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Advertisements & Notices

... wiooh%, *c. THE WESTERN BOOK CLUB The NEW CATALOGUE, eontaining about 148) Books, ie row Beady, and may be had, gratis, on application. Books arci Periodicals sent daily to Town Subsoribers. Boese of Books sent daily to al parts of the Country. JAMES MAOLEHOSB, Bookseller to the University. 61 ET. VINCENT STREET. BRYCE'S READING CLUB. Now Ready, She CATALOGUE for 1805, containing all the N{ew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eglugil g 6arboi-CONTINUED. iO N VAL:S GENT HOME. c oCTYiAII ]4TH, 15rc, AND ?? DEC. Te r Cest DiecO'izt, or TWO Shilllngs a Pouni, allowed Du all I'urch5sea for the Blazar, A*&J. DO0U G LAS. .GOLDEN BALL, 133 BUCHANAN STREET. GREAT DISPLAY EVENING DRESSES OPERA MANTLES, ILOwmRl, i~XTHERS: HEAD-DRESSES, BERTHES, &c., ?? THE GRANITE WAREHOUSE. i~iERD2E~fWflEYS, Is.Fi, 41d.> &IslOd., worth la ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOTICE, T H.B. SIt TATION I the M ?? Firuk, Green- ] .3 ek-Nol: Xe, 17-llAS BlI FLnE lJP, 13 Pwty who, on Wedneday, took, by mistake, .W a *GR19M MLXMMBRNL~~ v th he9owner's name upon ILOM 113 St. Vilucet Street, is requed to row- it. - - XLWRZGGAN. MAN AMISSING.-NICOL WATSON, ?? B Man abo3t 5 feet 7 Inches, And 19 years of &ge stout, a rd U ?? of an eje, went gas -cm this place on slat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTOTICE.1If any -Person who saw the Gentfleman I tae ?? from a Female who had robbed him hin (~teflStret Lit 3hpata fw nirtesaler ight, will be, kind enoughto cal at the Cetral ?? sa Wliitnaes in the T OVFu ~I;Ag3 1 'e near ite Azvade, on Satur- J IM iay , la a (;OL- o 't Blood .Stifne Crest,-3HalE Lion. hay ert~ i nr' Cr AQI~utcbernStreCL will-he Rewarded. -~ G~f . S l~l> onthe 3st Marrch, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO STATIONERIS.I m1Nt~~jP~OH AN-D GLASGOW RAILWAY. Fe '11e Wlc~ll'' are prepared to receive OFFERS for the SALE of 1 FE~l lilt A' idi EW P~lElS at; Queen street Station and of thr 1I oler',ii~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? to a party, in or ~ Yesterday, s q0~ted to afll at 11l VOL N.~APIY a 2)1 North WXoodsiue I) ?? t'wF Lidof le Cityl a 13lack AT 'l E~ iE' p' Insi OLND BEa11' nlii 11W `a,,ixI oar t Frcc) \I .00 ~ I,,E iE. I r S C'l h''IC ilrh IC'b -~~r A ~~1) (1 K ESTATE. NI ?? ~ * 1. .1 1 ?? l l ErIireb', (live Notice that tlo; ar, ~~~lklE XN~ 'C AMON 'VY T~ Secklrity of tl'*' lIE ?? I'mllE 1 1 i,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TilDYT ES O'CLi, AT 96 NORT11 HANOVEn STREET. CAP.ITAL HO-USEHOLD FURNITURE. At Balf.Ptt Twelve o'clock. at 497 St. Vincent Sreet, EADSO)?-, sPIRIT SI-OP FITTINGS AND) FURNITURE,- TIL ER ENGINE A254) SPIRIT FOUNT; Also, a few articles of ROUSE FURNITURE. Atc ?? Teoc'yclokat tle CitySale]eR rns, ?? Street, CAPITAL G2E IR,SUpERIOR SPRING VAN~, AND SET HARNESS. (Helorgigg to a Seqtpestrsted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VA1LEJIOU1sE Ti!l LET-- anl &egant Warehoanse, IN 1pT One Soii-l I ` cu~ treet, listing 'Four wintlec, to the F-ront. late-, ?? -. et' by esr.Scott & CCa. Allo, a~n I, ICEI '4'ia I A 1tt. 1 A!pilS to Johitn~hw;' i':'t4r,..;'.:uchanan 'Street, Glallgov'. SMALL WA\XEII (i SE TO, LET, atL No. 9 So1th ~'r1re' nt- o e 10ivh Messrs. A. Watsonl t ci..c s i 'd Mvin ?? . Toot it ?? Rocois are al- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0I' NEN\T-OF-KIN.-lf _Mi:- :&PWILLIAMS_', V ?? Ili:,, f Aloain Fif~shite; MxN. R l. N~l C ry(hlnru're, of Fifeshire or (fz ?? art i e heir HXT0II -RIN, will apply to Mesi s. Siurz &; Crilible, ou ii .lur'hlois, lodon, ?? they will hear of -1OE A~ i1.LTEIIR AD5\'ANTACE. ?? ,ZI at, OUo. Al 'p v tn~rdv Lst aPOCKETY MEMO- ?? ~~ tuedt, rua~inifnt a RailwNay Beisni Tick,: to - ?? A; .. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Salc% ti- Wnaitca 'fargAin-CONTINvED. AT PIANO-FORTE FOR SALE. A ,CHELY-CARVED SQUARE PIANO-F-ORTE, ,t1 wsell suited Ior a library, Furnished in Oak. The lastra- iron !-v 'i ?? . a~nd the Tone is exicellent. There is also (E, as Pi:c-lo ere (tbuir ad I'uanterbary, Go 'ite. The syholo will be Sial at a, erv Low Price for Cash. ?? I es-vn at J. M3ir Wood ic Co.'s. 4' Buichan Street. FOR tSALE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 41K flt2CH iTEARYINSTITUTE. MEE~x~~~thisInsitut wil be eldin future in the Th'~110 hoeb ista o te uen' Romas fornnerly. It-all1 3. ADASON, Sec. Nb~ NOV., ?? %~T, y~terdayForenoon, between the Cathedral 114 edhn'~'ret.a Lady's GOLD WATCH. Anyonehv rg eoJ ?? besutaly Ilwarded upon del1ivering it to Mr. ~ t~ ?? ?? 02Bucanant Street. -OS, n aurd y igta Black and Tau BULL 11(; in t~ o tonae f ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~A'REN front the Shop of' William- 'I-n air, ?? marked, In a brown ~1 ~ ress ll~h pinfore. and blackstrawv GaribAldi- tl~ red and blck- sto~kltie tind yfltJG MAN AMISSING. ?? Ti', o~jgpd 28, is earnestly requestedi to 'Noetall, or Write to his Friendsi C.-S'wT B TACCIDENT. FF'GOUROCK. 11AII oif £10 is hereby offiered for thri I~ ieildY f the 1ate Mr. JOHN MILLUGH- ?? by the uapseitting of P ...