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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DE TU9' Iago f or earnootncerrments of 3rNvi-fagesi S. U(. ?? ?? anrc DeLdIts Is. fd. each, ano,, lo insurc insurlii 'i u1,ref ,otil, ci ntl carase, be pra ^1id. Jia.ory :;i at Iforiti-l, C ra.?s, the r a:! DlionClan. of her 21 ijes ty 'a custioiu, of aq wi JIa arto 1i, IIIit SmUith told Hotuisc, tra Oi. ne j)avidt I egoru.5n. Esq., of a son. January 3, at erano Hiousc, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, KAREIAGES AND DMATial Char~ge Jof r a toucmets of Marriages 2s. 6d., of %Wrt ?? Is. 6id. each, and to insure inurtio the ?? t ,ew, in oGU camc, be Pirepaid BIRTHS. April I9, at Grorvenor-road, Rathgar, the wife of Mr. George W. Lewis, of a daughter. April 22, at fi3 Lower Bherliff rtreet, ?? wife of Mr. P. Coyne, Qf a son. April 22, at Tullegee nouge, Louth, the wife of ThoF P. Callan ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ti BIRTHS, V April k, at Thomastown, canuty boath, the wife of James Everitt, Lq, of a daugbter. April 6, ao Lowor baggotestroet tihe ?? oftloet il Slovey. Eeq. tl 1, of a son,u a5 AprO 4, at Ft. Jamesesasquere, London, Lady Constlnco it BStobley, of aSOL. ro MARRIAGES. April 6, at Stillorgtiu Chtueh, by the Rev W 11 Farrar, F T t) O, noolsted by bhd Rev W Peckenham Waish. brai.n bunt of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIROTLS. September 1, at Bsilrasna, county Weotmeath, the wite of Robert Adamson. Eeq, of a son, B,,.'ember 18, at 1l1ndon1 the wife of ?? cilpgeg, Esq, of o.ptember 15, at Ggesnhtm-iorraco, ktingstowsl, tlie ,WII of Robert F Ellis, Esil, Sea Park, Wicklow of a daughter. S ptember 15, at Boeco lull, Cork, the wifo of Maurice Murray. Esq, of a son. September 12, at LEst llothly, Sassex, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MAIS. JA A JiE t'UONNELL, OF LAKEVIEW. Few there are who will not feel sorrow for the affliction which has fallen upon the home and hearth of one of the most distingu shed of living Irishmen, James O'Connoll, Esq., who haq ',on deprived of his devoted wife. It has l . to our lot to record the death of so ?? a lady, and her lowe will be deeply and heartily felt by all who came ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h a BIRTHS, ARRIAGIS AND DT. Chagre ;or ZannOuuors-nsa of Meia.7vje, i. i6., 14 -'is and D&sO is- 5& dA; ad K ic s-ave trrl- Of r : 0V44 wad, d l f a, ce 4:prepatd. 2 BIRTH. e December 22, at Iieutown Howe, Bieckroek, ectjty Dnblin, the wife of Ciarles Beosy 3l1don, BEs. of a daulghter, DEATHS. December 22, at St City-quay, John Paul, tle ?? child af John Murphy, aged two year; end a ha L ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. November 3, at 1, Mountjoy-lquare, the wife of William F Buchanan, Esq., ot. a aon. November 2, In Cork, the wife of Thomas Croain, Esq. of a daughter. November 2, at Belgrae' square, Rathmines, the wife of T. 11. Evanas, Ras., of a daughter. November 1, at Ratbifrilanud, the wife of William Stewart Irvine, Esq., Snb-Inipector of Constabulary, of a daughter. October 81, at 25 Athol ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF FIELD-MARSHAL LORD SEAITON. PLYMSOUTII, APRILL 17.-Field-Marshal Lord Seaton died to-day at Torquay, at the age of 87. A SUSPICIOUS FIRE. (FROM OUt CORRSPI'ONDENT) Fultusoy, APRIL 16.-On last night a houne belong- ing to a respectable farmer named Thomas Dwvyer, on the towuland of Coolnakilla, and used as s stable' and store-house, was set on firs, and tvtally consumed, to- gether ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... July 26, at 17, Upper ilecklenbozough _-rcet, the wife of Jubo Murphy, ?? of a son, July 26, at Lacketn Mdlls, salltuagb, tile wife of James E'eilly of a son. July 21, at the lectory, Bally MIElligott, the wift of the Ntv. WiNllam B. D seny, of a daughtcr. July I26, at Mountyleusunt, ltathmiues, tha wife of E. 1. Snn3tt, Esq., of a eon. July 23, at Cloon Rectory, Lady Olivia Fitzpstrickc, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF CORNELIUS EGAN, ESQ, J.P. We deeply regret to have to announce the death of Cornelius Egan, Esq., J.P., which melancholy event oc- curred on Thursday, at his residence, Howth. Mr. Egan for a long period held a high position in the mer- cantile world, and ?? the friendship and esteem of all his fellow-citizens. lie was for years an alderman of the Dublin Corporation, and was remarkable ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF COLONEL NIXON, ROYAL AfIt&ILULRY. Yeeterday the remains i-f Lieuwenant Colonel Nixon, royal Artillery, who died suddenly on tho 17th inst., were coneigned to their last resting phtco at Moun' Jerome Cemetery, with full enilitary honours. At half- past eleven o'clock the procession left Portobollo raclis, in which the deeeased officer had been quartered, the band of the 11Dh ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. hi September 2, at Dover House, Whitehall, London, the Via- tr countess Cllfden, of a son and heir. September 4, at Gowran, county Kilkenny, the w3fe of Edwd. B. Taylor, Esq., of a daughter. At Woolwich, the wife of Captain A. If. Calvert, of a daughter. 01 At Edgbaston, thf wife of George A. Ereritt, Esq., Belgian at and Hanoverian Clnsul at Birmingham, of a sen. tc At Sloane street, ...