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... T IT E CO UR T. LONDON, SATURDAY.-I-lS Royal HighleSS the0 Prince Consort rode on horseback with Prince Alfred yesterday morning,. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred and Princess Alice, and attended by hIC llon. Carolinc Cavendish, Mion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Alfred Paget, anl Colonel the Him. A. lardingC, went yesterday afternoon to thc Floral lail, Covent Garden. The ...


... THE COURT, OSnoRNExt, FRIDrrA.-The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal family, arrived at Osborne yestcrday, at halr-past two o'clock. SATRunoAY.-Tlhe Qucen, the Prince Consort, and tlre Roya l faamily walked in thc grounds yestcrday. SUNDAY.-Princoi and Princess Luiningeon visited her Majesty yesterday. This morning lher Miljesty, his Royal Htighness the Prince Consort, their Royal ...


... T If E C 0 U It T Loxmmm, TUlESDAY.-The Queen held a Couit and Prlivy Coun cil yesterday atiteqnnon at Buck ingham P'atlace. The Prince Con teceotnpanicd by Prince Alfi%!d, rodoe onl horseback yesterdlay morning, at- ended by' Colonel the lIon. A. I-Haidingo The Prhincess Ilelena rodo in the llidinig-house of Buck- inrgliam Palace. The Prince Consort visited the Duke Wf'Canmbriilge yesterday ...


... TH E COURT. OsBonRN, MARCH 12.-The Queen aud Prince Con- sort wialked out this morning. The Prince and Prin. cess of Leining-en will arrive to-dav on a visit to her Mvla jesty. The Archbishop of Dublin, Mrs. Whately, Miss Wliately, family, and stuitOehave ar rived at the Angle- sey Aims Hotel, Kingstown, from the Palace, Dublin. - Watson, Esq., Mrs. Watson, family, and suite, have taken their ...


... THE C OURT. LONDON, TUESD.AY.-Her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Priticess Alice, and attended by the lion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Lient.- Colonel the l-on. D. de Ros honored Mr. Bcll with a visit yesterday afternoon, at his studio, in Douro Place, Kensington. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort presided yesterday at a ...


... REVIEDWS. SI3iP-BUILDINIG ox NEW AND ECONOMICAL PRINCI- rLEs. By Capt. A. MACGREGOR nEIt, R.N. CAPTAIN A. MACGREGOR SKCINNER IIas contributed some very valuable information on the subject of ship-bllilding in the form of a letter to the Presideut, Vice-President, and Council of the Institution of Naval Architects; and he has also proposed a new and economical method of construction, the merits ...


... F A IRS. DROGIEDA SPRING FAIR-MARCIT 12.-The first fair of tLis town for this year came ofr to-day. From early dawn horned cattle, with lots of sheep and an immense supply ot swine, were driven into tOwn. A largo numbher of graziers and cattle dealers Irom the neighbouring counties assembled in the cattle mart during the day. Some very excellent oeef was sold at £3 per civt., and infeLior 45s. ...


... . THE COURT. OSBORXE, MARCHl 17.-The Queen and Prince Con- sort walked out yesterday afternloon. The Earl of' St. Germans, Lord Stoward, and Viscount Castle- rosse, Vice-Chamberlain of the Household, arrived this moirning from London, with addresses to her Majesty front both Houses of Parliamcent. MARtCHt 18.-Thc Queen and Princo Consort drove out yesterday, accompanied by the Princess 1lelena ...


... T II F C O U RUT. LONDON, TuRSDAY.-Her: Majesty the Queen and the Princess Helena rodo in tile Riding [House of' Buekingham Palace. -lor Majesty, accompanied by the Princess Alice, and attended by the lIon. Caroline Cavendish, tookl a drive in a carriage and four in the afternoon. Lord Alfred Paget and Colonel the lion. A. Hardinge attended on horseback. The Prince Consort rode on borseback, ...


... A T S E A. 'Dir. night was node for cooling shade, For silence, and for sloop; And wthen I was a child, I lInk Miy hands upon my breast and prayed, Andl sank to slumbers deep. Childlike as thenl I lie to-night, Anl watc cl my lonely cabin lighit, Ei.lell luOvOeinnt (if the swaying lamlp Shows how tihe vessel reels, Anil 'or helri dcl the billows tramp, A tid all her tlibers straiii and Crallop ...


... FASHION'. THE COURT. It is expected that the Queen and Prince Consort, with the Royal Family, will leave Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, for Windsor Castle, to spend the Easter recess, The confirmation of Prince Alfred will most probably take place during the visit of the Queen to Windsor. The ceremony will be as simple and in- ostentations as possible; and the precedent already established in ...


... TilE REFORM BILL AND THE QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY IN IRELAND. A letter to the Right lion. Edward Cardwell, M.P. By WILLIAm LuPTON, MlA., Inner Temple. Dublin: I1od(qes, S7mith, 4 Co., Grafton Street. In this letter, Mr. Lupton has urged utjon the Chlief-Secretary the obvious and inevitable argun ents in favor of giving the beneuit of Parliamentary repre- sentation to the Queen's University in ...