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... TALES FRiO' BLACKWOOD. Vol. VIII. Blackwood I' and Sons. at We can add nothing to what baa already been said in ihi commendation of this popular reprint. Of convenient sise, of and printed in clear bold type, these volumes, reproducing be tit the choicest of Afaga's light literature, are always welcome, especially as reliefs to the tedium of a monotonous railway c journey. at PICTURES ...


... 94614-f Wit The Epigrams of Martial. Translated into English Prose. Bohn's Ctassical Library.-H. G. Bohn, 'London. MAROTIAL is celebrated among scholars for the witand purity of style of those uumorous books of shortpeoius whieh havegiven him a lastiu~r name in literature, but these produetions, while throwving a good of light on the manners, morals, and modes of thoaght of a mostdebased ...


... 4Joftr - THE TEACIILNG OF DEATH. I SAWI my darlhg in cahn slumber lyini- His sti u, pale faCe so beautiful il death * So like sweet sleep, that, Iluiued from tears and sighing, I looked and listeied for hifs gentle breath. His little hands, so white lid thlin, were folded, ClasPing tit purest flowers that love could bring Never was marble hil such beauty mnoulded- God anud Death only make so ...


... fpoffrtr. LONELY. SITTING lonely, ever lonely Waiting, wNaitlug for ne ol Thus I count tile wettry Illoellts ssing by And the heavy evening loom Gathers slowfy in the room And the ehill November darkness dims the sky Now the countless blesy feet Cross each other in the street, And I watch tile fasecs flittilg plistsany door; Blut the step that lingered nightly, And the hand that rapp'd so ...


... I otm STRANGERS YET! Strangers jet I After yar3s of life together, After lair aud stormy weather, After travel in far lands, After touoh of wedded hands- Why thus joined? why ever met? If they must be strangers yet. Strangers yet! After childhood's winning ways. After care, and blame, and praise, Counsel asked, and wisdom given, After mutual prayers to Heaven, Child and parent scarce regret ...


... EARLY SPRING. Oh, sweetly now the seaona ohange, From dark and grima to lightsome eves! The hapPY birds have longer range, And later twitter on the eaves. Tbe faoe of nature still Is grave, 'he ?? of biting frost is there; But shining laurels boldly wave Their wvelcomo to a milder air. The earth looks soft, as if, beneath, Tho Sun'e increasing warmth had power; And soon shall pierce the tender ...


... SHADOWS 0~ THE WALL. BESIDE the hearth there is an houi of dreaming, A calm and pensive solitude of soul, When lifd and death lavc each another seeming, And thoughts. are wnith us ow~ning no control. These are the spirits-Meniaory's revealing In deep solemnlty they rise and fall, S9hrouding tle living present, and concealingr .ThewForid around us-shadows on the wai1. Etopes, like the leaves ...


... . . . I X1.A TEARFUL, Why thoso tears of silent sorrow ? Why that troubld, painful start7 Soon shall dawn tho bright to-morrow, Love shall hoial your wounded heart. Yos, the world is cold and sordid, Bitter are its words and deeds; But your mind must no'ar be morbid, Boot up all suoh hurtful teetl! Friends will always round you cluster, If they knlow yoou've treasufrd gold; Little gifts ...


... WEST OF ENGLAND) ART UNION. On Thu siday the~priz'ehaolders Idi ~tblg'Ayt;Uolon ainW' e4polce~ qf th~ir jsioftr'cos,,om dig Iti pyo and otbhts~~Y proxy. FTit, followiuig-wor th aleansaei qwiner werer ,not reul tdc:. kd'ohlc wbr 6'n the] -list of 'the committe ohcos~.itx5o'~s t e wortly, Exeter.., -Gitla Qlc, Robijson, Preston.itr c'Bew e L~~. ar H. Graves, Londo.'outnStc''3.Se,£0 r. F. E. ...


... CP, + Aifqaflllj?. 211ce corcstll Muagazine. No. llK-Siuith, Elder, and Co., 65, Vic Coruhill. in Tn'sE famce of its world-knoivoi editor, and its owni intrinsic bel merit, have at onec started this periodical into a ripe success Sat sueb as is given to few of the magazine genus to attatin. Itl is it already anl established fitet ' in our- monthly literature, and tog the picturesqute yellow ...


... Thle ballot for the choice of prizes in the Bristol and West of England Art Un ion of 1859, established by, and in connexion with, the Bristol Academy for the promotion of the Fine Arts, took place oil Thursday afternoon at the Fine Arts Academy, Queen's Road. The pictures selected for prizes, 42 in number, and which were sloowos at the late annual Exhibition of the Academy, were tastefully ...


... 3 (From Le FolleL) Tii otligb out the scafsongold and. siver gauze has beenivery tfashionable1 for belt-dresses. Tarlatane, with flounces embrol Idered with coloured vpots of veWet'or of gold~sPotqt draL'q ver wjthgol, ~lvc,'wlte ceise&bar~ea I n favolur. We ha-e also remarked imorgandi, with White stripes, whilch makes,'. 3simple but Vei'y'disarmnjlt -diess, Milh two skirts' or a tic; bod ...