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Morning Chronicle


... ?? ml?.4 III ,I ? E, 11 ,n ?? PhAesicdt, psitclcali, (i70 Rdri- coi ?? 1. B Mi. .5[. WILiINSO'N. London: bet I ?? l ?? 5;3d\ ii~d~ wl3t ;slfthe ex3101o which i wtil __ n~ emplOY te ?? I I' ,, 5tieral ttde-i3 a rather diffilt subject too 6i 1 . s! 6er ?? eloal with. In the first place, ph3 : -be r' lella; not, tin lt t knollw of, been ever cal II'r i le t ti teil,* in e Secoitl, it hlis all ...


... LTrBa rTUR of jiel: a raig of ferns in the Days ?At Lo, From an unpublished Ianuscript I t '8 c A5ADO- NI.D., leceased. 3 vols. .1 Slaunders, Otley, and Co. Londl' fiction to the circulating libraries VIf HPtive operatio n, and at this season of zelaturally look for some of those better tw ichs while they signalise in them- dr~uct; t of their authors, cast into the ca' anld trashy effusions ...


... LITERA TURE. ?? Mfan; or, the 8tory of our Old Planet a and its inhabitants, told by Scripture and by A, Science. Londonn: Saunders, Otley and Co. en This is a fatherless book, and we cannot but ex praise the discretion of the author for not owning M his own progeny. le might, however, have done w one thing better, and that is, not have published it. pe If he preserved it for the tea-table, ...


... LITERA TURE. Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches of A nthonky Asldey Cooper, first Earl of h/aftesburen, Lord (Cban- ceflor; with ?? illutratirijhixs Lifefroot his Birthto the Restoration. Edited by WILLIAMS S DoUGAL CIJaISTIE, Esq., Her Majesty's Envoy r Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 3 Brazil. London: John Murray. There are few people in the world who like to Y have their capital ...


... S . f JARTIN'S lfALL. I vnal anti instrumental entertainments, enti- b|i Ll tote Quintet Union Concerts, was cotn- n- e lt the above hall, under the direction of . iobinirt. In point of outward form and in- a these c'roirts appear to be nothing muore a Molar l'spuliti Concerts under another deno- onru or, nother dity of the week, und removed to - l Wr hether such performuances are necessi- -L ...


... Si7. TAAIS,,bY V'J'IAAYI'& A new burlesque, entitled Didil, was brenglet 'out otl Sa- turday evening with a success as signal asit was dleserved. I'c The name of the author, Mr. F. C. Llurnnnd is new to fillis, and, judging from this sparkling prodction, thu playgette world may be congratulated on the advent,. The entertain- I nient of the clasis to which this new wvork belongs haid been I ...


... MONDA Y POPULAR CONCERTS. A very novel and highly interesting programme was presented last night to the visitors to St. Jaroes'e Hall, and commenced a new series of the concerts for the present season. It consisted of a selection from the Italian masters, including names dating as far beck gs the middle of the seventeenth century, the only name of aliving composer being that of Ros- sini. ...


... LITERA TUBE. 1Iistory of the les2n of Jknry 1 R., K2ing of France and NavM9nre. From ?? unpub- ljihcd Sources, including MS, 'TDocuniwiits in the is, Bibliothelue Impdeiale and, the Archives du Iis Royamlle (le France. 2 vrils. London : Hurst eir and Blackett. ry fsEcoND Nso'rica.] ud We do not propese in these columns to follow at I Henry further in that varied career which even- m- tually ...


... PC) Rccviw of the ('r'bueun ilor to the Wintcr of 1854-5. fc By LieuteUiaut-ColOnel JolN ADrZ, C.B., late A. A, G., R.A. London : Hurst and Blackett. eil |SZCO1D NOTICF.K i1i At daybreak on October 25, 1854, Genieral Li- jE prandi, with 2( 0,00 lue)n and 40 gulls, nude a, detel'- G 1 wilned attack on thle British flank, by ?? 'fl the Turkish redoulbt on Canrobert-hll. After a 1 semnblanco of ...


... SOOIE'TY OF PEJIALEf ART'LSPS. The fourth exhiluition of this society was opened to prisate view on Wednesday, at the gallery of the Now Society of Painters in Water-colours, D3, Pall-mall, The works are 319 in number, of which about sixty are copies from the old mausters-a line of practice to %which a consideralde number of rising female artists apparently devote themselves with considerable ...


... HA YMARET 'I'T1EA T1RE. Whatever differences of opinion may exist as to the nerits I of Mr. Tomn Taylor as a dramatic writer, this much is cer- tain, that in the quality of productiveness he fir surpasses all his competitors. It may be that all the pieces to which he stands before the world in the relation of parent, do not owe their original conception to him; but that is not a matter we are ...


... LI TELA TUB' E. Corayda . a Tale of Faith a 'id CWvly Aa rc poooir,. By ERNEsT JONEs. London W. ' ]Kent and Were ?? erected among us,v we think that poslerity would grant Mr, Ernest Jones a niche as the most fayourabile representative Of the minor vio minstrels of the nineteenth century. His whole up( life through he appears to have obeyed poetic im- oer pulses, and fostered theories ...