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Liverpool Mercury



Lancashire, England


Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Liverpool Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES,& DEATHS, ?? No =note of Marrlage or Death cam be I nae or gatedby the nme . ?? of tberender.- Not ro e r:o s nomu be paid ro adveirtlemnts. - ' ~MARRIAGE3S. March1M la the r Parsh Achurcih. cmfeelcko ar. Jde~ohnd Belt. f&arme, rnss ?? Thompr ion of Underukiddaw. Tb blushing bride is Just over 23, and the b&ppy bridegroom is only ust past his 71llh year. Ma, 129, at Brongwyn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, IVIARRUAGES, & DEATHS. ~ Horl *i~ No notice of ?araei Death can be Inere ulss r ?? bepalra tIS etd BIRTHS. Bon Feb. 6, at 0O1i11ngWo0d, Victorial, Mre John hoamBO, of a 11A eon. MARRIAGES. March 28, at St. Matthaeveoa Ileds. by the Rev. Mr. Flood y B.A., Mr. John, Davis% Ito -of Wavertree. to Mary Ann, if eldestdaughtcr of Mr.W. Maesor. of Leed!,. April 4. by licencw, at Sti. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l1 1tTHS, MAbRRIAGES,& DEATHS. , No notlea of Marrhae or Death cap be inseted unlees authelntiated by tho name and address of-the eader.- 2Nticed ot Births must be pai for A adMvrtsemeita. Mach 28. the wifen! Patrick %.IUaw, al abonring man, re- siding at 9 yjlehaw'-bhuldingd, New aird-sreet, of three ?? kblldenu, two girla and a boy. The children are all liviug and doing weolL best the mothrr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No netlee of Marriae or Death can be nseteti enl authtiauted by the namne and rdyw o the mender,- Notiec o5 Bhetli mrast be Daid tor me Ivertlaenamr. - BIRTHS. Ap1nII 25, at Otterpmeol Farm, AIghurib, tho w/ife ot Ir. ~lam iPeacop, of a deughter. April 25 the wifU of Mr. Samuel Baker, Derby-rcod, Boote, of s ?? r. MARRIAGCF. March 17, at the Rectory, New ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIS MARXIAGESit DEATHS. ;ttonottllee of Maxlg 6 ethenb Isredina April 23. at OltercpOOl Farmn, Algburth, tisi wife of Mr. 'WiLliansai'saop, ofadaiuloter.- APrl 25. the wife of ir. .aamuel Baker, Derbyroad, Bootle. of adghtor. MARBRIAGM. Mairch 17,.at the Rectory. Now Orlcejas by the Iter. Awos M Coy, Mr. H. C1. Stanton to Alice, ldauinltr of Mr. Thowas Silturs. Ohlee-atreet, 141crbOn, April ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BITHS, MARRIAGES, &DEATHS. V. No notice of a e or Death can le ils authenticated by te eans and addresl of the sendr.- Um01les of lrthA ?? be Piid for s vadromontau MAMRUIGES. Maih, 19. at at. Phi~liV by the Rev. 0. 6 Bgrboen, .AL, xr. Prania es eotrs to isa Ellen MNorgan. Apri 8, at Sit. Pbli-s, Mr. Richard Abberloy to as Mliz. L ril 8, a. l 1John's, by the Bcv. Mr. Ireland, Mr. Thornd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,,XARRIAGIS, & DMATH& *4* o notice of Mgra or Dee4b can by frsgte& nbyi authenticated by the rnme sectf adidres ot the qne, Is' o' . :. :IRTHS.,- ,Iaceh 31, at l66, 1IIaetS Toabte -pan. 6h0e wfaf ~r. MARRIAGES. III-J lonmof a lb March 12, at Cape Tew, by 1ihe Rev. Gi. ?? ESt Aninrcw'saChurch. JRobesAair. }ho. tos Ma1Teitr eldest 4th [iiega Owe)reeintent.d ?? eee e M~r. Benlamln Weldi~ng ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I b~s M MTL,'1~LAuEs,& DIKIt~ If * 1{Y ?? of d Wue eI Peath can hbe In s . oif r-4 ydt 3itmnt I~ddr. ~ b of __ these d- ?? h nse.. io Apri -, ?? - TRTRS. tis pril in elrinle n1o V pper ParlIaunent~st ev, to tbe O w Mre nt br. JWes O.,rter lionjj lton4 ot a daughter, MARRIAGER. ApriU 17. at the parish tbnrnb. Kiltea. by he Bef. J. 0. 'lail ouurin oftbe hrhie. Joha Acshaon eldent son of I~BI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEAThS, ciheti bthna and addreothe er.- SlOtlesof Qirtias ust be aid for asdvo erase,0t~ MARRIAGES. Mr. Fracl~ licte es o Mr.sEllenhl M~Rga ~,I both Arr~wemij r O5l'b d Abbrjley to Mirs EuZ;- B. Poweby, white~nit, ?? Vcv. Mr. Irelandl Mr. Thomas Elicabetls Joces. of thlX town.EGA Warren IBrlghtman to Mice April 12, at Stg.hlllchurch~, by the Rev. i Mr. Wa'oh. H. Bam3age to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ?? No notle ot NIge or Death ca be o thea nnle ?? by the nam dazl addro te in pence.-. Noticed of Births muat be paid for VA adtezrtlcmento. BIRTHS. March % e wife of atrlck a lSao, niJ rme no- ading at; 9: HlShvarWcbuldln New B -street, at dee due chadren, tho grls . d a bo. ThPortilanzeealllalng ad ddung welbt tho mother Isrc wa. April S. at 221, u alaniPnt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS- MARRIAGES., & DEATHS. ?? No n~otise ot Marae or Deat Oso ba Iasttie mles -uhenticatied b7 the nm andiiulaoft heender.-t N9t1'cu of Bi mu be paid fre adomilassnonts. ' KAIRIA E ?? ' Mlrch 3. at the British lbisny Cosaitlnople, by the t 1ev. Mr. (rirbble, Mr. Dugald Sibbaid, engineer In the service c of H.Ll. the iutan, to Maat Miler, 'youngelt dauighter I of Captain David Hanie, of this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. *e! No notloo ol hfarulago or Doath can be ifoerted nlae, authenltiated by the naimo and aoidroas of the ioundor.- Botleoe or Births mest be paid for ais Advertisements. BIKlERS. April 23. the wife of Mr. Esboyt Mayor, Xlekdrxle, of a son. Ayril2', the vife of Owen Itoberts, daq., Everton-valloy of a son. iAonRIAGES. Lately, at Walton Church. by the Revt T. erombyy ...