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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... LITER A TURE. ToE MILL 0n TElE Fioss. By George Eliot, author of Scenes of Clerical Life, and Adam Bede. In three I volumes. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. Tuis work, upon which the reading public have revelled during these last ten days, will scarcely, for a tin.e, be judged upon its owin merits. Assuming that every man and woman who reads anything has read Adam Bede, ...


... LI TEPRAT US E. -i~a~aS EY Lor.D 3IAcAULY. Contributed to thej EXCYCLOY.tntA B~lr51AicL~ w¶ath Notes of his Connecl tioa with, and Extracts from his Letters and Speeches. E burgh: AdAam & (;harles Black. 18i . | Is a rcent nurnber we copied from oar cotemporary the notice descriptive of the introductory matter of thi wVork, which is suppled by Mr. Adam Black, one of 3 the Meirbefl ...


... THE INVASION OF RUSSIA IN2 1819-* 'Inn inI Yfl.M0JV'' V- (From the Atbefn cul-) To the ?? of readers thenamneof SirtRobert Wihon may not be so familiar as that of many which ave a living echo in theirears, but which areles deserving of be- ing remembered. He belonged to the ast quarter of the 15th century, and to the first quarter of this. He was a man who served his country with seal, ...


... CNOXQOFST ANqD CoLoNrSATeON OF NORTH AFRICA, being the -wit Snb~taDcC of a Series of Letters from Algeria, &o. By fasit Ceo.' wingrove Cooke, Author of China in 1857-1859, t, wsiaim Blackwood& Sons, Edinburgh and London. sern tyec~a leters nowpublished in a collected form, originally 'Wo' 5ppeared in the 'Tmes newspper. Theyhave been recast, per furnishe with a introdction ad supplmeat, ...


... - ALUJZ11T Litn LUJIJ-. When it was told to our King George the Third that Bishop Watson had written au ' Apology for the Bible. his Idajesty observed that he did not know that the Bible required an apology. The present is, no doubt, a far less august theme; but, such as it is, it requires no ?? 'y in any one who undertakes to Aiscourse on it. The fI ! is, that Light Literature is one of ...


... In literature something is doing. Mrs. Grote has sent out an interesting life of Ary Scheffer, the late artist, whose works grace the museum of Versailles, as well as the ?? of Lord Ellesmere. Scheffer was instructor of the children of Louis Philippe, and Mrs. Grote has given some curious de- tails of the escape of the royal fanmily in 1848, as related by Sbeffer. TheEarlof ...


... Tar E Qrxnrs OF SOCIETY- By Grace and Philip Wharton. Illustrated ?? Charles Altanmont Doyle and the Brothers Dalziel. 1n2 Vols. London: James Hogg & Sons. Iv any one desires a few hours of light reading, this is the book for them. The story is racily told; the narrative is illustrated by discursive sketches on sundry subjects, and the whole is thoroughly interesting But there is too much of ...


... ?? ?? sPECTACcE OF THE LNXDMN REVOLT. Dunlop Street Theatre during the present season has been the scene of unsurpassed enterprise, and the rapidity of brilliant successes is somewhat startling. The enthusiastic reception of -Mr. and Mms. Kean, in the tragic department ?? dramatic art, was followed by an Anglo-Italian Opera Company of great excellence; Mr. Webster followed in melodrama, and ...


... (From the Dumsfries Courier.) ii This fair commenced on Monday with the sale of sheep, so the show of which was the stoallest known for many h- years, and did not exceed 7600 head. From this . district 6135 were forwarded byrailway; about 803 from Wigtownshire travelled by road; from AnnandaLe one dealer had about 800. There were a faw lots of crosses and Chlviots, but half breds formed ...


... ? A. 1 .12 _ d_.. .-t ?? aO25IL U-lJAfl. .3 ,VXLi nI a -rf A-b - JS Th conilutdting concert of this, the- sixth season, took M' place on Saturday night in the City Hall, which wps crowded K' to overflowing. The performances were of the usual cbs- a 'e racier, and appeared to gifrthe highest satisf'actia n, lthe :0 course of the evening, Mr. Weil M'Neill, chairman of the it Glasgow Abstinmers' ...


... IT- RF, llE'. . GsTI.flrDTnflflERn; Poems By WaimafioWqhnZese-or j'£r o 'Aq-ittle Earne4t Book upon a ,rtac OItk Subjeco, ' ia Such is'Lif% ac . L'od'l Longmnan, bei, E)ng,- 5t mans I Roberts. 1860 TH1E Mechanic wvho, after mn'iY ['undoes ad u;n unl- successful efferts, had succe-ed in proilucing a piece! of E01 nmacbinery, which merited and received public approbation, i wouldl onlyit'salt ...