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... The Vienna journals announce the death of the Princess lyadziwill in the debtor's prison of that city. The Rajah Mootee Sing has got into difficulties, in consequence of his having cut off the tongues of some women in his territories, whom he regarded as witches. -Bombay Gazette. OPENING OF A RUSSIAN TUMULUS.—An interest- ing discovery has just been made in a tumulus at Ekaterinoslaw, in ...


... The aonval dinner of the 10th Glamorgan Rifle Volunteers took place last evening (Thursday), at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff. Covers were laid for seventy-five, and the dinner was provided with that excellence and substantiality for which the Angel has acquiisd a wide and well-known fame. The chair was occupied by Capt. Rees, who was supported on his right by Lieut. Stockdale (16th Bute Rifles), ...


... MISCELLANEOUS. We hear that the Ecclesiastical Commissioners are about to send an arehictect to visit'Bristol Cathedral, to report as to the safety of the tower and other parts of the building. In the course of this week, three windows of painted glass, by Hardmanu, of Birmingham, will be placed in the east cloister of Gloucester Cathedral. They are respectively in commemoration of Dean ...

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... GBEAT HAKDBL FESTITAII.—The opening of the Ticket Offices on the 13th inst. has been attended by a large amount of success. Applications for tickets were awaiting the opening of the offices on Monday morning to a very considerable extent, from all parts of the country, as well as from many places abroad. Paris, Nice, Amsterdam, Naples, Florence, and Rotterdam, sent remittances. Scotland and ...

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... By the mail steamship Roman, Mr* Baines, the Zambesi traveller, has arrived at Plymouth from the Cape. The mai' just brought over announces the wreck in Table Bay of the barque Rubens from Liverpool. On her way home the mail steamer spoke with the ship Naturalist from Calcutta, which vessel had just picked up four men who had been wrecked in the Van Capellan of Liverpool. The four men were in ...

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... THE MANIFESTO OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. The Foreign Secretary has made the following reply to the Manifesto of the Confederate States Foreign Office, Nov. 25, 1864. Gentlemen, — I have had the honour to receive the copy which you have sent me of the Manifesto issued by the Congress of the so called Confederate States of A merica. Her Majesty's Government deeply lament the pro- tracted nature ...


... If the cap fits, let him wear it. TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,-Allow me to thank you for the insertion of my letter proving the truth of Spiritualism. I have received a copy of yonr Second Edition, in which, at the request of Mr. Pride you state that he charges me with deliberately writing what I knew to be false. Unfortunately for the gentleman, the contradiction contradicts itself; ...


... (Before Mr. Commissioner Hill.) Re T. H. SMART, Cardiff, outfitter.-This was a sitting for last examination and discharge. Mr. G. L. King opposed for the assignees, and Mr. J. Inskip appeared for the bankrupt. In reply to Mr. King, the bankrupt stated that he commenced business at Cardiff on the 3rd of August, 1863, having pre- viously been a draper's assistant. Between August, 1863, and ...


... Epiphany Quarter Sessions, 1866. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County will be held at the TOWN HALL, at CARDIFF, on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of JANUARY, 1866, at half-past Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. All Appeals and Traverses must be entered before the open- ing of the Court. At half-past Twelve o'clock at noon, the Justices will ...

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... A GIRL SHOT DEAD.-Great consternation was created on Saturday in the neighbourhood of Tynypark, in conse- quence of it becoming known that a young woman named Sarah Morgan, who resided as a domestic servant with the family of Mr. Edward Morgan, Tynypark Farm, had been shot dead with a gun by a young man, George Johnson, who was in the service of Mr. Bellingham, in the same neighbour- hood. It ...


... COWBRIDGE. CRICKET.-The return match between the Cowbridge and Denmark Cricket Clubs was played on Wednesday, July 27, on the Cowbridge ground, and resulted in an easy vietory for Penmark in one innings, with 10 runs to spare. Subjoined is the score COWBBIDGE. First Innings. Second Innings. J. A. Evans, b J. R. Bassett 1 b Bruce 0 D. Thomas, b J. R. Rassett 0 c Ashmore b Bruce. 0 D. Hannan, b ...