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Daily News (London)


... oIMrTUAR. I 7hs Story of Neow Zeaand, Past and Prseut, SSavage and Q Ci;sed. By ARTIMI-S. THOMSON, M.D., Su eon Major 68th Regiment. In two volumes. Murray. Dr. Thomson is well qualified for the task of describing that picturesque and promising regions the New LZealand group of islands, which ip Interest- ing not only to the friends of the colonist, but to the student of physiology and to ...


... mt THE MADRIGAL SOCIETY. 1i- This society, the oldest Heical association in Fng. lic land, and probably in Europe, goee oi icm way rijoicing , b and we may add, virea altyurit tueldo. Founded in 1741 by the worthy lawyer, Jobn lmnoye, who, by to doing, has to. gained a perennial name in musical Dlotory, it Uas, from that he day to thii, pursued the even tenor il ha cway, torough eWI ay the ...


... I uara. BIOYAL ENGLISH OPERA4 COVENr. GARDEN. Xr, Y090n4 W94090S new opera, Luritine, as we have already mendoned, hl been produced with great and well-duerved success; well-deseend as regards itsmusio, whichisentitlea to almostunmixedpraise; and s regatds its getting-up and performwane, which are admirable in every respe*, and do bonour to the company and the management, The libretto, however ...


... FINR AB ys. I THE STRAWBERRY-HILL COLLECTION OF v PORTRAITS. r, Who has not beard of Strawberry ll-thitt a modern antique, jthat feudal castle in lath and plaster, thitt h lttle plaything house, as Walpoles tyled it? What a in thonesad -iomtlons are awakenibd on recollection of lit in- s numerable ctriosities of all descriptions, its works of art, its rare editia, valuable letters, and ...


... musla ' 1 ROYAL ENGLISHI OPgRA, COVENT-G(A3D8i. Thu now operette, entitled BRowaawo the jolct work of Mr. PalgravO Simpon end M. Henry Les, was Froduood tast night ?? complete and well tavl x,0cm t to a charming little plece. reminding u In ItC lava dramatlo oonstructloa, the tghtness and UathoUae14* and the chraster of the musloi of the French cOMIC OPIeA blended with the old Eoglidh burlette ...


... I A Set of Four-part Songs. Composed by HEMRY S6qART. Cramer, Beale, and Co. Boosey's Part-Forng Miscellany. Boosey and Co. Toese publications are well calculated to meet the present demand {or a beautiful species of vocal bar- mony which is Fetting more and more into favour. The Part-songi' belongs to our old English music, but was in a great measure superseded bv the ' glee, which wag ...


... I wasa. : X I MONDAY rOPULA3 CONCERTS. The oonoert of lest evening wsee of extraordinary Interest; It consisted entirely of rmusio of the Italian school, raie e greatest poraln Ii el gigg., bto Vcal sd WRt . mental, were beautiful things of former times, unknowa to the prabloof the present day. Thus the oonoert wan iU of novelty-the novelty which aime from age. There was, in the firet place, ...


... ST. MARTIN'S-HALL. Mr. Hullah's concert last evening consisted of Gonnos'sGranddMass,composadfor the celebration of St. Cecilia'a Day, and Beethoven's Ninth, or Choral Sym- phony. Gounod'e mawss wa performed for the first time in this country. The author first becamo known here some ten yeard ago, when, as many of our masical readers may remember, some of his sacred chordl pieces were produced ...


... oi 7AYS~i'L B.A4 VA U TIR Ir ovj. I~ ~ . , The winter exhibition of poultry and pigeonls at the Crydatl Palace commences to-tiay; and, frot the private Iuspeotion which was yesterday rfforlded uw, we eay predict for the stow an extrotdinary popularity among breeders end An who are Interested iD the improvement of the various dtsoriptions of domestic fowls. The pens are rngd iu the, losser ...


... LIT RA TUB1E. he Afend o hakspeere, as exhlbidte As hulorlh. By the cV. AAIO. AGVUSTUS MnOltOAII M. . Cnapman Rod Hall. 'ghtve ud hilt Qf thi fitite iU * very obvious redundancy. TVe mind of shaskptt Dis IU aid work,, is his works, and is nowhere and nothing beside. The volume is worthy the title. What does the reader think of such a statement as the ?? P On upwards of five hundred subjects ...


... FINB ARYSD EXHIBITION OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION, Notbing could be better calculated than the preo; aeet Exhibition of the British Institution to disabute' ltl popular mind of certain notions still prevalent respecting tbe artistcgenius. Westiihe persons addicted torhatorloal clap-hap talkieg of the painter as a moat pecularly gifted, but moat Impractical and eccentric being, who, in sileut ...


... LITERA TURK. 2he Diaries and Correspondence of the Right Hon. George Rose, coitaieitny Original Letters of the meost distngusished Statesmen of the day. By the Rev. LzvzsoN HaRcOURT, London: Richard Bentley. The Rev. Leveson Harcourt has shown that there are depths of editorial incapacity hitherto unsounded. Given two or three large boxfods of original papers of some of the most prominent men ...