... Lo :INES BY A LADY, E BUGGESTID BY THE S ATE IN WHIOC THE POOR S:Lwict WERE IN WHEN LANDED NFOM THE GREAT TASN~AJXA. 0, Brltania, bow thy lofty heads Take olfthy crown of fame, And sit in dust and ashes, For disgrace rests on thy name; The men who fought so boldly 'Neath India's burning sun Sick-dying-and neglected When their conquests anl were won. After all their toilsome marohes, Their days ...


... THE THIRTY-FOURTH EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOITISH ACADEMY, EDINBURGH. ' .hUf at~tlJsa1, Lfl~flJUfltefl (cOaMrsIcsAM.) On a recent visit to Edinburgh, we were gratified to observe the large number of visitors to the annual exhibition on the Mound, and the careful examination of the various paint. iags made by the greater part of those present. This augurs well for the prospects of art in ...


... = t= -T- ?? THE THR:FEESCORE A'N'D TEN-, I- - . A Pa I ?? (From the Gentleman's Magazine.) The following animated lines are, we undersand, the effusion of a veteran poet, the Rev. D:- Croly; and were produced by him at a recent select literary party at Brithtern on proposing the health of the senior Memtber in the Chair, himself well known as the Editor of Churebill, aflJ one of the oldest ...


... -0 4P CO5MPETITION FOIR SCUIPTORS or ALL NATIONS.-The Prince Regent of Prussia has directed a monument to be raised at Berlin in honout of his father, Frederick William III. The statue is to be equestrian, in height and dimen- sions after the model of the celebrated monument by Rauch of Frederick the Great, a copy of which, on a reduced scale, it will be remembered, is in the Crystal Palace at ...


... THE COURT, OSnoRNExt, FRIDrrA.-The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal family, arrived at Osborne yestcrday, at halr-past two o'clock. SATRunoAY.-Tlhe Qucen, the Prince Consort, and tlre Roya l faamily walked in thc grounds yestcrday. SUNDAY.-Princoi and Princess Luiningeon visited her Majesty yesterday. This morning lher Miljesty, his Royal Htighness the Prince Consort, their Royal ...


... T If E C 0 U It T Loxmmm, TUlESDAY.-The Queen held a Couit and Prlivy Coun cil yesterday atiteqnnon at Buck ingham P'atlace. The Prince Con teceotnpanicd by Prince Alfi%!d, rodoe onl horseback yesterdlay morning, at- ended by' Colonel the lIon. A. I-Haidingo The Prhincess Ilelena rodo in the llidinig-house of Buck- inrgliam Palace. The Prince Consort visited the Duke Wf'Canmbriilge yesterday ...


... I 0 (W FY NGHALON. Vy gh51oD ddwys, bydd imi 'n dant, ,j1ain chvareu 'i miwrig arno; IA misial ,el, sibrwd nant, yen chyddo 'n beraidd arnat eto: P s aro y bydd mudaurwydd bedd, ye selio 'monwes i rhyw driatwch- Al anian flwr o'm tylch mewn hedd, Yn cacl ei goglais i ddifyrwch I o or per alawon sy trwy 'r wig lawr y dolydd yn ymchwyddo- Dan yabryioliseth -se pob pig, Nes denu anian fawr i'w ...


... F A IRS. DROGIEDA SPRING FAIR-MARCIT 12.-The first fair of ?? town for this year came ofr to-day. From early dawn horned cattle, with lots of sheep and an immense supply ot swine, were driven into tOwn. A largo numbher of graziers and cattle dealers Irom the neighbouring counties assembled in the cattle mart during the day. Some very excellent oeef was sold at £3 per civt., and ?? 45s. and ...


... SATURDAY, MAFCc 3&-Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by the Princess Alice, took a drive in an open'carriage and four this afternoon. The Prince of Wales arrived in the afternoon at Buckingham Palace from Oxford. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, attended by Colonel the Hon. A. Hardinge, went on Satur- day morning to the Royal Exchange. His Royal Highness after- wards proceeded to the ...

Published: Sunday 11 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 996 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... LITER ATURE. IRVINGIAYA * A careless book-maker has thrown together a quan. tcity of gossip and stray criticism on Washington Irving. On the principle that great men, taken up any way, are profitable company, we accept this dish of broken literary food, while waiting for a complete biography of a writer who was an ornament to his profession. Irvingiaia is, then, not a book to be criticised; ...


... liER MAJESTY'S THEA 7'ITE. Mr. E. T. Smith, the new lessee anal director of Her Majesty's Theatre has issued his prospectus for the ensuing season. A. more formidable and imposing document we do not remember to have been presented of late years by the manager of one or other of the Italian Theatres. The list 3of names in almost every department is powerful and com- plote, while the catalogue ...


... OLY7MPIC TIREATRE. Uncte Zachary, the new drama produced at this house last night, is aviwedly fulnded upon a French original, Mon t Oncic Bhaptiste. We have no knowledge or that production, fand ere unable therefore to say how closely the English a adapter has followed it in his version, but the plot is assuredly in its broad outline one to which no author can l 3pretend any copyright, The ...