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... ?? NATAL: An Account of the Characteristics qui Cnd 0~ablties of this British Dependency, published hol ji#ide theauthority of the Government Immigration ?? tuder the the - :d4ance and information of emigrants. die 3Board, for the gu-- etJmsMnL., r Compiled and edited by Robert James Mana, M.D.1 Hi ?? Superintendent of Eduac9i.°n - Natal Lou- }l1 ,don *arrold k Sons, 47 St. Pauls Churchyard. ...


... .. i .. : _ .- _ _ . , t_ -.L.11.E ?? v -w~ --d __ v-1- ty *slhl n Egypt.'-Ani unpublishe I poem by EdPwin AstLerstoze, i the Dt b in Univeriity Magazine) Slowly, at length, A.s loath to strike, Aaron stretched out the rod: 'With large bright eyes upturned, and ?? lips, On heaven a moment gazed; then downward looked, And smote the water. A As when fire breaks out In a thick-peopled dwelling; ...


... Last night, Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia-one of the most popular compositions in the range of the Italian Opera-was performed at the Queen's Theatre. The house, though not crowded, was well filled, and the enthusiasm of the audience was intense. Madame Lorini, as Lucrezia, was in capital voice and spirit, and did ample justice to her part. Her Cor e hello quale incanto was given with ...


... Last night Rossini's favourite opera of 11 PI Barbiere di Siviglia was produced at the tc cc Queen's Theatre with all the success which a te thoroughly effective company and well disci- ar plined orchestra could secure. In all parts of gi the house there was a full audience, the dress rh circle especially being crowded to excess. The ti overture, which is replete with rich melody, was Ic ...


... ' (mrora LE FOLLUTT.) Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for!bsell-dresses. Tar- latane, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of velvet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, white, cerise; &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which makes a simple bat very charm- ing dress, with two skirts or a .tunic; ...


... THE THIRTY-FOURTH EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL SCOITISH ACADEMY, EDINBURGH. ' .hUf at~tlJsa1, Lfl~flJUfltefl (cOaMrsIcsAM.) On a recent visit to Edinburgh, we were gratified to observe the large number of visitors to the annual exhibition on the Mound, and the careful examination of the various paint. iags made by the greater part of those present. This augurs well for the prospects of art in ...


... = t= -T- ?? THE THR:FEESCORE A'N'D TEN-, I- - . A Pa I ?? (From the Gentleman's Magazine.) The following animated lines are, we undersand, the effusion of a veteran poet, the Rev. D:- Croly; and were produced by him at a recent select literary party at Brithtern on proposing the health of the senior Memtber in the Chair, himself well known as the Editor of Churebill, aflJ one of the oldest ...


... kj~OTT)H ACADY 4EXEIBIsTIOS. e o ude~ ou'r aecount of the ?? Exli~i Vi ~CO len iby 0fevw flotes 6O6 'pictures towijich w' .. I1qY~ Slt. no v~t hjivnnedi to allade. bs1t 'which, -. either from their merits Pr demerits, appear to cell for some notice. 92. A .Storm on Loch Maohay, mith Ben..- 'wi Nevis inthe distance, by Macneil Moclcay, di#- . .pu4n soml,`reipects rmiiwb artistid skill; bb.i ...

Court and Fashion

... court? A? ,ftstiou ??i. 'oONmE, Marc n and Prince Con-.. sort wailked out this-inorning. The Queen and Princess 'Leiningen wvill arrive to- day on a visit to her Majesty. THE XDINBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAIRCH 14, 1860. TO CORRElSPONIDEXTS. No notice can be taken of anonymous communications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the Writer; eot ...


... P 0 E T R Y. TllE RIVER. Whoerc il Natur's siacred places j i~hl thle mnighty stream its birthi Fillr anlidst tho lonely mounlltains, Splings it from its mothsr earth, WVhore tho many-tilted lielsEs Clothe the stones around thoe hl'ink Of the fountain, where the wild deer Caine at evenint hour to drinli; Vhere, at midnight, midst the silence Of the everlasting hills, ScaTce awaleened by the ...

Literary Notices

... p . -I;- -?7z ll? - . ,g arg lotitts. BIEOGRAPTHIS OF3 LORD MACAULLY, Contributed >Eneyclopwdi& Britannics,21.- With Notes of his Cunnecti9n. with Ediabnrgh, and? Extracts from bi, -Letters and Speeches Edinburgh: A. and C. Black. -WffATEYE the canse, the faet is indisputable that.the vo t distingnished authors run into extra circulation immediaetly on the Bhlso nee Pent of.the ...


... THEATR E PlEACHINGS. I . 1 A x b (From the Saturday Reviewi.) It is only an act of justice to observe that Lord Shaftesbury, in his recent reply to Lord Dungannon, said all that could be said in defence of tire ianolvation both on rcligious fecling andl common SCnse wilob0c has rccently beenl inaulgurated under his ausSics. On ali ?? it was admitted that there is a n-anifest iceoilsrreity and ...