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... 1 ARLAMENTARY DLVISION. M-AJORITY;YOR iTHE GOVERNqMENT. CO ROIufli OF COMAdONS FrEB. 20. ?? -ics-Lorder for committee roadi; motion lie made, and question -pro1oeed, Thit Mr. Speaker- do now, leave the chair. I Aui,!ndment prop~cised, to leave outfrom thei rnn-&d'.hatfto the end of the[ uotion, in order to add th od ~i~huse GM:notthnk itto go. into committee 011' ' Customs Actswt iwt h ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Liverpool Mercury
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1089 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THRE LOSS OFYTHE ONDINE.: Richard Burke,. second mate,. with two of the passengers of this unfortunate vesse', arrived at *Portsmouth on Monday, morning. on, board a. pilot boat, which had taken, thqum; 9nloard from the screw steamer. Thetis, in St :Heles Roads, wbere she had aaicbored at;.a late ,hour ?for the purpose of landing the men. .Fromi;owhat has. been Icaint from the men, it appears ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 871 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I PETHAU SYYDDN GWAHANIAETHU. I y w Traddododd y Parch. D. Bees, Cape Aks, Llan- Id elli, bregeth ragorol at Y pethau sydd ye TD hahiaetu, yr hon oedd y faenaf o yflres1 ore. h, Sabbath. Ei bwnc oedd, Dyn a chreaduriaid I y ereill. Cymmerodd ei destyn oe' bennod gyntaf I y o Genesis, a'r chweched adnod ar ugain: *'Duw rd hefyd a ddyweddd, Gwnawn ddyn ar ein deiw Di, r trh ein lu ein ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1041 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... Y PAB AI DYMMER DDA. 1. DYWEDIR yn lied gyffredin mai hen *r add- a fwvn a duwiol ydyw Pio Noso. Cofier nad 31 ydym ni yn bretennol yn cadarnhau hyn: aem 's yn wrthddrychau drwgdybiaeth a gwgmiloedd - A'n cydgenedl, pe rhoddem yr awgrym NleWaf ein bod yn oaledd tybiau tyner am dduwioldeb b ei Sancteiddrwydd. Deallwn fod rbai yD Nghymru y dyddiau byn yn gweddio drosto; d ond wrth wneyd ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1537 | Page: Page 8, 9 | Tags: News 


... am -aSAAP. .. __|IAA .. PARIS, Monday.-The Ma itcur publishes a circular from the Minister of Pubaic Instruction to the Archbishops of France, et, enumrcrating the custems, laws, and principles which have esta- ng blished the incontestible authority of the Church over religions society. He recoils the great confidence and liberty accorded the Emperor to the Church, but that liberty cannot be ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1001 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... A CHESTERFIELD CLERGYMAN COMMITTED D- FOR 'EMBEZZLEMENT. 1Y At Chesterfi.ed- -A i, - sly At Chesterfield, on Wednesday, the Rev. Henry Godden fr A aGarrett, curate of Cheaterfield, was charged with appropri. to he ating 18l . s9d. which had been collected on behalf of the ha ihe Church Missionary Soeiety.-The Rev. George Butt stated wI Ili- that lie received the above amount as the proceeds ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1338 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... lan, LQNDONTo NOTTINGHAMI DERBY. AND) LEEDS. on, G.ov., Mail Fast Oas. STATIO516, 12 12 121 1 2' 22 l~1 2l 22Maili Dr' ~--I -_- ----__ ____f Departure am.M A.M. a. m.r ami, Ia~m. e~m.~ Pm.Mp.rn. p.m. London E.Square ..15 0-30' 0 3Oj1143 11.4. 2.4533 13 9. o London K. Cross .. ,.7 4019301. 4.0 Rugby..I I : l , 1 i.2 2.3 36.40 730 11.20 of =eceer..9.13 l1l.i5'12.38 2 23 3 ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2019 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

The Belfast News-Letter

... 0ig 1) c V) d f it ?? t ll ,-C? ?,' dta. (ESTABLiSIIED ANNO 1737.) B ELFA ST: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, 1860. AMONGST the reports with which our columns are crowded this morning, 'we would direct attention to that of the proceedings at the Lisburn Board of Guardians. We have only space to point out that the Board have declined to make or sanction the appointment of two Roman Catholic religious ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1864 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... LONDON, Tuesday. Notwittstanding its unexpected nature the failure of Mr Disraeli's surprise has been very signal. There are not wanting enemies to suggest that the surprise was prepared from the first, and that Mr. Ducano Ia notice of motion was only a feint to draw off ministerial attention from the point where areal attack was intended, but no one who heard Disraeli's speech last night ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2286 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Y Wasg Cymreig

... 1 R og Traethaw'd er egluro cpssondub a graslonrwydd Ci trefn Duw o gyfrif caunwedd Adda i ddynolryw. go Gan J. D., Drefnewydd. NID ydvra yn barnu fod y traethawd hwn yn un eu help i ddeall Pechod Adda a'r Cyfaummod de oweithredoedd. Y mae pob ?? tu goleuedig i athrawiaethau Calviniaeth yn sier o ar. gywilyidaio o'r ymosodiad hwn arnynt. Achub- yr wch ni o ddwylaw ein cyfeillion y rhaid ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1323 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... Y WASG A'R GYLLIDEB, m . ^ s DYWED y Times fod cyllideb ag sydd me awmser o heddweh yn gosod treth yr iaewt4 ae ddeg ceiniog yn y bunt, yn cadw tollau rhA ar dU a sugr, ac yn trethu sypynau tolldai VD chytundebau masnachol, yn ymddangos ar ag olwggyntaf mor wrthwynebol yn ei nodwedd, fel nas gallai unrhyw hyawdledd sicrhau derby,' d. iad iddi; ond y mae galluoedd Mr. GLADb0 Vn y fath fel y mae ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 539 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... Y MAE yn siriol genym allu hysbysa ein dar- i Ilenwyr, fod effeithiau y cynhyrfiad crefyddol sydd yn y ddwy flynedd a aeth heibio wedI ymledu dros ranau eang o'r byd, in profi tu 3 hwnt i bob dadl mai dylanwad dwyfol oedd yr ] achos o hono. Yr oeddym yn credu mai dyma c yr unig eglurhad cywir a allesid roddi ar yr e ysgogiad ar ei doriad cyntaf allan. Yr oedd y L ?? mawr oedd rhyngddo-hyd yn e ...

Published: Wednesday 22 February 1860
Newspaper: Baner ac Amserau Cymru
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2024 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: News