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Glasgow Herald


... Crclcrcr.--On Saturday afternoon a ; ins W.I ?? tlj ' 1 the Wellingtor Park, boetween civetn of tae TLs~le arnd ele en of the Albion Club. wvhien the 1aIte . OTc rorious by 23 iuns-the iormer having Ecurt 4' ,e lstr:: 2. NARROW EscAPE.-About half-past ?? i o night, a jokier, named dame- Icvie, ?? Ve iI Street, GsaEgow. while sauntering alang Ltlc qnu.ys 'I a 'tahe -f intoxication, he ...

Published: Tuesday 05 June 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 722 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TEE CONGRESS AT BADEN-BADEN. The Baden-Baden correspondent of the Iii4~peidace Belge writes as follows:- Baden-Baden, June 17. Among the motives which seem to have induced the Emperor of the French to seek for an interview with the Prince Regent of Prussia, his desire is quoted to prove, de. spite the policy, more or less revolutionary, which France is accused of favouring, or at least ...

Published: Saturday 23 June 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1179 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE JEARL OF GLASGOW. na Sof- Rn ?? Pasti 11fL f-0-J ?? - - icY (Prom Bafly's Monthlyj Magaine of Sports and Pastlnes) th There are'few portrits, We con3cei've, Which will be more .,velcome to the readersi of ,a magazine Purporting to illustrate w cur national sports and Pastimes than that ?? ,Glasgow, a nobleman of whom Scotland may well be pod i as a liberal supporter of her national ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1880 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... BAIWAY A ?? --PxOPusanD I DEENDBNT LiNz TO GuAsCOv.-Fur many years the railway accommo- dation provided to the people of Paisley has been one of their snandirig grievances, and the protests that have been lodged against the treatment to which they have been sub- jected in this respect have been both loud and long. The ted 6uccees of the n aew tram railroad at Birkenhead has 'ed not a few ...

Published: Wednesday 12 September 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1467 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... , INvFimAn3.-The ,treasurer- of 'the Infirmary begs to £ acknowledge receipt.of £4, 13st Id,, handed by Mr. William Coats, junr., being collection ?? (afterdefraying expenses' - at the sermon preached by -Mr. Thomis Cooper, in the High S Cburcb, on the eveuing-of Sunday; 11thinst. . AssAuLT.-On Thursday,- before Mr. Sheriff Campbell, b Samuel 3M'icbael, weaver; -Kilbarchai, waiconvicted, on. ...

Published: Saturday 24 November 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1143 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IRIGH' OF VOTING IN MORE T1HAN ONE WARD. | I --A Wn - . -.1- I An iinpre@011 seems to have been formed in'some quar- tera thst the ?? addressed by the Lord -Provost arid Magistrates to the L,%rd-A voacte for his opinion, in refer- enoe to the right of an ?? tp vote in more than one ward at the same election, was a one-sided document. It will, however, be seen from the copy of that memorial ...

Published: Thursday 25 October 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 925 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... , ta ?? a - I; THERE has been anotli;.coit peon thy Fax niards and the Mo., a1L.tE beineeatwith. a loss of 1500 e- tered 40,000 -men, the Spani loss is-estimated onlyt at from 400 to 600. A telegram from Modena mentions thabt Govern- ment has instituted proceedings against the Inquisitor Filetti, and caused him to be arrested, for kidnapping the Jewish child, Mortara. The proceedings have L ...

Published: Tuesday 03 January 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2672 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TI. T 0 NwDYrA YOV2CG ME.i'S LITERBASY COMPETITTO SCHEME. This scheme, 'which embrace this and the adjoining S parishes of Lochwinnoch, Houston, and Kilmalcohn, was set IE agoipg two years ago, with-a -view to the -improvement of young men. The mode of procedure is shortly thus:-Cer- tain subjects of study, with relative text-books, are pre- F_ scribed; a year is allowed for preparation, ...

Published: Tuesday 10 January 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 774 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE SEWAGE QUESTION-NOTE SUPPLE- MENTARY. 0 To the Editor of the Glasgow Heamd. SI,-Nothizg is so likely to procure for our cities, anad m that speedily, a perfect reform in all which relates to the e faults of our present sewage system-or any other acknow. ledged abuse-as the vigorous expositions of the press, F manifested as occasion may require in the influential organs s of public opinion. ...

Published: Wednesday 04 January 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1331 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, MARCH 19'. LT Grje ?? Taylor will assume the corn a Zaand'bf the trooprs inll.amaica, in succession to Maj or ox General E. W. Bell, whose command expires. hi Dir. Laurence Oliphant is about to meet with a w ?? rival in the person of the Marquis de Mfoves, 1al -wvho was otf'clif to Lord Elgin's French colleague in b the embassy to China, Baron Ores. The Marquls' hi a Ce~cjltictic na of ...

Published: Tuesday 20 March 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2402 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... i ITS RAVAGES IIN JAMAICA. To the Editor of the Glasgow HeIrld. SIB,-I hope you will excuse me for again offering to pub. lie notice a few further remarks on the subject of smnallpor, especially as this disease has been so extensively fatal in Glasgow during last month. The Registrar-General has had to report not fewer than 59 cases ending fatally, 37 being children under five years of age. ...

Published: Thursday 19 January 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1894 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LETTEER FROM M. ALEXANDRIS DUMAS. /V-- to . I (Farom the SR.ecle.) rm S ilan, January 2. After stating his intention speedily to publish a life of Garibaldi, for which that patriot has furnished hims with every necessary information, and which, he says, will be more inteiestiog than any romance, however pictureerlue, M. Dunsas then proceeds- Itave just passed five days in Venice. This ...

Published: Saturday 11 February 1860
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 949 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News