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Freeman's Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIlRtHlS. tlay C, at LOGgwOod-avtiiue, tne wiro of C. A. Cuooefr, I q, Slffolk Artillery, of a soc. May G, at NnRst ttio wifc of Mr. W. S. Gray, oae daughter. May 6, at Itcrris Houe, the wift of Arthur Kiavanagb, Eaq,, of a daughter. Mlay 6, at Cliltco, Lady Oaklely, of a son and heir. UIA11IIAGES. llay C, by the V ery Rev. Dr. White, O.r Francis Browne, Esq., captein of her Majeatys rcrenue ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... November 21, at 7t', Nabbot-btreet, the wife of Mr.J 3 . Ba ry of a 60n. November 28, thewifo of Mr. William Murphy, 116, James's street. of a Eon. November 23, at Bantle lloue, county Tipperary, tho life ot Edward Kennedy, Esq, of a son aud heir. t November 26, at.I'lienix-terrace, Blackrock, the wife of Joseph Aichibald ilaxwell, Zeq, of a daughter. November 2D, in Cork, the wife of it'lerc ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BlIlTHiS. February 10, at Coloralne, tho wife of John Batt, Eisq, of a daughter. February 7, at hiugstown, thU wife of John J. Greene, Eiq, of a son, February 14, the wifo of Lieutonant Colonel Keogh of a daughter. February 8, at Annoghmore, county of Sligo, the wifo of Charles W. O'Hara, Esq, M.P., of a Ron. December 10, at Barnside, Manuritius, the wife of Captain Downes, Royal Artillery, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... tlllitliS ; April 9, at 18, Great Brunswick-street, the wifa of Mr. Jaines Froan of a son. April 11, at Gro.venor-sqruar, Rathmlnco, tho wift of R. J. Graiham, Esq, of a son. April 11, in Prtssia-strpet, tV.e wife of J. 11. V. Pooley, Elq, of tile Quartei moaster-Goneril's Departiernt, of at daugirter. April 10, atDundalhl, Wie wife of the 1Rcv. jeocrlh G. R1t rs- ford, of a sne. April 6, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE flEY. W. JIINNINGS. We deeply regret to have to announce the pronmaturo death of the Rev. WVilliam Jennings, Profemsor of aloral Philosophy in St. PatriclLgd College, Aftaynotilsh The sad event took place ) cstcrday at the College, after an illness of a few days. This lamented youngolergyman was a native of the archidiocese of Tuamis, and received his eal ly education in tbe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fit II i tS, April 02, in Lower Domninlk-street, the wife of Sergeamt Aristrong, of r daughter. April 17, at Ltsslcone, county Sligo, the wife of Hwactin 0 M Dermott. Erq, of a daughter. b April 25, at tC, Irlisitolvn-road, the w1fa of Mr. J7aha i Laslor, of a Son. MARR!AGES. April 24, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rlv. Ailelunder B. Wilson, A.B., cousin of the bride, William. Carrothoro, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIIS. August 4, at Claridogh, county Galway, tho lady of Jaman li Kelly, Esq, of a son. August 7, toe 1fle of Peter Bfrne, grocer, 13S,. ,Tsaia'es- street, of a son. August 6, at Eglinton-terroce, Wellilgtoe read, the wits of William Lyons, solctror, of a dtugilcite. Aegust t, at Cenmtanliople, the wife of Major Gurdia, R. E. of a son. MARRIAGES. August 6, at Marlborough otreotCheurc, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? Neovuiber 20, at 2Q, Amiolr. seircct, the wifc of Tholnas R. Crosby, LBq , of a aOn. November I9, at 4, Newgrore aveltle, Saendyenat, ?? re'e tf Catilln Jainie O8 iaroll, of a daigiter. Noveniber 19, at .:1, :Igegravoe sqiare, the Coroulesa of Strribroee. of a sorn and heir. Navvemfer I, at Lenaiexvilte, Canada East, the wife of Arthdr D. Capel, Esq. of Blsbop'a College, of a oll. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRtH13S. Febs-reay 4, at Molcsworlh-strect, thle Iton. Sirs. larrell, of a sol. Fbelivary 2, at 25 lloyal Teirrace, Kigslgevn, the wife of P. It. lIurphly, esq, of a eonI. February 3, at ?? Earl-street. the wev'e of Mr. JOIhD Nag-c, of a son. January 23, at Inverness, the v;fe of C.etahin Piatl, Royal Enjileere, of a son. January 31, at Dover, the wife of s. 1. Dougisa-Willan, Egq., late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTITS. 'epitenmber :0, at- the Bank I ousc, Roicommon, tbe wife of J. C. FEq., Campbell of a Eon. September 28, at Maine-strect, Blallymoney, thc wile of Mr. J. Kavanaglh, of a son. Scptember 27, at tC Abbey-Arect, Arcnagh, themifoof Mr, John Ittlty, of a daughttr. Septcmuber 23, at 3 ConsoLyr. Buildings, Drogi-b-l, the wife of Mr. J. Wcbster, of a inust:ter. Septeoiber 23, at 54 Bkenhaus ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNEiRAL OF THE LATE LIEUTENANT. COLONEL 0. H. CLIFFEI. (FROM OUR COBRESPOlNDONT.) The interment of the late Lieutenant-Uolonel Chas. Henry Cliffe, whose death occurred at Bray on the 24th September, took place on last Friday, at Col. latin, Ramsford, on the estate of Stephen Rtam, Esq., in the county Wexford. The remains of this much-lamented gentleman were accompanied from Bray by the Very ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BMITES. MARRIAGES, AMMD DEATH& CA.r~et toe PLFsIC,.oenr.e.s of Mfa rmsp, ffaL ei C'f >t)l? anid DCatks, IL. 6d& ni nd i 't e-.w I wswist nfust, in GU axsmt , be pre-.p d. Jarnuary ?? at n h:stort-terra-e, t: e wife 5' C ?? :4 laelcon, Esy,, of a d(:g:htr. 2S, at tie f h . 1 ?? John the c S.- :. taNO, by the Vely liev. Csrcon flooney. P.P.. Dee-s El'. Clonthrf, to Annie, dat:rhter of narsies ...