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... S P E I N G. Ireye, where the tall plantation firs Slope to the river down the hill, Strange impulses-like vernal stirs- Rave made me wander at their will. I see, with half-attentive eyes, The buds and flowers that mark the Spring, And Nature's myriad prophecies Of what the Summer suns will bring. For every sense I find delight- The new-wed cushat's murmurous tones, Young blossoms bursting ...


... mnx. . TDOMAS AT=i SHARLES JAMES FoD RrrA(MP v W.-x How CHARLES JAMES FOX BECAMIE A REFosmra.-Fox sI bad displayed no-particular talent so long as he was in the n ministerial ranks. He appeared quite satisfied to receive his tj salary. and to squander that and a great deal more in p gambling 'but no sooner did his father, Lord Holland, set g him at ease by paying off his debts, the amount of ...


... 4Joftr - THE TEACIILNG OF DEATH. I SAWI my darlhg in cahn slumber lyini- His sti u, pale faCe so beautiful il death * So like sweet sleep, that, Iluiued from tears and sighing, I looked and listeied for hifs gentle breath. His little hands, so white lid thlin, were folded, ClasPing tit purest flowers that love could bring Never was marble hil such beauty mnoulded- God anud Death only make so ...

Pickings from Punch

... oidcktna from Apticb. I . -_ STRANGE COI. -Forty oM pounds I THE CLOAK oB RNLOIGON.-A Cardinal. DOnE To RAGs.-Austrian finance. THE AnOLITXON op FLoaorpo._-The time when* the nvwilbe so well manned that you will not find a room on board a ship inwhichyocanswing acat S a ' It THE PRETTIEST LITTLE BABY IN TiE WonID.- The only one point upon which the female sex is ever unanimous-the baby in ...


... POET RY. It THE OAK. tl Behold that n1ohle spreading tree, On Britain's fertile plains, A king in regal majesty, . Which o'er the woodland reigns. d In stately pride its head is raised tl As If high heaven to invoke, Monarch of all the forest trees ,Is England's native oak. P The birthplace of that kingly tree What sage on earth can tell, a Or who point to the parent stock From which the acorn ...


... Lo :INES BY A LADY, E BUGGESTID BY THE S ATE IN WHIOC THE POOR S:Lwict WERE IN WHEN LANDED NFOM THE GREAT TASN~AJXA. 0, Brltania, bow thy lofty heads Take olfthy crown of fame, And sit in dust and ashes, For disgrace rests on thy name; The men who fought so boldly 'Neath India's burning sun Sick-dying-and neglected When their conquests anl were won. After all their toilsome marohes, Their days ...


... -0 4P CO5MPETITION FOIR SCUIPTORS or ALL NATIONS.-The Prince Regent of Prussia has directed a monument to be raised at Berlin in honout of his father, Frederick William III. The statue is to be equestrian, in height and dimen- sions after the model of the celebrated monument by Rauch of Frederick the Great, a copy of which, on a reduced scale, it will be remembered, is in the Crystal Palace at ...


... LITER ATURE. IRVINGIAYA * A careless book-maker has thrown together a quan. tcity of gossip and stray criticism on Washington Irving. On the principle that great men, taken up any way, are profitable company, we accept this dish of broken literary food, while waiting for a complete biography of a writer who was an ornament to his profession. Irvingiaia is, then, not a book to be criticised; ...


... liER MAJESTY'S THEA 7'ITE. Mr. E. T. Smith, the new lessee anal director of Her Majesty's Theatre has issued his prospectus for the ensuing season. A. more formidable and imposing document we do not remember to have been presented of late years by the manager of one or other of the Italian Theatres. The list 3of names in almost every department is powerful and com- plote, while the catalogue ...


... L ?? or AOQll THE S ?? TICOXET.- Bentley, Bimslingtoss-str'eet.- The Season Ticket introduces us to very pleasant company, and to many highly amusing and interesting scenes both at home and,,abroad. It contains ?? doezen sketches Of customs1 chsaacters. and coasstriee, all more or less familiar' to 'th~e reader. The 'cute Yansked, and the devil-me-care Ilrishman,a-re both pouitrayodwith ...


... LYCEUM P'HEATIRE. The so-called comedietta brought out on Saturday evening at the Lyceum, under the title of 117, ,sudcl-strect, Strand, is, in fact, a farce of the broadest and most impro- bable kind. It seems to have been produced for the sake of exhibiting Mrs. Keeley in one of those housemaid paits which she plays with such wonderful naturalness; and to her attempts to give reality to ...


... LITEAA TRIE. , ?? .Aapoleo, III. oil Entnlaud. Selentions from his sc own lVritivgs. Edited and translated by JoHiN g JIAWKINS SildrSoN. London: Saunders, Otley, t and Co. p The catalogue of royal and imperial authors is bi not a very long one, and future nges would siuffeT m little loss if every copy of their works should be bi destroyed in some Alexandrine conflagration. It if is quite ...