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Advertisements & Notices

... Wn~intiU Carb%-co INTEUnD. GRELAT CLEARING SAUE OF- lE-RAPERY AND MILLINEIRY GOODS 3L# AT 15 AND 47, JA51AICA STREFT. Premises Crowded to-the Street, the saute Busers ?? daly. S. D. S. 6. Black Dres;s Silks, 2s. 4d. to 6s. Sellig at S to i 8 Fancy Dresses andlStuffCoodls. 7L to ,, O 4,, 1 11 Straw and Fancy Bonnets, is. ?? 0 1 26 Bonnwet Rlibbons, Gil. to to. Gd . 0 ?? ?? 1 24 Capl Fronlts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .u ?? -s ED, as WITN'ESSES, any Pei'Solis Who pr( to Sinday.Afternoon, at Fotni o'clock, in 'r lanti -ovtb te owniter in whicha Soldier wO. heing 1 ,iA'hile i-oing cunyoved to the Pollee Otic. t-i atet oin bhabit of t~o (tentl~ieme wsht re- ia htiI'iliC anl ttoat- .nw cb~arged Lib ob- il, ?? lA2ti, Hil Sou1thern NucropOlig, on1 ?? 4i. itSIL RERLLA. 'The -luder ~ ~ . ~i v l-.- -. it a No ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iz- 1m 0 ?? o'ckock on Tilursday i ยข . gf l19 i, Pcarsionor, 47 yoara of rgo, about l ?? b. ablh rowu hrior, andgrya hie, in bla1 5t 'ti'ced ?? and br.wnu tol) coat, inih uetdl pealt, and a rod and blank oravat, I' tOO ' i rugircttal nuunber, 3S9, on thern. * t3 tO cc Any jiforniation ?? him j tl Ffoly reedisid by his Wife, Mrs. Ann Uolfat .51 ' ' l z~t ,Uiallo rvgatoc D DEAD BODY.-About 5 P.M ...

'Oakc, fk& Nzss;s. A

... . & C. BLACK have lately Published the following W ORKS BY DR. BRYCE, IV OF THE HIGH SCHOOL E TREATISE- ON ALGEB RA. Third Edition. Price Ss, ?? ?? from the Author on several importnt points, we acknowledge the care and clearness with which he has done bis work; and so, rodoubt, do others. Thizis thb Tkird Edition. _A-. therrUm'~., A CO.NPANION TO THE AL'3ESA-For purposes of Self- Instruction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,alt% bp Aa0t4fl-ONTriUED. TO BE SOLD BY PIUBLIC AUCTION, AND GAND.ILL T BUSINESSO LonZ ?? totT 3.:, -rn. Met~Itt, at a3l Garscubs Road. QOM!8TERYJ LLE ?? CUNNINGHAMN will Sell the S, above 0- i nuo tiGt), 'wthin the Comumercial Sale Rooms, 61 No, '01 SVeet, Te-Day (WednesdaF) 'd Sept., at Tweo o'clock ' Cks SUPERIOR MADDERS. >49 Cases .i 2 - ?? ASS0 S E?-s GLUE, 9 Boxe3 SOAP - A 1- N--flROT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A IIC sic. Tinursdayhast,AVILIlAM eke',t Iii btiggt and a' Years of age. ttnn 'oeitt b h k molesk~in trouselrs, -IX sytnormamtion rega-rding hin I Im 'ouiade, 381 Garocube Road. ?teGOLD RING fromt 7 >1~ ~ ~ ?? estezd to Return the aru a ?? so'nne, comlpulsory stepo3 will Loelon onl Tcely Ap N 'i >t'ittt , Wih ,lc Coe.T~onerda N'N Ngg l- N ?? oe. h we S ..O':e~tittellto Steam~er's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rAiL%--('NDl~ED ~ 0N1)ONPIANO-FORTES. A 's sli'eisiit alnut. ?? .. ?? PIA.NTFORTES, New, and 'lnerttrol, andP I at cdl Price~s, from Fne 'acted~~ 1.if / hit the Ctou'tlrsl I ?? NI~th ?? Olt.-EES. Pest Is. Id. 11.~ ?? 1.D AID5>0 M-LSiCA1. TNl>0itt''ENT SELLER, 1tJ BU'CHANAN si10*ET. - ttN~i-N 'IAUF4h'ES. A E M S M A Y I, I 1. '51tt'U ?1 iK ?? i j- tre. Golden Lyre. - i i' ,sit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBEI3.T IA'E~hAl (Lato M'Tcar & Keinmpt'), R AUGTIONEEI1 A'7D VALUA\TOR. siT. MAs5'NS llAtlcL S3 'so5 37 Tt TIO~i~~ STREET. XaCtI-OT i ozan c an VLUTON ?? ?? os,,> ; srp ieu a a,51the Siaks Rooms ace nusr~iiis'ae. Tho S tr'eie extensiV8. J' Tiso Elegant tssrge ?? le ee 4It bios *onl LE6I. ATS ST. Mt lIY'5 BALL. ToAlY. 'P1'UIL.J SA1.1 OE VA1.VABLF BOOKSI!, le, Varions 0 irzatiiient.O 08 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vimji'6tI~dujAssocithior bleing aoun Mgrth o ~oflclna thoeirn Metin ?? h I 28th Nov ., 1 8 ?? . . . . 28 4 0 An offering fromth mngiho O~lin.h in Batain aala jemiitted by Itev. D. Smith, per George Mart~in, 24 G 0 l5th L.R.V.-Proceeds of Conrert,.. ?? 20 0 0 ?? ]ron Works Friendly Soeotyy per Thos. M'Intsoit,, ?? 10 0 0O ' William eu en.13 Seekwdll ?? ?? ?? 5 0 0 O 3mlye ?? Ceobe D Sonpel ts.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,_ 'f wtb* par~in CONTINV1!D. corm an ofzoo temorin voringcondition; goes pge o. e~y in Singlodof Double Harness, m carries either a lndy SrQ be seen 3t Stable, 1 Claremont Lane. TO FARMERS, CARTERS, &c. ('lAST HORSES.-Four Strong, Uaefal HORSES, V workhog in the Goven Omnmbn~e4, TOR SALA, Cheap. Apply at the Office in Govan. 0 R S A L E, a Large-Sized DOG (Bitch), 13 F months old, first-rate ...