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... T H B C a O TUROT. The Queen, accompanied by the. Princess Alice and Prince Arthur, and attended by the Hon. Beatrice Byng, took a drive in a carriage-and-four oh Tuesday afternoon. The Equerries in Witihig attended on horseback. The Earl of t.Iin 'had an audience of her Majbsty yesterday at Buckingfiaim Palceo. The Prince Consort rode on horseback yesterday morning, attended by Ctlptain Du ...


... THE C OURT. We believe there is a probability of her Majesty's payinga short visit to Balmoral in themonth of May. We do not announce this as an arrange- ment positively determined on, but we learn that the Queen is anxious to see the Highlands in the Spring; and that a sort of conditional promise was given that her Majesty would visit Scotland during the Spring. We may, therefore, perhaps, ...


... THE COURT. The Queen's dinner-party on Wednesday evening, included the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred, the IHanoverian Minister (Count Kielnmansegge), the Greek Minister and 'Madame Triconpi, the United States Minister and Mirs. Dallas, the Earl and Countess of Elgin, and Lady Elma Brmce, Lady Fanny Iloward, Viscount Falkland and the Duchess of St. Albans, and Lady ...


... THE COURT. The confirmation of Prince Alfred will take place at Windsor Castlc on Thursday. , the 5th of April. A select number of the nobility and personal friends of the Royal Family will be invited to the ceremony. There will be no state observed, and the religious rite will be performed with every simplicity. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales arrived at Buckingham Palace on Friday, ...


... F A IR S. ARuarA01 FAMR.-THlUnSDAY.-This was one of the largest yet hlci in this city. Beef averaged filly £3 per cwt. for well-flnished beasts; coarse beasts were sold at 40s. per cwt. and upwards, Cood two-year- old hullocks and heifers were in moderate demand, at £4 to £1, while yearlings brougthlit from £2 upwards. Muilch cows command high prices, some going to £14; springers anxiously ...


... OUR WORT11Y FRIEND NAP. A NE' SONG. (To t1e Time of Xottingham Ale.) 1. Ouit worthy friend Nap, as we all of us feel, Has a dangerous liking for everything free; The freedom of France he devoured at a meal, And you never lnowv what his next morsel will be. Free-trade hbre in Britain We thought we had bit on; No swaddling bands longer its limbs should cnwivrP; But it nowv appears better Its ...


... THE show-yard was visited on Wednesday by a large number, although the weather from an early hour was most inclement, but the attraction of two mili- tary bands did not prove great enough to induce many ladies to forget this circumstance, and be pre- sent during the Lord Lieutenant's inspection of the stock exhibited. His Excellency arrived at three o'clock. Lord CLANCARTY briefly moved a vote ...


... POItTADOWN FAIR.-The fair on Saturday was large, and business brisk. Good beef cattle com- manded high rates, and were in lively request. Milch cows were much sought after, and still command firm rates, according to their milking qualities. The same remnark.applies to springers. The prices were from £8 to £13, but a great many sales were made below these figures. There was a moderate show of ...


... FASHION'. T If E C 0 U R T. WINDSOR CASTLr, APmrr, 7-._To-day being the bilrth-daiy of Prince Leopold, the Duchess of Kent and the Princess of Leiningen paid her Majesty an early congratulatory visit. The Qneen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred, walked in the grounds of the Castle this morning. Princess Alice walked and drove in the Home-park. Princess Helena and Princess Louisa ...

FASHION. The approac

... hing drawing-room of Saturday, the 28th inst., was expected to be a brilliant one, but the Court mourninz for the late Prince of Hohenlohe- Langenbonrg, will deprive it of snme of its eelft. The difference it will make in the costumes of the debutantes will be hut trifling, sinco, whatever the material, the color will be white, and the only alteration requisite will be black ribbons, as the ...


... T H E C O UR R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, WEDNESDAY.-Her Majesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort rode out on horseback yesterday afternoon, accompanied bry the Prince of' Wales, Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred. In attendance were the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, Colonel thle RIoi. A. N. Ilood, Captain Du Plat, and Captain Grey. Thoe Royal dinner-party in the evening in- cluded the Prince of ...


... F A I R S. OMAGIT FuIR.-Oui fair on Tnesday last wa.1 not largely su ppl) ed, except wit t black cat tl, of which the she Yio'IS 4il iicil ?? than usual, spriligols were a good dall looked fiCo, andI high prices obtaineld. Beef cattle of all I inds sold hi gh. Mr. David Scott, of' Tatnagole, rcfused over £40 for two bollocks, Except for cattle sprli ging or suitabile for beef, there was no ...