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Advertisements & Notices

... goit pmefo 'Sa, to P. 0 LET, a COTTAGE, Unfurnished, at Newlands- T field, near Polloksbawe, containing Your Aarm . ent, ;212 sterling per annum. Only adapted for pvople without Apply to Ml. Fleming, Newlandaffeld. TO LET. FURNISHE)D, For June, July, and August, A SMS-CONTARM H[OUSEZ dtakbbd near dO.; attached, a Mower and Vegetable ?? L isgow Apply to Mr. Jms Anderson, dsu B a ret. Glas To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ._ r7Q&.r-ENM >ODW&LOUHLilO0§lX . , _ B~~S, >KILT41E. LU51J Ak r Y14ai ,Aid-INf.- fI efrE for' the SeMon on MONDAY, A14 -VLY, 1882-leaving ennmore eveiy Jawfuldayj t7.46 A.M.; arrIVl' lug at lyvf~l6Of.LOf.LohoDnqUId) in owe.lor'0te 1.4MBL *.~St~aOe for: Ealloob;ix'~odIDd~petueaeng iin.# li~ atorwe48,flvr , 'cb F'zrls -a;~s2l~do:d* . FaseogeD~r going to ?? from BrtWMIv, 4bmn; Ban-, n 'iavie, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4-. SP-I~lT SHOPS, with HOTELS, RESTAUR- iATS, TAVE44NS.&c., Argyll Street, Stockwell, Eglinton tieet. Caimpbell r'treat, rrown ftfeet, Cheap side Street, Bishop It' eet. Bothwell StrFet, Bridgeton. Calton.-Pastrty and Grocery bhop, &C. Ta bu Sold nilargin-H. hl'UliEDII, 84 Yora Street INE atid &P0I1T BUSINESS FOR SALE- Sthop-in Caltou. re-ingq e fair trndo, Will be Sold for p40 --(n rgalil) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ile, '51 LE, Io ?? PLOTS of - .LVA AO~tU74.AIO , E ?? and A Liiritol. ort ilim C Yarl ring janato Le, it ?? ?? DESIR&BILE ICEI14E FARIM, IN TiiNSiR, ft To lIIF l.E'T FOR It) YEARi;, With Entry at WardtIls, 1522. o VfH FAI'M of C ItAWFILWIeUDSTON~b, sitrastedon' .L tie Ith,cr ulcithif, tilt p1 frlci eticippenr presently occupled GI Ty'M.litr Itefu costaining abolit 03 Acres Scotch. Roc 'the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Insuvcanu~~r% BRITON LIFE ASSOCIATION AN 1NEW EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Chief Offices. 1 52 510T3GATE STEET, LONDON Chairnan-OlO. H. BARLOW EeK M D. Deputy Chairnian-FRANCIS *EBiL i,. Secretary-JOHN MESSENT, ESa, Indisputable Poicies payable during Lifetime without extra Premium, and Proposals for Diseased and Declined Lives RBter. tained. Glasgow Branch Office- VICTORIA BUILDlNGSB WEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CHEAP PASSAGE TO AUSTRALIA. 1 IjIOR SALE, a Feumale VICTORIA PASSAGE JL Warrant. at a reduced rate. Apply to Cteis M. Hepbuum, 02 Jamaica Street. F -iTXCELLENT WINE and SPIRIT BUSINESS FOR SALE, with DWILLI NO HO8USE of One Room andt ititohen tattached, South Side, loing a good trade, and almost in u 1 iho Country. or * Furpartiouilars, apply to Jobn MLeod,Anctioneerand Valustor, pi E3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]AOY STRAYED, from 79 Middleton Plaoe, Gareigad .1101, o ?? e ei t l f' Sears old, ligt bo , bu eyes; W Oa ?? froc , iY t - §alrD ?? alt e tim l~ bonet~tJ~ ar*6ebtrefootoed. Any infoIteaoened5. o Iyaed by hie Bather, John Dotbont I of a (I RE WARD OF JO.ron will be paid to any b1 ;bTT ,ofh00ReWATWH!IN~lI9 A ( CH&IN, most ~jiJ br~gios cOLD ''i~er1a; the 216t Ult,, to.AMr. James, -Ad Imt by b a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... looks. &i1. ,Just Published, In 16mo, PMie IS,, T HE DOCTRINAL DEOLARATION OF THE CONFERNOIE OF THE EVANGELICAL UNIOq BPRVIRWED AiND BROUGHT TO THE TEST Olp SCRIP- TURE. By a MWxlISTSE Or TlE ?? oi SCOTLAND. Edinburgh: Paten di Ritobie. Glasgow! T. MURRAY do SON, Bu0hanan Street. HE WESTIERN BOOK CLUB, T . ESTABLISHED IN 1841. FAMILIES In Town andallaprta of the Country supplied with ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e §tutatisrn. a M ISSES TURNBULL, .42 LANSDOWNE-ORESOENT, a L A-beg to intimate that their EST&BLIISHMENT for the BOARD and EDUCATION of YOUNG EADIES was RE- OPBIB ED on 4th instant. a In addition to the careful tuition anrl superintendonce of the Misses TUrNBULL, Maeters of the highiest ability attend daily. e HOUAS FOI CLASSES. ENGLES ?? MITCHeL ?? 10 to 12. FRENCH . Moos. ?? ~ ?? to 12. ...

'Oakc, fk& Nzss;s. A

... . & C. BLACK have lately Published the following W ORKS BY DR. BRYCE, IV OF THE HIGH SCHOOL E TREATISE- ON ALGEB RA. Third Edition. Price Ss, ?? ?? from the Author on several importnt points, we acknowledge the care and clearness with which he has done bis work; and so, rodoubt, do others. Thizis thb Tkird Edition. _A-. therrUm'~., A CO.NPANION TO THE AL'3ESA-For purposes of Self- Instruction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yudh otk-bg Ptiow ?? SMVDSOME VILLA FOR F AR S ATOALLA4DEII.6 onains anil a ccomOdntlIl1 for ailarge, dl~ bi It iabeantlfU fening great, o ?? . . To TO BIOY P UBLC HUP, STATET OF OF GLST T , Alfl.yL 'Ang ue Macdonaldo Baner N I lcnlilandr.'g FawbArn' . Winthin OURs DofFilse. about Sahtmles fom Caput the Ceorge. ToextendinRg to nd ATresday thmer wb ereof ?? at0 ro enerk oSaftroon, Roleand inB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aF-rf~ to 3Eet-CONTINUED. FARM TO LET, IN THE PARNq OF HAMILTON, 7cr Fi~neteem, or such other Number of Years RS may be agreed vuE~FAi.Mof ~adEADof NEILSL&ND, ,Lcegrelendng al th lais o Nlsland above the Rail- I ~ay Planat~os exepte) *Te Fam exends to about 7 A Irene-' dciAcrS, mbl, nithq ubdvidd;and the hieikle Eamnack Staton n te Hmilon nd ?? is in the imnie- ' such riiga a be agree Upon ...