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... TO THE 3DITOR OY THE REA. Sir,-As a constant reader of your journal I am aware that you take an interest in all that relates to the dramatic art, using that term in its highest signification. I am, therefore, induced to beg a short space in your columns to express, as one of the public, my feelings with regard to the outrage committed upon truth and common sense among a certain class of actors ...

Published: Sunday 18 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 971 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... * .0 ?? Bengala; or, Some Tzme Ago. By Mrs. VIDAL, a author of Tales for the Bush, &c. 2 vols. London: J. W. Parker and Son. We confess ourselves not very partial in ge- v .ueral to Australian tales, for the simnple reason that a the field has been either overworked, or that the f sympathies of persons here at home who have no 0 t relatives in that colony, or entertain no idea of emi- ( ...


... -0 4P CO5MPETITION FOIR SCUIPTORS or ALL NATIONS.-The Prince Regent of Prussia has directed a monument to be raised at Berlin in honout of his father, Frederick William III. The statue is to be equestrian, in height and dimen- sions after the model of the celebrated monument by Rauch of Frederick the Great, a copy of which, on a reduced scale, it will be remembered, is in the Crystal Palace at ...


... :tITERUYMISCELLANEA NAvTURsAL CoarAss-it is fact that* the vast prairies of Texas, a little plant is alwa ?? found, which, under all circumstances of clinmate to be of weather, rain, frost, or sunshine, invariablyt hanae leaves and flowers to the north. If a solitaw Its were makingt his way across those trackless ZiM l ayeller a star to guide or compass to direct him, he findu' without ring ...


... FASBIONS FOR MARCH. (From Le Follet, JournaZ ?? Monde:)' Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for ball dresses. Tarlatare, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of vel- vet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, cerise, &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, wrhich makes a simple but very charming dress, ...


... I PROVINCIAL THEA RICALS. I FRXOUR OWNt COBREfPOEDENTS.) ABBEDMRK.. TuimiawE ROYAL.'-As intimated in the paragraph of laot week. Mr3 Pollock. the lessee of this establiobment took her benefit on Friday even, jathe 2d mast, when the attendance of a numerous and respectable sudience testifiod as to the-estimation in whichl she is held, and sohwed that her efforts to keep alive an interest in the ...

Published: Sunday 11 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 11840 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA, C0VENT-GARDAN. The season proper of the Pyne and Harrison company terminated on Saturday evening. The operetta of Romanee preceded the Lurline of Mr. Vincent Wallace. This latter work hai not only sufficed to fill the theatre each evening since its production, but has decided the manage- nent on giving nine additional representations. On Satur- day night the opera was ...


... Xd FBZ. dr AT , GdzlBrol MdJCl.8sTz. The first ateps have been taken towards the reaisation of Mr. Thomas Fairbalan's scheme for a free art gallery in Manchester. A numerous and infr'eetial meetinh 5 was held yesterday in the Mayor's parlour, at the Town-hi t in that city, the Mayor presiding, to consider the pro Mr. Falrbairm, after explaining his seme eubstantlauy tt in a letter reently ...


... LI TBRAF URE. | Greysiuore; a Story of Couantry Life. 3 vols. Lot- don: Smith, Elder, and Co. Whatever be the merits of female novelists in these times, we certainly do not envy them the labour of their productions. It may be that the male critic is unable to comprehend the fineness of discrimination by which an authoress can extract character out of interminable walks through meadows, along ...


... LYCEUM P'HEATIRE. The so-called comedietta brought out on Saturday evening at the Lyceum, under the title of 117, ,sudcl-strect, Strand, is, in fact, a farce of the broadest and most impro- bable kind. It seems to have been produced for the sake of exhibiting Mrs. Keeley in one of those housemaid paits which she plays with such wonderful naturalness; and to her attempts to give reality to ...


... LITEAA TRIE. , ?? .Aapoleo, III. oil Entnlaud. Selentions from his sc own lVritivgs. Edited and translated by JoHiN g JIAWKINS SildrSoN. London: Saunders, Otley, t and Co. p The catalogue of royal and imperial authors is bi not a very long one, and future nges would siuffeT m little loss if every copy of their works should be bi destroyed in some Alexandrine conflagration. It if is quite ...


... LYCEU, THEA TRE. en Throughout the greater portion of the new drama, I entitled the Adbb Vandreuii; or, the Court LoJoisdXVT, e 00 produced for the first time at this theatre last evening, we c were somewhat in that condition in which Sir Edward 1lBulwer Lytton supposes his reader to be during the perusal F co of Zanoiti (to judge from the epigraph on the title-page of d he that romance), ...