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... TALES FRiO' BLACKWOOD. Vol. VIII. Blackwood I' and Sons. at We can add nothing to what baa already been said in ihi commendation of this popular reprint. Of convenient sise, of and printed in clear bold type, these volumes, reproducing be tit the choicest of Afaga's light literature, are always welcome, especially as reliefs to the tedium of a monotonous railway c journey. at PICTURES ...


... T IT E CO UR T. LONDON, SATURDAY.-I-lS Royal HighleSS the0 Prince Consort rode on horseback with Prince Alfred yesterday morning,. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred and Princess Alice, and attended by hIC llon. Carolinc Cavendish, Mion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Alfred Paget, anl Colonel the Him. A. lardingC, went yesterday afternoon to thc Floral lail, Covent Garden. The ...


... FASBIONS FOR MARCH. (From Le Follet, JournaZ ?? Monde:)' Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for ball dresses. Tarlatare, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of vel- vet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, cerise, &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, wrhich makes a simple but very charming dress, ...


... Xd FBZ. dr AT , GdzlBrol MdJCl.8sTz. The first ateps have been taken towards the reaisation of Mr. Thomas Fairbalan's scheme for a free art gallery in Manchester. A numerous and infr'eetial meetinh 5 was held yesterday in the Mayor's parlour, at the Town-hi t in that city, the Mayor presiding, to consider the pro Mr. Falrbairm, after explaining his seme eubstantlauy tt in a letter reently ...


... LI TBRAF URE. | Greysiuore; a Story of Couantry Life. 3 vols. Lot- don: Smith, Elder, and Co. Whatever be the merits of female novelists in these times, we certainly do not envy them the labour of their productions. It may be that the male critic is unable to comprehend the fineness of discrimination by which an authoress can extract character out of interminable walks through meadows, along ...


... n. (From Le Follet.) exhi Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very bon( ashionable for ball dresses. Tarlatane, with flounces em- beer broidered with coloured spots of velvet, or of gold-spotted the a led all over with gold, silver, white, cerise, &c.--are all in favour. held I W. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which mat, makes a simple but very charming ...


... ' LITERARY, EXTRACTS.', I. ai CLEANqEEI;-gMan is an amphibiousw animal, and -ac ought 'topass -ome small portion of caoh' the,water In fact, a largeiv . ziot the larger proportion' of disesg s arises from leavig' the pores of the- ski closed, whether with natural exqdation or matter-from without, aluW dirt. _ It is quite a mistake to suppose, and the idea must at once bedone away with, ...


... Last night, Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia-one of the most popular compositions in the range of the Italian Opera-was performed at the Queen's Theatre. The house, though not crowded, was well filled, and the enthusiasm of the audience was intense. Madame Lorini, as Lucrezia, was in capital voice and spirit, and did ample justice to her part. Her Cor e hello quale incanto was given with ...


... THE C OURT. LONDON, TUESD.AY.-Her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Priticess Alice, and attended by the lion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Lient.- Colonel the l-on. D. de Ros honored Mr. Bcll with a visit yesterday afternoon, at his studio, in Douro Place, Kensington. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort presided yesterday at a ...


... Last night Rossini's favourite opera of 11 PI Barbiere di Siviglia was produced at the tc cc Queen's Theatre with all the success which a te thoroughly effective company and well disci- ar plined orchestra could secure. In all parts of gi the house there was a full audience, the dress rh circle especially being crowded to excess. The ti overture, which is replete with rich melody, was Ic ...


... P OETR Y. SUNDAY TRAD1210, tj BAILLkD. fremu Monday morn till Saturday hilght I toil ammd work awoy, 1d tl!en till Monday morning's light I rove, or rest, or pray. 'saw, and wheel, and hamner are still, And fire and steam are sleciing- ?? and brush, and waggon and 2nill, Time dry of rest are kooping. L'rzn A onday morn till Saturday night i counmt and writo and pack, A'lul then till Monday ...


... ' (mrora LE FOLLUTT.) Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for!bsell-dresses. Tar- latane, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of velvet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, white, cerise; &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which makes a simple bat very charm- ing dress, with two skirts or a .tunic; ...