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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRAGE OF THE ELDEST DAUGGHTER OF ROBERTSON _ GLADSTONE, _Q, . | Count Iley, the hospitable mnansloli of Robertson Gladstone, Esq., was yesterday the scene of maoh festivity on the occasion of the marriage of Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of that gentleman, with Robert, 3 eldest son of Thomas Stenart Gladstone, Esq., of Capenoch, Thornhill, Duinfriesshire. Perhaps no I greater proof could be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |BIRTHMS MARRIAGES, & DEATH|.' I, f No notice of Marrie or Dat can be lnsrted nlese a 1hentioated by the ream auod adldress of tihesaender,-. rgrolef Bictha must be oaid for us adlsement;4 ' AB'R: AGES. leb. 9, a NiAtbaNr by the Rev. Dr. Walle, Mr. Wi:m Brydone draper, of this tow, to VAie, younged daughter of the late M~r. rates Doizglaa, of CoLito. rob. 1l. at at. Philps by tho Re. (b Bi. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARIAGES. On Thursday last, at St. Georie's Church, Hanover- square, London, by the Rev. Rand'e Feilden, M.A., Wi Leyland Feilden, Esq., eldest son of Sir W. Henry Feilden, Bart., Feniscowles, Lancashire, to Catherine Jane, eldest daughterofEdwardPedder, Esq., Ashton Park, Lanea- On Tuesday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. D. F. Chapman, Mr. Jobn Sanderson to Mrs. Ann Barnes On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,iNIARKi .V rS. & 1T 10 ki'i t %* No notice of Homage or Deat cau he i t SUSF aethentleatfed by the 'tame and addreas oftbe w~d&r.- Noiacs of Births must he Da4 for as adontotd . BIRTHS. Feb. 6, at Waterloo. the wife of My. Thomas Tuer, of a eon MUARIAGES. Last week. at St Georgas. Hanover-square. a marriage was eelebrated between r. B1-. a venerable geatleman uplwards of SO. and bri. P- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHIS - No notlaof Maago or Death ca be inserted nules anthanaed by Ihe rsne anm addresz of the sender. Notio ?? mut be ?? for maa 4deseien BIRTHS. Feb. 2&i n 80uth view. Tranero Park tho wifeof Mr. T. a Bickersteth, of a son. MARRIAGES. Febh 22, at the pafixh ohuroh, Over. Samuel, second aon otf Mr. Chares Ebbingion, Dadles Fagm, tot atherine youngeo e danabgter oS thle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No noe e ol Marae oar Deeth ann be In.'etd cal an he tiae d by the nam e an4 eddrua of thIL aaod- N otle of B irth e m ust b e vsld tor am a r tla en . Peb. 12 by llcne, at 8t. Johnr th B ptlst'a, by he EeY.J. Haaal ILr. Wila Walter w1'lli Rnzto Da Jue y, daughte ot thelat M~r.John Bted, mnaetriurlof tbtl pot Feb. 23, at Bedelid. OCrpsr by the Boy. B. Skinner, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... INe IMsssua&s a w 6ni ?? mec and De$s cs e sesftdo Naticu of Biv5Jsawwu5 be paid i ftlradsrtwin sBIRTH; thib ot, F2. tu oA Loosfion, tis VvIl 9ARRIAGES, by thoe la. W. l1inttetbon, M1 . retr, jlr. Job ArroweIMithe AxaoncouoH-SOWsra&-4n thel14thinsit., atNorwiob, hit. Willialk Alborough. formvely of this elyis. to Misabharlottollom Is. MTiS-ltoozsai,-At Brisbane,. Queensland, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHE. On the 10th inst., at 3, Marino Terrace, Waterloo, near Liverpool, the wife of Charles Sidgreaves, Esq.,: of a son. ?? RRIAGES. On Thursday last, at St. Peter's, Church, 'Lytham, by n the Rev. W. H. Self, William, second son of the late Mr. p Heaps, veterinary surgeon, of this town; to Annie, 0 youngesrt daughter of the 'late James Whittle,' Esq.,' of 8 Hill Cottage, near Chorley. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAT}IS. s No noico of Marriage os Death cn beinserted unless autnticnaoted by the name and ad of the sender.- Notlces of Birtha must be paid for a advertisement,. BIRTHS. Jan. 20. at 40, Plutoeatroet, lirkdle, the wife of Mr. Andrew Flunie, of a daughter. Feb. 6, at Rock Ferry. the wile Of Mr. W. i. Aroher, music- seller, 6Z, South Castle-street, of a eon. MARRIAGES. Feb ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BLUJIZ. NMA1{IAGiE8, & DIATHS. ?? No nlotice of Marrige or Deatih can bO lnartel1 W2ICrn a~uthenticated' by the eane and are of the meder.- L~toeeen~ oB4 ~iin mus be parid far ar adeclnr eilt. fFab. 2, tewp oS Mr. 0. Ilengler, of the Cirque Varit, ivenrpoel, 'of B daughtero F ieb. 1 , at 7. Park mrod, Mis GeoreeJobuno. o at daughter. Feb. 3, azt 3, D~ervvert rord, tde ivie of Mr. 3. B. Barendt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIUAGES, & DEATS. .* No notiee of Marriage or Death can be Inserted unless autentloitd by tihe name and adress of tho sender.- Notloes of Births must be paid for advertlawmonet i Ee, li, t GtcrDuG huoh, by the Per. E. C3,ump' ?? Swetonbam, lieq., of i~omeo ford Booths, Oheshire, to esther- Bianohe, daugh or ot Mchael Humnble, lqt., ot Gwersy lt Park. Penblgloshire. t . Feb. 2il, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHES. On Monday last, at Yealand Conyers, near Lancaster, the wife of W. C. Yates, Esq., of a son. On Tuesday last, at Church-lane, Seaforth, near Liver- pool, the wife of Mr. Henry Hornby, of a son. MARRTAGES. On Saturday last, at the Parish Church, Preston, by the Rev. J. Owen Parr, vicar, Thomas Love, Esq., mere ant, of Manchester, to Ages,' only daughter of Thomas Houghton, Esq,, of ...