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... I LAW COURTS-YESTERAY. I COURT OF BANKaUPTCY. Nr Edward Power.-Tba baskoupt was a goser *in BoYeY The meeting wan for Din mutreuder. He dad;not appear, and Mr. J. L. SBalla, who appered for, the petitioning creditor, 5and he believed the ?? had abEonded. The appointment of ia Abnee was popeAd, and the aewe adjourned genearl. Al re Ring.-The meeting was for the final exami- nation of the ...


... TAW 0OURTS-SATUIWAY. COURT OF CHINCEnY. The Lord Chancellor sat ad disposed of some lunacy and minor mattr of awo public importance. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCEH SJ'NGS AT NIsr PBIUS. (Before the Lord Chief Justice and a Special.Jury.) Guste Vcanden Bde v. fa V-erRaaway Cone- ,pansy-The hewring of this ca was resumed at the sitting of the court and occupied the rest of the day, when the jury found ...


... I.I TO TM EDITOR OF THE JRZXAN. NCovemrere15, 1869. SIB-Aes iconstant read3er I solicit the insertion of this letter in your valuable journa, and feel equally assured of your sympathy in tne -Mae. On Sunday evening, at about bal-past eight o'clock, I was summoned to see a man in the Baker's HaU, ?? Bridge-atreet, who, I was told, had cut his throat. I found him exceedingly weaks and pallid ...


... COIJ3T OF PANKBUPrCY AND INOL. I ~VIENCY.I (Before Judge Miller.) in reA. Moir.-The bankrupt was a merchant tailor in Dawson-street. Tae meeting was for the final examiation. Mr T Cronhelm acppared for tbe assignee, and stated that the bankrap had died a, special balance sbeet, and there was no ?? to hie -passing. Judge Miller esaid the disbarsements appeared to be toe large fcr the profits ...


... THE MURDER OF MR HUNrER. I (Fom our Cor;pOndelt.1 YztloTx (MAXro, TunaDAY.-NiRe 'perso have been taken into custody on suslpicion in ?? with this lamentable occurrence-all netghboura of the deceased. Lir. Hunter was a Soot-hm- , and followed the business of a stook-Owster, and a few years ago leed a large Mountain farm from the Rev. Dr. Gibbin. He seemed to be very proepe- roul, but ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY-YESTIEBDAY. , . . . v (Before Judge Lynch). lre ce Dtvas Luntas.-The bankrupt was a miller at Manorbamilton, county Leitirlm. The meeting was for final examination. Mr. Purcell, instructed by Mr. O'Dowd, appeared for the assignees, and examined the bankrupt respecting some land which, it wes said, he is entitled to. Mr. Forsythe appeared for Colonel Lucis, to whom tbe ...


... At a quarter past eleven o'clock, Mr. Justice O'BrIen sed Baron Dessy took their seats on the bench, in the court-bouse, Green street. blr Walthe, Q C, Mr Barry, Q C, and Mr Walsh, a attended as couneel for the crown. Judge O'Brien Informed Mr Walseh, that an applica- , tion bad been made last night by Mr Sidney, for the discharge of Richard Murphy, under the thaibew corpus act. Mr Walsh ...


... POLICE COURTS-SATURDAY. HEAD OFFICZ Eotel Robbaries-A man named Joseph Hogan, sup- posed to be a ticket of leave man, and his brother, Peter Hogan were brought up in custody of Acting Inspectors Doyle and Clarke of the G division, charged with being concerned in a series of robberies in hotels in this city. It appeared that the prisoner Joseph Hogan, about six weeks ago took lodgings at a ...


... O F-- -Y-gwaI . | -COURTr OF ADMIaAI.TY- YwT8zftn,%T I (Before Judge Kelly.) The Isabelle, of Gtaagow, ?? -This was a case pi of mariner's wages against this steamer. tU Dr. Concannon, by special leave, opened the petition. C1 He stated itas ?? clients, comprising the Pi boatewain, engineer, and four seamen, had slgned the at ship's articles on the 6th of July last, la Glasgow, to Ia serve on ...


... | D ROGHEDA QUARTER SESSIONS. . I I - . - . -f a -- -- -e kF,: tOM 0Z ?? ?? DROGBBDA, TumWAxfan OCr. 10.-O E1 HeMphill, . Eqi QO, ?? of 'the 'iuuty of Lguth, presided atour quarter seeqQD todayi' On the benchwith his worship wire James Mathswe, EsqFj Mayor; Aider. mansCarty,. :Pi'Alderman John E(Jhsdwlek, 'JP ;I Patrick. Ternau, J P, and George farpur, J P. At, twelve o'clock the following ...


... I COURT OF BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY, YESTERDAY. Its re eltep anc Essex-The bankrupta were general merchants in Cope-street, in this city. The meeting was for deal examination. The bankrupt, Mr. Shelley, ap- pealed, the other bankrupt has absconded. Mr. Sidney, Q C., instructed by Messrs. Molloy and Wateon, appeared for Mr. Selby, wine merchant, of London, who sought to have returned to him a ...


... | rOLICL COURTS-SATUt{DAY. IlEAD Ol'F'ICi-. *.'thi5rillng the Police-John Gill, a privrte of lbe 86th regiment, was brought up on remand, charged with having violently assaulted Actinginspecior Alooney and Constable Kelly, 127 E, at Beggars Bash road, wben taken Into remtody for being disorderly. The prisoner was ordered to find bail, or in default to be imprisoned for one month, for being ...