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... THE COURT. Her ?? and the Prince Consort wvill leave town, for WVindsor Castle, on Tuesday, for the Ascot week. A succession of visitors will be invited to the Castle, and on Wednesday and Thursday grand din- ners will be given. St. George's Hall will be used on this occasion. The Court will return to Buckingham Palaca next Saturday.-Court Jorw'nal. Her Majesty the Queen will arrive in Berlin ...


... REPOR T. The Committee, in Issuing their First Attnual Report, have much pleasure and satisfaction tn beinz able to congratulate the Patrons and Supporters of the School on the success which has attended Its operations during the year ending the Blst January. 1860. The Committeeareglad tostate that the roomsengaged by them in Worihgate-street. respecting the eligibility of which some dotbt was ...


... Le TIIE NATION'AL PORTRAIT GALLElly I- The third annual report has just been tmadc . sf trustees, from which it appeals that certain ,is w - e have been appointed. The fullowin, gelitleren nov, el lute the ?? Stanhope (chlailillM ?? r Esq., the Lord President of the (ouncil for the tue r s. the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Richo, Lc~rd p to Cecil, the Bishop of Oxforl, the Chancellor of t 1- ...


... This society's second exhibition during the present year of flowers and plants took place yesterday, in George Square. St in the number of exhibitors and plants, the show probably did not exceed the previous exhibitions of the society ; but the quality of the plants exhibited far surpassed the quality of any plants shown in former years. The flowers were con- 9i veaiently arranged in two large ...


... I gMUSI. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. The Huguenots brought an immense assemblage to Covent-garden last night. Every corner of the theatre was crowded to excess ; and the audience frequently showed as much excitement as if they had been witnessing the Performance for the first time. And no wonder; for the opera Was got up in every respect with as much care, oin- pleteness, and spleadour, as if it had ...


... 1,LI-tl lntl LsXl ACTlS. MORTALITY 1tt THE POLICE FoRcEs.-Of the 12 or 13 days of average illness in the year, less than one day and a half is from injuries received from violence or accident. Some readers may he surprised to hear how few deaths result from vilhat they are apt to consider the special danger of the police -from assaults and accidents. These assaults and accidents, together with ...


... A C U R IO US ST OR Y. Oa;le of the llavie journals has the following somewhat imiprobabla story:- A w idow, Mime. R-, possesses a large farm in the departmeut of the Rhone, andi manages it herself, assisted, however, by lier daughter, Helene by name, who is 26 years ofage. One morning some tiue ago, a young lman wearing a foreign costume, and speaking Frenaic with a strong German accent, ...


... POE'I'TRY. - Is SPRING. Late in the month a rude East Wind came down, A roaring wind, which for a time had sway; But other powers possessed the night and day, fol And soon he found he could not hold his own. The merry ruddock v histled at his heart, re And strenuons blackbirds pierced his flanks with song; Pert sparrows wrangled o'er his every part, And through him shot the larks on pinions ...


... B.ILIESTO2N. The annual cattle show of the Old Monkland, Barony, Bothwell, and Cadder Farming Society was held at Bailie- ston on Friday last, and met with its accustomed success. A large number of spectators were present, among whom we observed John Blacikley, Esq., Milton, the president of the society; George Miller, Esq. of Frankfield; Mr. Sheriff Logie of Airdrie; Captain Bosweu, of the ...


... LITERARY 1iTISCELLANEL, -In the reigil of Henry Vi, the ladies forbore t'dr 1ai05, .nd substituted borders of skins, velvet, or terials. equally wide, and sometimes wider, than a of velvet. Their heads were decorated with atlifd rolls in the shape of roundI bonnets, gradually .dij0hilg, to the height of half or three-fourths of an Ie t loosen kerchieFs, or veils, at the top, hanging down elld ...


... (From Le Pollet. or to Summer toilet is no longer a matter of prophecy. n- The bright and genial weather with which we have lately he been favoured, has enabled the fashionables of I'aris - to display their taste to the best advantage, in adopt- ty ing the light and elegant materials prepared for the present be season. th At present, for out-of-doors dress, silks of a light shade ill have been ...


... I - - - ~ The first Annual Meeting, under the charter of the above Insti- tution, was held on Wednesday last, the 30th May, at the New Theatre Royal, Adelphi, for general purposes, and for the election of members Of the council and auditors. The chair was taken at One O'clock by Mr. Benjamin Webster, who was supported by several subscribers to the charity. Among those present we noticed Sir ...

Published: Sunday 03 June 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2603 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture