... I uara. BIOYAL ENGLISH OPERA4 COVENr. GARDEN. Xr, Y090n4 W94090S new opera, Luritine, as we have already mendoned, hl been produced with great and well-duerved success; well-deseend as regards itsmusio, whichisentitlea to almostunmixedpraise; and s regatds its getting-up and performwane, which are admirable in every respe*, and do bonour to the company and the management, The libretto, however ...


... 7 . I . Last night Mr and Mirs Chatles Kean ap- pearel foirtbe; third time at' The Queen's in Lovell's fhfilirng play,, TheWife's Seciet:', The house was again a bumper, boxes, pit an.:1tgal- leriesg being w Iell filled. YProbably, et' rone of their, former appearances here did -the distin- guished artistes appear. to so great advantage; certfiti1y' the ?? evoked bjy each could not be ...


... qW* Books, Prints. 2lfosic, r., fo, revieto, ore , equested to be sent I ,at Arft. C. Mitchett's, BRerl Lio Court, Fleet-sreet, London, addressed To the Editor of the EXETES FLYNG POST. They I utill be dttlyf/o ea sljed , amd rereive an eart 'y 11t e. I t THE WILD FLONVERS OF ENGLAND. London: t Houlston and Wright, Paternoster-row. This interesting and prettily illustrated! work is drawing ...


... LITERA TURE. ?? Mfan; or, the 8tory of our Old Planet a and its inhabitants, told by Scripture and by A, Science. Londonn: Saunders, Otley and Co. en This is a fatherless book, and we cannot but ex praise the discretion of the author for not owning M his own progeny. le might, however, have done w one thing better, and that is, not have published it. pe If he preserved it for the tea-table, ...


... LITERA TURE. Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches of A nthonky Asldey Cooper, first Earl of h/aftesburen, Lord (Cban- ceflor; with ?? illutratirijhixs Lifefroot his Birthto the Restoration. Edited by WILLIAMS S DoUGAL CIJaISTIE, Esq., Her Majesty's Envoy r Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 3 Brazil. London: John Murray. There are few people in the world who like to Y have their capital ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, WENESDAY.-IMer Royal Highness the Priucese of Leiningen arrived at Buckinghani Palace from Froginore yesterday morning, on a visit to the Queen. The Princoss Alice and the Prhincss of Leoiningen, attended by Colonel the HIon. A. Liddell, visite( Westilnister Ahbby and the New Palace of Westminister in the afternoon. Their Royal High- nesses honored the performance at the ...


... ROYAL DRAXATIC REPRES3DITATIOlq at Windsor Castle. The fifth and last of the series of performances for te season took place on Tuesday evening, and proved one of the most successful representations yet given. It WO understood to be for the especial entertainment of the Prince of Orange, who hadjust arrived on a short visit to this country. The pieces selected were both of a drawin.. room ...

Published: Sunday 05 February 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1356 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... POE'T'RwY. TO SPRING. Return. 0 Spring! Depose stern Winier from his gloomy reign; And with thee bring The feathered songsters' melody again: Return! return! for. 0 I pine to feel Thy soft sweet breathing o'er Aly forehead steal. Come o'er the woods, Which rock and moan 'neath Winter's harsh control; Release the bieds, Arid witjh thy gentle hand their leaves unroll. Again Inspire the insect's ...


... S . f JARTIN'S lfALL. I vnal anti instrumental entertainments, enti- b|i Ll tote Quintet Union Concerts, was cotn- n- e lt the above hall, under the direction of . iobinirt. In point of outward form and in- a these c'roirts appear to be nothing muore a Molar l'spuliti Concerts under another deno- onru or, nother dity of the week, und removed to - l Wr hether such performuances are necessi- -L ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, THUUSDAY.-Her IMa:ijosty the Queen beld her first Levee this season at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, in St. James's Palace. The Queen rid his Royal Highiness tile Princo Consort arrived from Buckingham Palace, attended by the ladlies and gentlemen in %waiting, and were received by the great officers of State. Ilis Royal Iglighness the Duke of CGnibridge and his Serene ...


... XIIxi lAI uJefl. 054Booxs FOR REvImw.-Books, Mlusic, New Engravings, &c., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. ?? MITCHELL, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street London, addressed ,to the Editor of the Derby Mercury, will be forwarded and receive attention- Aiffle Lectures for Little Folk. By J. ERSxINE CLARKE, M.A., Vicar of St. Mslichael's, Derby. London: BELL and .DALDY. Derby: ...

THE FREE LIBRARY OF THE WEST London Anti-Enclosure Society

... THE FREEi LIBRARY OF THE WEST I London Anti-Encloaure Society. We have had so frequently to draw public attention both to the provisions and bona fide merits of this Free Library for the poor man that we question, unless there was a special reason for it, and a course marked out, whether we could by any possibility say any- thing new on a subject over the merits of which we have so repeat- ...

Published: Sunday 26 February 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 952 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture