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Lancashire, England


Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , rlo Wad.o u . No fttloe of Bt, arriage, or Death oan be Inertod unlres authenticated bythe name and address of the mender. ,The words No cards, or any similar addition to th Amle nse of a Umairi r , nsbjlet Ito aiment as fo aa smen O -Dec BIRTHS. Box-Dec.. IS, at 101, Seseombe-street, the wile of Mr. W. Bor, of asonstillborn. CALXY-Dec. 22, at Douglas, Isle of Man, the wife of Mr. -Andrew ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nltuo, juna'iayo, AnAl patui V Nolgotice of Birtb, Marriago, or Doath ca In hs Io-rted unless authonticated by te namoe and address of .he sender. The words No earda, or any nimilar addition to tjo sfrple announcement of a marriage or death, subject It o paymnent ae for an adverterment. BIRTHS. Coorii-Jan. 30, at 8, Winter-strect, Low-hill, the wifo of tr. James Cooper, of n son. GaATER-Feb ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. I ERNEST JONES. The remains of Mr. 'Ernest Jones, whose some- ter what unexpected decaas was announ ced in these Lc eoluinns last week, were interred in the ?? Artlwick Cemetery, Manchester, on Saturday orf afternoon. The funeral was a public one, and of nranny thousands of persons took this opportunity cr of showing their respect for the memory of One Ida who has ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I'Airthot pardayot£' An.t pfth. ?? Notice of Blrthl, Marra~geor eathe.i ?? unlces autbenticated by the naino anid iaddreo of thie sender. The or Noeards, or sIyMsitilarSU l(itton to tile ?? annoucoieflt ot a rnarrtiare or death, suibjoct it to paysont so for an advertioemeot. BIRThIS, DAVIII-Ot,, I3, at Gloadale, Clifto11-t1rAC, Birknhloand, the wife of Mdr. George J. Davia, of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Imhof Pardiao Ad gatuo. %*No Noioeof BirB. Marzaeor Death oan ?? unless *uthenticate4 by t e name and addreee of the eender. Thewrode N aarde,or aiainllaSraddltlor. to ihe simple anaounoement of marriage or death snbieotit topament as for an adverkleemeut. BIRTHS. BoUIRB-Nov. 29, at 78, Toxteth-street, the owif of Mr. Henry Burna, ot'a Eon. Cou EILL-Nov. 29, the wife of Mr. George W. Corkhill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rBflATlSjMARRI&Xh, & ]tAill ' ?? n tNO sB ted by the caine and mu b ie ?? NnSttBihb mnust ?? pal4 for anl advwcr.n i Ja 19 the wife of ehats ?? eq., or a soI. MALW4GES. Jail. 17. at AU SInte. Soutihapton, by the Rer. IL Whit. I. tington, M.A., assisted by tha Rev. D. Rycroftl mentor curate e of S& Raul'X Priooe rurk1 Lirerpool Richgrd Penrose, youngest ?? of the 1lae GC r atarbuck, Esq., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY FOR !1859.. Deaths amuong. te aris6ora during tbe'year 'otw drawing to A el hau been mord thah ordinarily. numerous. Oqt of the; members of the peerage. of the three inugdcui.4 there have died the Dakoe of Leeds, the Marquisses of Waterford anr Bristol; the Earle of. Rothes, Aylesford, R~ipen,'.Chprleville,I 'errerA, EDe.von, M~oriy,'ankerville, athcarb, HEr- borough, De Grey, Miin6t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t *. Notioce od Birth, Marbge, or Death a: be ?? . unesasaulntenatd b~t enseaudaddruote5&1b t hewo s' ocards,^ or, ,slllrddltlonttX~ asnounement ot a mar4ag ordtet eubeeuf be PI nient as for an adrerisamednt. BiRTHS. BOLTAnD.-Nov. 24, At Klrkd~e New Mills, Nits TJolf. Boltard, of a daughter. MdARSIALL-NOV. 20, at Heath Vills, Wavortrsefi-oad, Mrs. A. Marshall, of a danughter. SM3ALLEY-NOV. 23 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Fadvo u pau. Hx 0I * N o~otis f Birth, Mariage or Death cen be Jn et trtecutics auirthenoticated by .ie name and address ow '-tbs~atnder. s words No card%, or any elmilav ad'dition to the- simple &nnounCent of a ?? o death, sdbo itto tay nont as for an advertisement. M A :- - .-oN- ' - BIRTE1S, th mieofo ATil1;RTo,?-Arr 80, it 33, Ashtonistreet, the wife of tc Mr. Samuel A of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... cap %, No tie of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be insortted Oly un18 authetiote Iby the us ad addfess of the sender. The words No cards' for any sismilr. additieon Riv to tho simple announcement of a macrises or deatb, subjects it to Uayment as for an advertisement. Cit: BIRTHS. GLYNN-March 9, at 7, North-view, Mount Vernon, Mru. PM l Dashper C. Glynn, of a son. Ble GURLEY-March 2, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Notaco of Birth, .Marriae, or Death can be ineerted unles ?? by; the nase and rddroes of the eodert, The words lb cards, or any silar addition to the simlle announeoeu t t oan a marriage or deah, subjecet ttopayment as for anadvertisemnlet. R S-Ju 20, BIRTHS. JBinxAR July 29, iat 32, Johnaon-itreet, Waitonbroad, the ivife of Mr. William Barker, of a-dahter. BRO1iERBAD-July 30, at 42, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SIrthot Arr~inao ItU gatho. ' No otice of Birth, larrage, or Death can be Inserted unles uhniae by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards, or any similar addition to the simpile announcement Of a marriage or death, subject it to payment an for an advertisement. BIRTHS, CA.tY-July 0, at the reoctory, Rugby, the wife of the Rev. 0. E. Cary, head master of the Botler Gramnnar ...