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... HE COrNHILL MAGAZINE. NO. X, January. London: Swith, Elder, e' Co., 65, Cornhill. A ?? far exceeding anything hitherto known in periodical literature has justly attended the publica- tion of the first number of the Cornhill M1qgazine. It has been ushered into exi:stence with rare advantages, and has been accorded a rare and enthusiastic wel- come. 'hie namne of its editor stands deservedly ...


... T HE C OURT. W rXVISOR, SATURDAY.-ViS sount and Viseountess Palmerston and a distinguished party are invited to partake the hospitality of her Majesty at Windsor i Castle from Tuesday to Thursday next. There vll be a dramatic performance on Wednesday evening. It is expected that hier Majesty will arrive in Londond on the 23rd inst. On the 24th the Queen will open Parliament; and on the same ...


... THE C OURT. WINDSOR CASTLI3, JANNUARY 10.-Her Mlajesty's dinner-party yosterday included the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, Lady Emnily Seyinour, hliss Sey- mour, Sir James Clark, Major-General the I-oi. It. Bruce, Captain Grey, Alrjor Elphinstone, R.E., and Mar. Fisher, who arrived in the afternoon from Ox- ford. The Queen, accompanied by Princess Louisa, walked in the Uomo Park this ...


... TflENTRICALS AT HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE, TIILLSBOROUG1I CASTLE has long been widely famous for the festivities of wbich it is usually the scene at this season of the year, and for the kindly and cordial Hospitality of its noble owners, the Marquis and Mar- Chieness Of Downslire. The thorough knowledge of DmusiC possessedi lxy the Marchioness, and the per- fect taste, which adds new value to her ...


... T HE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLe, JAN. 5.-The Royal dinner-party yesterday included the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, tihe Duke of Cambridge, the Earl and Countess de Grey aud Ripon, the Earl and Countess of Shel- bourne, the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, the Right lIol. W. E. and Mrs. Gladstone, Major-General thle llon. R. Bruce, Sir James Clark, Captain Grey, andl Colonel Clifton. The Queen, ...


... B3ENTLEY'S 31tSCELLANYX. London: R. Be7nley, Neew Burlington Street. , wjitl, in this iinsgazino, who hias assumed the (flh (IlC ?? of Oaida, deserves considerable pmise. Ills stories, wnhich have appeared in many mwtihers, are ot' tho ' fast order; but, at tho same tinw, te never troubles the reader with a line that could he called dull, but usually contrives to malke his stories ...


... T HE C O U R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, JANUARY 7.-Earl Cowley left thu Castle yesterday. There was no addition to the Royal dinner-party to-day. SUNDAY, JAN. 8.-The Queen and Prince Consort, the Prince of Walus, Princess Alice, and Prince Arthur attended Divhio service this morning in the private chapel. The ladies and gentlemen in waiting were also present, and the domestic household. The service ...


... FRASER'S MA1(AZINE for January. London: J. W. Parker, West Strand. Fryaser has two papers, sufficient of themselves to make a magazine interesting. The first of them is Part IT. of Memoirs of Percy Bysslie Shelley, by Air. T. L. Peacock-Part I. of which appeared in the same periodical for June, 18658. Mir. Peacock held his pen in the interim, awaiting the publication of Mr. ilogg's ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, WEDNESDAY.-The Duchiess of Cambridge and Princess Mary nirrived yesterday after- nnon, attendedl by Lady Gernldine Somerset and [aentenant-Colonel Home Purves, on a visit to her Malnjesty. The following visitors also arriverd at the Castle:--The Mlarquis and( Marchioness of IVestillin- ster and Lady Theodora Grosvenor, the Enrl nd Countess Stanhope, the Earl and ...