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Advertisements & Notices

... 0h entleiaun who giiye the Ilse of bis 11 V,1l.1ri11 Wbt Two (hr utilemei en board the Jar., on H1111TdaY, VVill (leaC huts aidmitrat 3 (31. Bauch 9(paiiOre, it will giblig.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C~1ONSIONTEES WANTED, for Four Hhlds. 514'31MA ph oilitrdpcj Pli arrio J. I. rattlillo by John ivi* cgg r~iida, il, risgne t orer bked il S. Apply to 2(1t 'Ii &N1nt. St. ranoe Square, Chisgoir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tgeot, ?? on1 Tuesdahy Nli'ht, at 7 O'clock, at the w rc`i (tred ?? Railway Station. Glasgow', ,xIV tii~hfltiii Bou Notes.Wli~eer re~turns- the .0 r, Srinait. Suarerntendltnt of Pollee, WIllb. ad a- fT ina Sopin the neighbourhood of Li rei err Frday last, a Gentlemfan'li GOLD ~ u~f ~id (H IN.It i- respettf'ulY ?? tint the iFFY i ito Wter Closet of the ;Vivid,) .12 ,5t 1lriine.arGOLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U lERTHSHIRE HIGHLAbN3 7 ?? , jL COACHING ARRANGSMRE'FS. 17 11,A01N 1864,B DUNlIRELD and BIENAM to CAILANbEn, via Aber- fely, rai~otl Ontle 1enmC~Loch Tay, E3on lawe. HBIAn, call ch ?? QUEEN OF13A11Y Coach will astart on aclirdO, 4th Jyo e'avlcuc Dakell and Bicicatu at 8.30 AM. aridl L~allsanor at 10 A. i., every la~wful 3 n From acid Illrrona to Callancer tho Coamb 12 atspsat Xillin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CL yD EN YA I G A T I 0 N. Th TtITE ofthe CLYDE N~AVIGATION invite ii.Ifw 'E~tt QAYsodDWLLNGHOUSE iii 1~iE~t~' f 1(1 tljOiiSl~D N !orth QaLe l~oiidit leslt Ihcliau Cacie recot, Glasgow Blarbour, ?? tice above Worke to be0 seen In ?? o Sp-the Eujgr' unit Sestted Tendlerol to be lodgett ?? 11 'Itf cithet EoinerlOCO or before Moniday, 19th Sept. Vtie TenIttee) do not btitd tttemooglves to accept ...

Advertisements & Notices

... volntu bar.-OONTrKURD. XEW MOURNING WINiCEYS. A Large Choice of the Brat iealty: also, XNIIWA.U'?UMX DRESS FABRICS, SKIRT, 4 aude and trimmed, always Tho Newest Fashions in MOURNING BONNETS, MANTLE an RESMK G The StSoE is at Ipreoent wei assorted in Mourning, Silk, and WVol Fabrics and ~eery Article nessacary in Mourning. CITY OF' GLASGOW MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 241 SiUCMIE5[ALL STrEET. INTIMATION ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE WITaDRAWN. TRE LODGING -No. 29 Buckingham Terrace Tadvertised fer Sale on 25th iast., has been, SOLD BY PAX- .VATh BARGAIN. LODGIN G No. S0 simnilr, Is for SALE, on the tst Febrexsy, withln the Faculty 3iall, at Tvvo ocleck. Price, £1450. leth abuary, _80. TOST, e £20 NOTE of the CITY OF GLASGOW JLf BANK, by a Working Man, betwetn Warwick Stieet, Broomieialw, and Carrick Street. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIC. BE PROPERTY, No. 65 Gitat Clyao Street, T baxing been disposed oi privately, tbe Public Sale advertisod or the 29th instant 'WILL NOT TAKE PLACE. P'GRIGOR, STEVENSON & FLEMING. fBE SALE ,f PROPERTY in Hope Place and .L Royal Steeet. Gourock, advertieed for Thursday the 23d instant, iS POSTPONED until further notice. P. BURN & Co. Glasgow, 20ih le1., ISCO. T OST, onSaturday, a MOURNING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - |~t~ ?? __ E 1F0:gE M ORRI SON DY ' WYXWYND, PAISLEY, ?? altr.:esl km of DY A VESSELS, in Copper, Lead, Block or bAL, cabout 10C0 Feet of 2-inchh MMALLEABLE IRON a^u NIRAIR PIPES,8a fatili Price. ?? on end FewOLD OILERS~. dei, d-1 A NITE RITERIAL o o any Size -erescip- tion. and Colour, Shipped direct from the Qaarries, or at Depot in GlasgoW. GRANITENWOflKMANSRIP of every description ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MfEE Vriter of the Letter signed A Lover of 3. Vfrlre. is earnestly rsequesed to coummunilate frther, vvith Address, to the RIeCip.fnt. VALUABLI] IRON TOIIKS, AT POP.T-DUNDAS, GLkSGOW. HE SALE of these WORKS, which was to take place To-Day, h -s bcen Pi)SIPONED in the m esitil ne. l'TEAR ir lC;EIIPf, Auctioneers. 'NOTICE. hAIE O SUBJfECTS, Tg.XPLEH[LL, Troon, sS AdVetise'd to tale place To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, I or *d WEST OF SCOTLAND INSTITUTION as FOR THE BOARD AN;D EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES ki ?? the Superintendence of the Misoss HARLEY. TfIE FOURTH QUARTER of this I-NSTITUTIONI j. wvill COMMENCE on TH}URSDAY, 15th inst. tn Prospecteses may be had from MNr. D. Bryce, Buchanan Street, or at the Institution. in 1 Claremont Terrace, 8th March. WTRITING and BOOK-KEEPING. Le ANDERSONIAN UNIVERSiTt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AROYLLSHIRE. ROUP OF GRASS PARJKS. rHE GRASS PARKS on the Estate of POLTAL- LOCH, at Cailton Mlor, near Lochgilphend, will ba LET, by nblic Roep, on. the Grotud, ?? ra the4t} May, IBE at velv. Ifoos. They are Vfell Dr~ned, Fewied, and Sheltered, fithlaursie zsapply of Water, and Very suitable for Hlogg Wvintering after theo 2.ovlo1Vte ofbcattlenthe fallof theyeawr. Rat House, 10th April, 1S£0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .EDINRUOO AND GLASGOIV RAILWAY, p~EDUCTION OF NGEP 1LONDON. fiter1in theitJ0 an ti ?? lowng illha he F.'AzflA from QUEEN - fl STATION to LONDON, XONG's CR'Oss Ex -re.Ras.INt Clas. :lst Class. IGlss. I1st Clas ?? &is. G 2 7os. 5Si. BY ORDXR. Gempiln'S Offices, Glasgow, 15Oth .Tuoe, 1850. C A L E DON2~ TAN R A I LW1AY. RF.DtC LiN OF _31t ASSENCGERg' FARESToLONDON. onand aftr the let .Thly. ISM00 ...