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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEA.THS. The following is a summary of the quarterly te- turns of the magriages, births, and deaths, registered In the divisions and ditricts of Inlbnd. Tne mar- minge. 8re for Apd May, and June, 1868, and cne births aud death for July, Agust, sand 9eptembar, 1868: Marriages-The number of msriagt a registered in Ireland during the second quarter of the present v ar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7-1;rAtiBo.; -7 i March 21, at the Catholic Cdthedzel, Piye3nuth, RiPhard Charles Psley, Ansitant Surgeon ?? ?? Royal Alfred, eldest eon of Ralph Crofton Lawrenson,, Esq. lBar- riter-at-Law, to Martha, daughter of the t1se Won. Bryant Lilirorp, Esq., of Plymouth, and grand-nice of the late Admiral LillItrop, DEATIO. March 31, at 20 Grenville-street, Edward, younest soit of James Corr, Esq. RIl ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !; NEI:AL OrF ALEXAZNDER, M'GAI:RTHY, ESQ., EX.MN.P. For, CPORK. Th e remains of this lamented gentleman, who died ;,n the 2nd inst. at his town residence, 37 Upper Fitz. ?? m-street,were yestt rdasy morning. removed to the terminus of the Great Southern and Western Railway, l'ing's-bridge, for transmission to Cork, prior to their ?? derosited in the family vault at Drishane astle, DMill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD CARLISLE. lb( Lqrd Carliolo died at Castle Howard to-day. Such we are the brief but paliaally distinct words in which for the magnetic wires last night announced to the risl dlt' people that the accomplished Stateeman -the polished pla epahker-the labourious worker-and one of the but most constant and most devoted friends of this country Stir, boe paseed away for ever. A few ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAIRRIAGES AND DEATHS. Coheaefr announceesnts of Afarvkges 9z. ft, of Nrtes amd Doehs la, 6d. each; and to insure Wsereon tb amosnt must, in al oase, be pro atd BIRTHOS. April 2, at CootehilU, the wife of Mr. F. Donegan, of & April 4, ateGlenart, Blscrock, tho wife of John Murply, Esq., of a son, April 4, at S Druaricondra 11111, the wife of Mr. Edward Kevene of a daughter. April 4, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. JAMYES O'REILLY. (FROM OUR COERFSPONwENT.) STEORESTOTWW, MOYDAY.-I sincerely regret to have to record the death of the Rev. James O'Reilly, which occurred on the 25th instant in Ballinaare, in the 53rd year of his age, and 24th in the sacred ministry. Deceased had for some years felt the in- fuence of a failing constitution and was sinking per- ceptibly for the last two or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I0arge for agw~nssceoa~ru Of &farria'y o. ?? Ied =s ew-h. and z_ r s r aenoustS wat, en all ca&Sa, ierss BIPTES We are extreely sorryto learn -that theno a birth in Harconrt-street, which ap-;eared in the r . . was a fabricatirn, and ?? ucer-.- 'n rcer fa - i tences,' We carnot tcc strcr 6gy repx.-re- stab - rj.; - 'hey are as ciarepntahie as they are euw..rty, a. LlC. the eiecration of al ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. December 26, the wife of Patrick E. Norton, Esq, 8, Lower Deminick-efteet, of twin daughters. December 27, the wife of D. 0 Callaghan, solicitor, Dublin, of a son. December 27, at the Pigeon-house Fort, the wile of Mr. D. R1gSy, of a eon, December 26, at Blessolgton street, the wite of Thomas P. Lynch, Esq ,of a daughter. December 22, at Colchesitr, the wife of J. Walker, Esq., late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BUDDIR DEATH Oil DR. KITTSON, OF t L.IM33BICK. 0 (Pon 01FO OUR 001MNSONDENT,) Lihmuyei, WSDN15DaY.-The sudden and unex- I pected death of Dr. John Blakeney Kittson, medical Xofecer of .tWe Newport (county Tipperary) Dispen- I sazy, at his residence in that town, on Monday last, 3 is very much regretted by all who knew him. He 3 returned home about eight o'clock in the evening, v and having ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEiaL OF LORtD DUNIflLLIN. (FnoM' otn Breponvan.) ATvninx, WDDNED4AY.-Tha funeral of the late Lieutenant Colonel Lord Dunkellin, which took place here to-day, wae one in every reepeot worthy of the deceased nobleman, and of the great hobto of Clatricarde of'which loe was a distignzished member. 'Ihe nobilily, the gentry, aned a very largo ?? of the inhabitants of this great county,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DRTfl OF THE YEN. AWCD1c!ow LAFFAN, P.P., CANIEL, (minem ouat ?? CaRsEL, JULY 20rL-We deeply regret to #1. ?? the death f the Venerable A-1hdeaef Laffan, p,cahe4 who expiredonthis morning after an 5i3nem of a.few days. For some time pa3t bi health had been failing, and he lately sought, in the neighbourhood of Dublin, where he had been spending a few week., that relaxatio and medical ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, Aprll 1h, at Acres lionso, county Hoscommon, Ur$. D. L ynach,of a' dau~g h t er. April ID, the wito of John ?? Thompson, Esq, of Ciobfif, county Loagford, of a eon. lAdRAtilGRS, April 22, at St, Anne's church, by thes ]ROT. II. HI. Dickin- son, Hector, Daniel, eonof Lawie Fergoaon, Glasgov, to Mary aneeldet dauhterof M. Joh Laid ofthis city. April 22, at Frienda' Meeting lonae, in this ...