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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BRIITHS. August 22, the wife of Mr Hi Gormuan, Sislus-stret, of 0 a ccii. t August 22, at eTmplemore, the wife of CaPtall Lee, 16th Regiment, of a son. August 2, at Grosvonor-sqiuaro, London, Lady Adolla C Manners, of a daughter. August 19, at Penrith, Cumberland, the wife of Major Cowper, 15th Regiment, of a daughter. E August 22, at Woburn-placo, Cork, the wife of Philip Barry, i Esq, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lsil; Its. January 11, at 7 Lower Doiigu'k-str. -, Iho wi o oM M!. lMadden, io a la'glier. inhaity 8, at -Staiulp,), ilungaryr, ilte wvo of Osptft urfirlay, 4th Imperial Uviuslers, ofi a aso. January 8, at iedford ltoute, Li'wwel, the wife -of the rev. George Fitzmauriue, of a *cus. January I10, at Viliz Nova, Monaghan, t1he wvif of Tins. A. Young, Efsq., of a 6son Jnnuaty 3, 1it SouULlb, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. 'Oettber 4, at VYsnt~or Villa, tbe wits of Maj6or nemral Charls Smitb, of a son. I I Ostobsr 1, at arOvlie, WeAtport, the WIfe 9o BR W Jeiryi' EBq, of a daughtlr, zMARRI&GlS.: OCtober 10, at St Mary,# church, Donnybrook, by the Rbev Yroderick Fitzgerald, A M. ineumbent, Mr WilliamGreene, ?? audymootn2 to Both r, eldest daughber of Mr William Hlenry Adapie, Churchb avenue, Idehtown. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... U3l.tRTJ3S. August 21, at 7 Upper Claubrassil.street, the lady of John F. Ailnslie, Esq, of a daughter. August 24, at Lezayre, iiltbqev, ;ha wifoe-e Thomas Hugh Fieming of a daughter. August 21, at Montrose, Scotland, the wife of the Rev. Win. James Pollock, A.B., ?? of 'a son. August 24, nt 4,,'thaolvfe of George Aie-- ander Stephens, Eeq, of a son. August 24, In Eccles ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ry 8O,,ets ?? 80tht]1 DOVOD, thc wife of Lieutenant Ci16nel W. 1iri~eoil Goe~et Alayal ?? of ea daughiter. ,-lthary 1, eat Uii~bfeltIroIrncondra the wlfr of Doctor AIdresu kautce, of a ilOD f.briumil 1, Ut. Dremhlrhs Nevt ~oardnthe wife of John 'iMoux, Esq,. of a daughter, January fl, in London, the wife of George A: Wilkinon, Zeq., l]ta 76t11 Uegi3ment of a daugl4er. MARIIAGESi 1jeboiry 9, In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHSS. At 19, Talbot-.treot, the wite of Captaela Murray of a u son, El April 25, at Mount Prospect, Elilarney, the wife of Daniel v OConnell OReardon, Esq, of daughter. April 28, at Kingston House, Bnthdrum,' county Wicklow, b the wife of Johu W Fetherston H, of a daughter. April 80, at 1, Lonnox-plece, Lennox-street, the wife Mr. JohnlfGlyanof a son, . April 27, at Monordreo Mills, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... July 12, At 1' Cabra-torruce tho vito of C J Goden, Eaq, of a EOI. Jaly 12, at aer rosllence, C Lelnstor-aquare, llathmine. the wife of hitllard Grtel. saollejtor, of a daughter. July Io, at Ceiaoesier, the widf, of Captaln Fitzroy, 63d CSaimtUt, Of 11 dOuSbier. July 11 at tbo Catholic church, L-ncau, by the Rev F ?? s, , ?? by the Very Ray Monsignor Woodlock, TIIorla Wrardlock, Esq, only ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DAIITH FROM SUFFOCATION. Dr. Kirwan, city coroner, held at ?? ge6 terday, at Bamlield.line, respecting the death of Peter Devili, aged eighteen years, who ?? found dead in a sewer in Benson itreet on tho previous day. Wailter Mooney was oxamined, and statod that VbUo be was passing by the open saewer in Beu o-'frmt yes- terday morning, between ten And eleven ,c'e0 he I aw a man lying aeppre&f ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ERIN CORR, ENGRAVER, OF ANTWERP. (F7RO1 A CORREsrONDExr.) We read, with sincere regret, the announceinsfnt in the Belgian journals of the death of Srin Corr, the dis- linguished engraver. After ten year' continuoua laboar at large line engravings from Rubenes celebrated pic- tures in Antwerp cathedral, the Descent from the Cross, and the ' Raising of the Cross, Mr. Corr went to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF TEE REV. G. BRENAN, CORE. For many years we have had to notify no intelligence in our columns, the announcement ol whtchbs eaused i uc BhC4 sincere sorrow as does that convayed in this i brief obituary notice. Men have passed from amongst i us during that time; wtho, for their exallenc'e In public anid jn yeate, havie merited, and reaceived frpm uis,'the :eulogtaima fairlyaccorded to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE WARQUIS OF NORMANBY. We have to announce the death of the Marquis of Normanby, K.G., who expired at five o'clock on Taes- day, at Hamilton Lodge, Southl Kensington. We are informed that his illness assumed a serious aspect on Monday, and in consequence his brother, Sir Charles Phippe, and other near relatives were summoned to London. The Right Hon. Constantine Henry Phipps, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIlUTHS. January 27, at Mlt.h-lelstown, the wlfa of Thom, I Carroll, Esq, of a daugihter. January 24, at Clogheen ilouse, Buttrvani, the wife of Chrihtopher Croits, lieq, ot a daughter. January 23, at Budlingtonn 11aIie, Norfelk, tile Wire of Captain Harry Marshall, tih Royal Lancers, ofa son, MARRIAGES. January 20, a' Phlbsborouh cihurch, by the Rev. P. H. Kelly, essisted by thc Rev. Mr. ...