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... The condemnation of the Circassian is con-, firmed. We are ?? to notice that the Rev R, A. I Redford, M.A., of Hunll, and Mr G. B. Eidd, of Shef. |field, are arnogst those who hve just passed an ;examination, iu the first division at London University, for the degree of Bachelor learned in Laws. TEMPORAaY HMomE FOR FALLEN WoMEN IN NILE-STREET AND TuE HULL PHNITRNTIARY.-Ou Sunday last two very ...

Published: Friday 04 July 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3018 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... I I DISSENTERS'FEELYNG TOWARDS THlE CHURCHl. TO THE EDITOR OP THE HULL PACKET.3 Sia,-! was resding the other day an acecount of the last meeting of the Evangelical Alliance, and I there found that the feeling of Dissent towards the Church, and of the Church. th towards Dissent, wae becoming everyvthing that could be an wished. To look abroad over the reltg 005 world was to look be upon a ...

Published: Friday 06 December 1861
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2727 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... THE WEST RA.RTLEPOOL SWINDLE. AT length a glimpse of daylight is given 'to those who are interested in the affairs of the West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway Com- pany. Mr CoLSXF&N's dark lantern had more than once cast a lurid glare into the hidden recesses containing the secrets of this company, but we and many others were willing tG believe that its light was deceptive, and that things were ...

Published: Friday 11 April 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 914 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... HULL PRICE CulRR4EN'r. CORRECTED UP TO LAST EVENNG IINSEED-ia ?? aq r ?? 0 0 0 @ £0 00 Do EastIndia . 3 5 0- 3 10 0 Do Egyptian . 0 0.o - 0 0 0 Do Petersburg fine .3 0 0- 8 3 0 Do Archangel ,. 3 O 0 0 0 00 Do Riga 215 0- 217 0 Do Maneland konigaberg ,, 2 14 0 2 16 0 RAPESEED-German& Danish ?? 3 10 0- 3 12 0 Do Black Sea and East India.. 2 0 0- 2 10 0 OIL, OLIVE-3allipoli, V ton ?? 61 t 0 -82 0 ...

Published: Friday 14 November 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1859 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... WE trust that what our reporter terms c a scene at the weekly meeting of the Scul- coates Guardians on Tuesday last, will not be allowed to stand in the way of the buildinag of a fever ward, already sanctioned by the board at more than one meeting. The parish has very little to do with any personal animosities that may exist between. the clerk of the board and the medical officer of West ...

Published: Friday 14 August 1863
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 639 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... CURIOUS iLECTURE ON OYSTERS.. LAUGHABLE SCENE.: About a forteight ergo, the good folks of Preston were surprisedby adviertisements announcing that. Mr Robert Blezard was about to deliver a lecture d. On Oysterse their ?? qualities, and excellence as an article of food. Mr Bleiardas practical acquaintance with the subject was admitted, as he has been many years exten- sively eligaged as a ...

Published: Friday 11 October 1861
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1661 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 0 As our readers will be aware there has been a miu- c isterial crisis in Canada, consequent upon the rejection d of the Militia Bill. The London Times takes the a opportunity thus afforded of giving some general advice a to the Canadians. The writer says: -Let Canada look t carefully at her own circumstances, let her statesmen fl study the tone of the American press, and the strange a and ...

Published: Friday 13 June 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 821 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... H Halleck's Head-quarters, May Sb. During all of last night the moving of cars aua suppressed whistles sounding betokened some move. ment going on, but, it not being any extraordinary occurrence, was not considered of an extraordinary nature. About five o'clock this morning several explosions were distinctly heard. Immediately after skirmishers were thrown out, and a general advance took ...

Published: Friday 13 June 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1916 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... - 1~ r w. - I LOCAL JNTELLIGEINCE. in: ?? I rn SCIooIs or APRT.-The minutes of fte 4 Education Committee of the Privy Council, mcade in n' Fehruary and March, prescribing new arrangennents for t? grants to schools of art, have been laid before the b House of Comnions. The committee have resolved that t after the lot of October, 1863, payments will cease to s be made in respect of the ...

Published: Friday 08 May 1863
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4493 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... FRANCE. agal PAtI~s, March 31.-It is officially stated that M. our Fould will not quit thenministry. ther FRANCE AND MEXICO, n . a1w Youx, March 17. the The march of the French army frone Orizaha copa_ Die menced on the 19ti nit. us E Previonsly to leaving Orizaba General Forey cietned a T proclamation Similar in spirit to thedone be masde on- the brat 17th, and thanking the people of the ...

Published: Friday 03 April 1863
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4099 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... I PARIS, May 28.-Their Majesties yesterday received a visit from the Duke of Brabaut. MADBID, May 27.-The rumour that the Minister of Finauce would tender his resignation is unfounded. THE POLISH IfqSURRECTION. OgAcow, May 28. On the 25th instant the band of insurgents under Oxioki, gained au iimportant victory over the Russians jnear lionicipo on the Pelica, in the governmenst of Kalish. ...

Published: Friday 29 May 1863
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 507 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... IIOCAL INTELLIGEN1-EW We understand that his Grace the Archbisbop of Y(ork will viait Hull to-tuorrow (saturday), for the PsuIT 'e of coneecratitig the burial- ground of the horlugh, Tcently purchased by th~e Local Board of Helth, fxouu the HuX~ll General Cemetery Comparly. We Pre also giveo t) understand that arrangeruents have heet maide by the authorities of Holy Trinity Church to have the ...

Published: Friday 04 April 1862
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2162 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News