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... P o El T R Y. .--- 0- NECESSE EST MORI. I. X'resere at VoO) so osvs Ia Poet And that ol('s Batic ivats Ciecro-ai sege! et .s(IIe wyould shrouid th' idea, tbjo' tbey klow it To be itilelible upon tbe 11io Of illaial natUire. All things rond tie show it Thie split1g leaIf vithers-znd thoe wildl wiIls rage- Till it he crulinhbli1-through the wide world blow it: Whate'ey we (10, the tonihb our ...


... ROYAL SCOTTISH .SOCIEIY OF ARTS. The concluding meeting of the session was held yesterday evening in Georp e Street Hall- Mr T. Stevenson, C.E., presiding. A Paper Descriplive of an improved Econo- mical Arrangrment ror Boiling with Steam, suitable fbr Paoermaker, Blleelchers, &c., invented by Messrs Cranl.toun, Young, and Lovell-illustrated by a working modtl of the apparatns ased-eas read by ...

Literary Notices

... 11 iftrartr 4fitM- ?i- JUMIAN Holma. A Ta'e of Collese Life. By T FiREctERIC W. FkItRARt, M.AX, Fellow of TO- nitv College, Cambridge, Author of - Erie, or Little by Little. Edinbargh: Adsa tatid I h Charles BIA. b BrFORtE the reader of ?? book makes way t 'through many pages of it, he will find that'he is genuine life sketcbtes-delineations of human thought, motive, and action, ...


... GRE AT INTERNATIONAL EXGBITION OF 1862. The Council of the Society of Arts hare com- menced in earnest the guarantee for the great International Exhibition of 1862. If we may 'judge by the list of parties who have already signified their intention of joining in the guarantee,: and which we have seen at the rooms in, the Adelphi, the Council have only as yet addressed themselves to the members ...


... L-O-D DUNDONALD.* r-ยข - ' (ao rnsx nxTItS)-- t ',0u r authodrdevotes a eonsiderable portion of- g his space-lto an account of the Cochrane fasmily,- fl df ito-mbst readers these genealogical details P are not interesting. It is enough to say that the family is an ancient one, and the pedigree, a Rike hiost Scotch pedigrees, a very-long Tbe peerage, however,: only dates from the time. v ...

Original Poetry

... 0, rigillal. V- gttq. THE STORY OF THE SHELL While wandering down the shore of Time, I found a little shell, I raised and held It to my ear, Its music pleased me well - And what it murmured whisperingly Aloud to thee I'll tell. The secrets of the sea are not hidden things to me. And something have I learned of the secrets of the- land ; For when the storm last night was in its maddened might, ...


... LITER A TURE. ToE MILL 0n TElE Fioss. By George Eliot, author of Scenes of Clerical Life, and Adam Bede. In three I volumes. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. Tuis work, upon which the reading public have revelled during these last ten days, will scarcely, for a tin.e, be judged upon its owin merits. Assuming that every man and woman who reads anything has read Adam Bede, ...

Literary Notices

... Y. Itmaril Edicts. WESTN1SeTEuB Rprtaw. New Series. No., XXXIV. rLdon: John Chapman., TUE W ESTINSTER EVIEWV for April conltains several p pers that will richly repay pevusal. It is curious, however, to notice the peculiar theological propensities of this Quarterly-if theological they can be termed-cropping out on every 'tOpfc, even on Hinduism. Into the mysteries of Sinscrit literature the ...


... MT TWO PI?tU?ES, tw Day's Waning taper fell upon the sea, And all his beams lay dylag in the Weet, Yet, the soft ru edlight stole back to me, bai And calmed the waking sorrow of my breast: in It lighted on my little chamber wall, And sunned my pictures- Cemferf and De?pOEr not In my sweet solitude-my littlo all- the (1 bought them long ago, and hung them there.) to They are my only friends ...

Literary Notices

... Iiin.a I -1-i I. Aim. Tisri EvtscsaGir RETIEW, NO. 226. Lnl: i ' Lengrnan, Green, and Longman. Tutn EieiseUt tlGI has this month a number 'of very excellent papers_-politicel, scientific, and literary. The openingonuaon The Commercil Relitiops of England and grance is intended to be dxhaistive so far asitbe French Treaty is concerned, and will 'be found to contain a-layge. amoant of ...


... ---_ --- Speyside ; or, the Totwist's Gaide to tite Picturesquec See- bied very- and Antiquities of thec Banse. of the Sprep. By Jonnx ces LoNGearuiez, LL. D., Author of Dunnottar Castle, &,c. Part our I. Aberdeen : L. & J. Smith. insa THE: Guide Book is, of course, an essential of railwvay, travel- Un ling. and few localities aire better wvorth visiting, or afford evi' mnore copious and ...

Literary Notices

... _5r?, t? I I. tft, II-ati-tts. CHEsss PRAXiS. A Supplement to the Chess- players'!Handbook. By H. STAUNTON. Lon. don HI. G. Bobn. Watr awe applied the paper-cutter to this ball- tiful ,work of Mr Staunton's, we thought of the time (long since past) when we first unfolded the sheets of a very little work on the absorbing subject of chess. Hvow greedily we devoured its contents ; and how ...