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... THE COURT. )VINDSOP, CASTI.I3, JAN. 1M.-The Royal dinner- lpartv yesterday included the Prince of Wales, the ?? Alice, the Duke of Camlbridge, his Excel- lency the French Ambnassadiri' and Conirtess de Per- sign, the Mar'quis ol Exeter and Ldrly Malry Cecil, the Earl and Lady Constance Grosvenor, Lord and Lady Johin Russell, Viscount Sydney, the Right flon. Sirepceariand Alrs. Wilpole, 'ljo' ...


... FASH-ION. T 1 1E C O U R T. WINDSOR CASTLi, WVEDNESDAY.-ThiLo was no addition to the Royal dinner-tarty yesterday. The Qncon and the Prince Consort wvalked in the H~oine Park this mornillng, and visited her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent at Frovitnore. Her Royal High- ness paid a visit to her Majesty in thie afternoorn at the Castlo. Princess Alice aLiU Prhicess ilelenn. rode in the Riding ...


... FASHIION. THE COURT. WVIxNDSOR CASTLE, FRIDAY.-Her Mlajesty's dinner- party yesterday included her Royal Highness the Princess Alice, Lady Carolina Barrhigton. the Right Ilon. Sir G, C. Lewis, Sir James Clark, Major Elphin- stone, R.E., and the Right lIon. Sir Charles Wood, who arrived on a visit in the afternoon. Thle Queen and Priucc Consort, accompanied by the Princess Helena, rode in the ...


... T I T II O N U S. Ay Dle! ay me! the %voods decay and fall, The vapours weep their burthen to the ground, Aan comnes and tills the earth and lies beneatl, And after many a Summtr dies the swan. Me only cruol immortalit- Consumes: I wither slowly in thine arms, elre at the quiet limit of the world, A whitc-hair'd shadow roamting like a dream Tile ever silent spaces of the East, Far-folded mists ...


... T If E C O U R T. W[INDSOR CASTLE, SATUPDAY. - ller AfljcSty'S dinner-party yesterdily included her Royal Highness Princess Alice, the Right llon. Sir Charles Wood, the 1[on. Mi'rs. Bi ddulph, ?? James Clark. Theband of the Grenadier Guards was in attendance, and played duriing dinner. ller Maljesty's private band a rtcrwards peifoirmed in thie draiving&-roons. The Queen did not quit the ...


... RETURN OF THE COURT TO LONDON. LONDON, TUESDAY'.-Ier Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princesses Alice and Helena, left Windsor Castle at eleven o'clock yesterday morning, attended by the Viscountess Jocelyn, Lady Caroline Barring- ton, Viscount Torrington, Colonel the Hon. Sir Chas. Phipps, Lieutenarit-Colonel P. Cavendish, Colonel F. IT. Seymour ...


... , NARRATIVE oF THE OPERtATIOaa OF A DETAChMENT IN AN EXPEDITION TO CANDY, ClYLON, IN THE YEiAR 1804. By Major JoHNSTON. Dublin: l'f Gashran, 50, Upper Sacekville Street. Although1 this work has been some few years printed, anid ba hitherto been rather confined to a private circulation than intenidied for the public, the interest that has been of ]rte excited in referonce to Ceylon by the ...


... T 11 E CO IJ U T BrTUarC OF TilE COUtT TO WINDSORl CASTI.E.- The Queen nod tbCO Pri-n'ce Collsi't, accortpalilted by thil PrinceSSes Alice anti lilettai, anti titi ended by tile Viscotintess Jocelyn, Ladly Carolitto Brlaitl ig toil, olrd Rivers, Colonel thu HIlo. Sir CliAlties phlhips, Maj or- General Sir Hlenry iietttillck, Colonel F. H. Seymoi'ur, Lieit.-Col. Poltisonlty, altd tile Aastier ...