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... TuE ELLISONe GALLERY.-We (Adienseutms) have to announce the fiundation of a new public gallery of art- the Ellison Gallery-henceforth to rank in name and standing with the Vernon Gallery and the Slieepshanks Gallery. Mrs. Elizabeth Ellison, of Sudbrooke Holme, in the County of Lincoln, has made to the Department of Science and Art tit South Kensington a most noble gift. It consists, for thle ...


... THE SOLDIER'S FATE. EoGYPVS sand iS lightly press'd O'er thy lifeless love, Mary; Soft and lasting is his rest, By the waving grove, Maryv Where the night in dew is W\eepillg, Nile's drowsy murmurs keeping, Breezes through, the palm-trees sweeping From the burning West, Mlary. Bright that fatal morining shone In the dapplir skies, Mary; When the brazen trumpet's tone Bade the warriors rise; ...


... FASH ION. THlE COURT. LONDON, FarDAYi-Her Majesty the Queen held a Privy Council yesterday afternoon at Bucldngham Palace. It was attended by bis Royal Highness the Prince Consort, Earl Granville, Lord.President; Vis- count Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury.; Sir George Grey, Chancellor or the Duchy of Lancaster; Viscount Sidney, Lord Nbamberlainr; and Earl Spencer, GroomIl of thie Stole ...


... AN extraordinary tale, gravely told by Peuchet in his Mernoir'es tires dles Archives de la Police, has just been made the subject of a drama at one of the Boulevard theatres, under the title of the Syrene de Paris. At the time when M'I. do la Reynie was Lieutenant-General of Police under Louis XIV., a great sensation was caused at Paris by the mysterious disappearance of not fewer than twenty ...


... FAS ffION. THE COURT. It is rumored that the Queen will visit Ireland in the course of the Summer. VISIT OF Tltt- PRINCE OF WALES TO CANADA.-It has been determined, in order to give greater eclat and importance to the visit of the.Prince of Wales to Canada, that his Royal Hichness shall not only be attended by a Secretarv of State, as representing the Crown, bit by her Majesty's first Great ...


... THE COU RtT. ALDERSIIOTT, TUESDAY.-Yesterday morning, at twenty minutes past ten, her Majesty left the Royal Pavilion on horseback, to review the Aldershott division. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, with Princess Alice, accompanied her Majesty on horseback. Princess Helena and Princess Beatrice followed in an open carriage. The Queen wag at- tended by his Royal Highness the Duike of ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF SIR WILLIAM ROSS. THE works of Sir William Ross are being exhibited in the great room of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi. The late Sir William Ross had the advantage of art-example and instruction from infancy, his father having been a miniature painter and drawlng-imastcr, and his mother a sister of Anker Smith, the engraver, and herself a painter in oil ...


... SUMMER IS NIGH. T'HP richest of perfumes and jewels are mine, While the dog-roses blow and the dew-spangles shine; And the softest of music is wakened for me, By the stream o'er the pebble-the win(d in the tree. Nature, kind mother, my heart is content With the beauty and mirth thou lnstlavislily sent; Sweet Summer is nigli and my spirit leaps high, As the sun travels further along the blue ...


... THE COURT. OSBORNE, MAY 22,-The Queen and the Prince Consort walked in the grounds early this morning. The Princess Alice, accompanied by the Maid of Honor also walked in the grounds. The Duchess of Kent arrived at Osbornelat half-past one o'cloch. Lady Susan Melville and Sir George CNuper were in attendance upon the Royal Duchess. Her Royal Highness was received by the Queen, the Prince Con- ...


... M A Y. Tiin heavel stoops to l-iss the earth, 'Tis that which maketh May, The olden world takes a new birth, And a fresh life to-day. There's not a bird holds tongue, I svear, if not the round-eyed owl, That sits, like Capuchin, withi lair Of ivy-tod for cowl. To-night he'll cry tn-whit, tu-wvhe- But none of 11 will stay With omlelis nocturn to inibrue The sunlit dawn. of May. The trees are in ...


... (FROMI TXHIE GLOBE.) UNDER the heading of a device in green-a harp surmounted by a crown, and Irish Volunteers' as the legend-the following item of military intelli- genco is forwarded to us:- Mr. George Bowycr, M.P. for Dundalk, was yes- terday enrolled an effective member of the London Irish Rifle Volunteers. How is this? Mr. Bowyer is a knight (or eques- trian warrior as the word ...


... THE COURT. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princess Alice Prince Alfred, and the Princesses Helena and Louisa, visited the exhibition of the New Society of Painters in Water Colors at the gallery in Pall-mail, yesterdaiy morning. In attendance were the lHon. Beatrice Byng. Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Lient,-Colotiel Ponsonhy. The Prince Consort afterwards rode on horseback, ...