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... mt THE MADRIGAL SOCIETY. 1i- This society, the oldest Heical association in Fng. lic land, and probably in Europe, goee oi icm way rijoicing , b and we may add, virea altyurit tueldo. Founded in 1741 by the worthy lawyer, Jobn lmnoye, who, by to doing, has to. gained a perennial name in musical Dlotory, it Uas, from that he day to thii, pursued the even tenor il ha cway, torough eWI ay the ...


... qW* Books, Prints. 2lfosic, r., fo, revieto, ore , equested to be sent I ,at Arft. C. Mitchett's, BRerl Lio Court, Fleet-sreet, London, addressed To the Editor of the EXETES FLYNG POST. They I utill be dttlyf/o ea sljed , amd rereive an eart 'y 11t e. I t THE WILD FLONVERS OF ENGLAND. London: t Houlston and Wright, Paternoster-row. This interesting and prettily illustrated! work is drawing ...


... LITERA TURE. Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches of A nthonky Asldey Cooper, first Earl of h/aftesburen, Lord (Cban- ceflor; with ?? illutratirijhixs Lifefroot his Birthto the Restoration. Edited by WILLIAMS S DoUGAL CIJaISTIE, Esq., Her Majesty's Envoy r Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 3 Brazil. London: John Murray. There are few people in the world who like to Y have their capital ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, WENESDAY.-IMer Royal Highness the Priucese of Leiningen arrived at Buckinghani Palace from Froginore yesterday morning, on a visit to the Queen. The Princoss Alice and the Prhincss of Leoiningen, attended by Colonel the HIon. A. Liddell, visite( Westilnister Ahbby and the New Palace of Westminister in the afternoon. Their Royal High- nesses honored the performance at the ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, THUUSDAY.-Her IMa:ijosty the Queen beld her first Levee this season at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, in St. James's Palace. The Queen rid his Royal Highiness tile Princo Consort arrived from Buckingham Palace, attended by the ladlies and gentlemen in %waiting, and were received by the great officers of State. Ilis Royal Iglighness the Duke of CGnibridge and his Serene ...


... FINR AB ys. I THE STRAWBERRY-HILL COLLECTION OF v PORTRAITS. r, Who has not beard of Strawberry ll-thitt a modern antique, jthat feudal castle in lath and plaster, thitt h lttle plaything house, as Walpoles tyled it? What a in thonesad -iomtlons are awakenibd on recollection of lit in- s numerable ctriosities of all descriptions, its works of art, its rare editia, valuable letters, and ...


... CO N C E R T S. LV d GRAND SUBSCRIPTIOtN. O On Sattrday at two o'clock the fourth of Weod and Co.'s series of subscription coucerts was given. in Queen Street Hall, the area of s. hich was quite filled. The aray. of ?? st provided for the oceasion was most impmising, and afforded the higli-st gratification. The chief e, attrac ion was Sivori's violin, which was never. d, heard to greater ...


... WgLLIAMS, YSW., FRONWNION, DOLGELLAU, Yu 7ad mwy union-na Williams ei welir yn Meirion: Iddo boed ilwydd a byd IIon Ar wen annedd Bronwnion. Ei gallach yn Nolgollau-o swyddog Nid oes heddyw 'n ddial;- Bronwnion yw 'n bri ninnau, Mawr yw clod y Cymro clan. Arianog *r 0'i wenau-ydyw ef, A doeth iawn rbwng pleidiau; Hwn a'i hil fydd yn mwynhau ?? uwch bri Nannan ! E. IONAWR Jons. aEYD-GYPIXITHUD ...


... LI TELA TUB' E. Corayda . a Tale of Faith a 'id CWvly Aa rc poooir,. By ERNEsT JONEs. London W. ' ]Kent and Were ?? erected among us,v we think that poslerity would grant Mr, Ernest Jones a niche as the most fayourabile representative Of the minor vio minstrels of the nineteenth century. His whole up( life through he appears to have obeyed poetic im- oer pulses, and fostered theories ...


... AlR. jMULII WOOD'S CONCER.l. . I - I .1 I - 1. Inu- w ;l~w Tleis concert, which took place last night in the City Hall, came off with great oc10t. There was a numerouls and fashionable audience pIesent, to w9 hom the whole proceed- incs evidently gave perfect satisfaction. The 1 ole of artists v as a more than usually good one, forming perhaps the best comapany whlicahI Mr. W\ood heas as yet ...


... THE DYINGti ulrl AND TRE SNOW DROPS. Dear Brothor, to thle oretbard go, Wh11ere1 yeta sad I Sn oft have belon- Thter',wh tile dr~oolilig aitou-dropo grow, In fsuiiy r ings upon01 tile green.- Thisro' fll tile dreary wintry hours I ve ?? for botilty Spltillg t I conlo, Tiht I 51100, l1lo0 niay B00 tbo low're Ero 1 deolrat to my long honto Hlow 1101101 I've thought upon old tioes, hen8 y15o anid ...