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... FOOT RACE BETWEEN JACKSON AND The contest between W. Jack on, the American Deer, and Deerfcot, the North American lied Indian, over a distance of four mile*, for a stake of £50, came off yesterday afternoon, at Old 8.-ompton. the word Off, they bounded away at a good pace, D.urfeot with a flight load, which he maintained till the finish of the third lap, when Jackson put on a terrific spurt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARR1AGES, & DEATHS. ?? oa Notice of Birth, lM arrta, or Death can o, *e. sorted mnies anthent eated by the name fnd addreos of the Bander. BIRTHS. Axlvlut-Nov. 7, at 29, Carter-atreet, Mm. J. S. Arthur, of a sonl. BysRM-Nov. 7, at 37, Upper Hope-place, rL. G. O.h Byrne, of a daughter. Cooursra-Nov. 6, at 81, Duakeld-strect, West Derb road, Mrs. J. a. Coughtrle, of a daughter. y ...

p1*yartinge, Ant tlt

... ~at I+* No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. * BIRTHS. DUINCAN-J one 3, at Southampton, the wife of Mr. Tom Duncan, marine engineer, Peninsular and Oriental Company, of a son. 1DnoLEY-Jun0 3, the wife of Air. John Midgley, veterinary surgeon, Oxton, of a (laughter. MARRIAGES. CORNELL - HAYES - June 9, at St. Anne's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... v No Notice of Birth, Mariage, or Death car. be Inserted unless antbenticated by tba nane and address of the sender. Thewords mNo cards,' nranysimlar addition to the siriple announcement of a marrage or death, subjcots it to pay .sut as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. ASDnRSON-Oct. 20, at Alma Villa, Higher Tranmero, MIrs. William Anderson, of a daughter. TAPE-Oct. 21, at Huyton Quarry, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF TME LA TE CESAREWITOI. ST. PETERSBURG, JUNE 6. To-day took place the solemn ceremony of the r removal of the mortal remains of the late Cesare- 1 witch, Grand Duke Hdritier Nicholas Alexandro. t vitob, to the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. e It may be said that all the inhabitants of the capitalassisted at the sad oeremony. Conform. t ably to the fixed ceremonial, the coffin ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i. I*,a i g ~ t a tlel;.l It Th, n No Notice of B3irth, Marrige, or Death eqsy be Inserted C unless authenticated by the name and address of the i Sender. The worde No cards, or any similar addition ' to the simple announcement of a marringe or deathl, ( n subject it to payment as for an advertisement. 8 BIRTHS. 81 814 CAsrrcoN-Feb. 21 at 25, St. JanMes's-street, the wile of F Mr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. *: R. Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death aa be in- aeted unless authentlsted by the name and address of the sender. BIMTHS. YAVZ-Fob. 17, at Hatford Houe* 8atard, Yrs Jogaph Pater, of a daughter. heb.&1a-3eb. 18, the wife of Mr. ]lL 81l11toe, IallngtonwO a daughter. bear-Feb. 17. at 118, Jebosbstret, Everton, the wife of Mr. George Stokwe, of a duabter. WALTHEW ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, &DEATHSo * No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In. ?? unless utheiitleatt by the naine awn address of the aender. BIElT ES. HUNT-Nov. 28, at 30, Bedford.street North, the wife o the Rev. Wray Richard Iturnt, of a daughter, stillborn. Niasarr-Nov. 22, at Rock Ferry, Mr. Niblett, of a daughter. PRonT-Nov. 10, at 32, Lawrance-8treet, Earleatown, near Warrington, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGFS, & DEATHS. No~ ?? of Birth, Karrl! e. or Death Ma be la. sarted unles autitenticated y the name and addeesi of the sender. BIRTHS. ARMATRoNG-Feb. 28, at 87, Salop.street, Walton.roa, the wife of Mr. Williamt Armutrong,, miatter mariner, of a slllborm daughter. COM118y--maroh 4, the wife of Mr. William Henry co) line, corn dealer, Bury, of a daughter. VwAzS-laroh 4, at 9, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE MARRIAGE OF TI PRINCE OF WALES. of The arrangements for the demonstration in Of Livespool on the occasion of the Prince of Wales's ry marriage are, progressing satisfactorily.- The local al authorities awe actively engaged in thenecessary ig preparations, tend we feel assured that the inhabit- It,. ants of the good old town will not be behind- oh hand' in contributing their share to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ** No Notice'of Birth, Marriage or Death can be inserted unless authenticated oy the Dgame .ap4 address of the sender. BIRTHS. ARMSTRONG-NOV. 1, at Sha8nhai, the wf 'oI Coaptain P. B. Armstrong, of a daughter. HOLDBN-F6b. I at 70, Netherfield-road North, the' wife oS Mr. E. lolden of a son, stillborn, LucRHOFF-Dec. 7, at Colesburg, *Cse of Gord HOPe, Ethe wife of thec Rev. A. D. L'a ho , of a ...


... SOUTHERN DIVISION OF LANCASHIRE. CUOWN COURT. BEFORE MR. BARON CIIANNELL. WEDNESDAY, DI MEMBER 18. THE CHILD MURDER Naucy Armfield, who wag convijted od Wednesday las: of the murder of & infant Droylusden and sentenced to if been respited. MANSLAUGHTET . AT LIVERPOOL. Jobn Scully, who found guilty yesterday of the m*nslanghter of Ma r Kelly, Liverpool, on the 17th of September was sentenced ...