Y Persoa retoing t~them So Ieas-a ).oison, 11 Vtrginia wiei elbewhawcedL OUND, on Thursday last, in the Cattle Market, .Apply to C oW. Tiernan & Son, 62 York Street, Glasgow. pOtND, a White TE:RRIER DOG. IH not Cilai~ed witb 1:Eight Days, will be Sold to dteray expenses Apply to Dupkt Ml'Dougall, 44 Richard Street. VOUND1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -: ED ?? rI Sit~. - :: . 'E TRAINING ACADEMY, 44 ST. GEORGE'S ROAD. :THE HV.s. BU..EFILD A.L RECTO1R I - respectfully announcesf. that: the Duties of -the, several I. CLASSES in the WTh INI.AOA.DEMY ?? REtSUtMED on ',1WBDN'SDAYUI~e {TH of 3ANJARY.. .Papils may Enmrolled at nfll stages of drancenient ii their ?? . - - ,Yroepeotuses ea p lton s h Academy. - ?? ;. - ?? Ise£go*56th January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STKIER XITCAELL IF ESTHER MITCHELL, fornetty residing in J Glasgow and Aberdeen, will apply to Mrs. Ann Davison or Boyd. Rirk Road, Beeith, or to the underslgsed, she will bear of SO.13SETHING TO HEBR ADVANTAGEk Her age is ?? 16. Snhe was the only child of James Mditcbe, MLaster Shoewakeor, a native of, and sometime in. Aberdeen, ?? in Glasgow, and of Helen Forrest, his wife. She waa bn in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POSTPONKINENT. . T IE SAME of DRAPERY GOODS, ?? adver- T tised forTo-Vtorrow, at 14 Virginia Street, IS POStPONEID stlu Friday, 20th inst. EUTCHISON 6t DIXON-k.nectionoeea ST, between Exchlange SquareandEordqn;9tftt, o EXCHANGE for Z24, -3s. 0.L Thepersona re- turning it to 3tr. Stevenson, Royal EzChaiigOwill be Rewarded. O t the Trades' Ball, ou t'iae nir'ht of Moat- LO T day ?? HIGHL ND R: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOW READY, 0AM1PBELL'S DIARIES FOR 1Og NI EVERY SIZE, STYLE. & BINDING,', vw^ , FOR POCKET OR COUNTING HOUSE U$E. E -rs ,. The best diaries we have ?? Warder.'kSS` Characterised by usefulness, comprehensiveness, and cheap- ?? Hens Letter. ?? merit a place on every business man's table in the land. -sefltisli Press. D. CAMPBELL & SON, 93 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow; and, ?? IL S OKN & BwA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O , Thursday the 12th int., a GOLD FOB SClReyal, Crest. Any person s ze senme to Thomas Sherrff, 12 .1oateith Row, will be wltsbtsueardee. - L0QT, in 1 1 or Buchanas Streetk about the L ot Dc.,a mal GLDBREQUBT ?? Swivel 'At fle e4f and Seal Key at other, with 10. F. engraved on it. Vie Sbde wil be Rewarded on bringing it to Messrs. pluirhiead S*e, 0 Buchanan Street. O1ThD, at the Leser City ...