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... REPOR T. The Committee, in Issuing their First Attnual Report, have much pleasure and satisfaction tn beinz able to congratulate the Patrons and Supporters of the School on the success which has attended Its operations during the year ending the Blst January. 1860. The Committeeareglad tostate that the roomsengaged by them in Worihgate-street. respecting the eligibility of which some dotbt was ...


... c ;a Another of those publiciationis which have gained I for the Camnden Society the reputation of being the N greatest benefactors of arebheological literature that I thle ,, lhas produced, graces our table this week. t Jt is entit'ed Narratives of the h'eformratione, chiefly frotz Jhe ,aMtcecripts of John Foxe, the Jfartyrolo- 0 ?? with two C(ontemporary Bio.7raphies of A rch- t 1,,rp ...


... . LIT-RARY ,.XsczLLT I- - USTICE 'is the great -but t Prin p ktely ^esential the ?? 51knment as abtil ctonrol of a rnighty nation. - l ant ar, to ths AMADS 0FOotoH UR-Referring -to those Yot who waited on thewife of Frederick Prince yof W, la9 should remark that his royal Whighness b alee, I man had such a peculiar opinion, of themrat Oc bequeathing to his son a- certain handsom legacyt h ...


... One by one the sands are flowing, One by one the momnents fall; Somc are coining, some are going; Do not strive to grasp theum all. One by one thy duties wait thee, Let thy whole strength go to each let no future dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) Joys aro sent thee here below; Tahe them readily when given, Ready, too, to let them go ...


... Ia, xlfql[afqt. 4 Sett The Cornhsill Mlagazine. No. 7.-Snmith, Elder, & Co., 65, seet Cornhill, London. afte Tinu excellent geueralship with which Mr. Thackeray rallies A his forces, enables the Cornhill publishers to be ready betimes nonr with their large impression, and the July number-the first of win, den] the second volume-is already in our Iands. A great feature of wseh thecontents is ...


... I gMUSI. ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. The Huguenots brought an immense assemblage to Covent-garden last night. Every corner of the theatre was crowded to excess ; and the audience frequently showed as much excitement as if they had been witnessing the Performance for the first time. And no wonder; for the opera Was got up in every respect with as much care, oin- pleteness, and spleadour, as if it had ...


... PRINCESS'S TuElAlE. We have been very glad to observe the thoroughness of the success of Mr Phelps in Oxford Street, a success all the more genuine for having been gradual. At first there were thin houses, but as the new public warmed into acquaintance with an actor able to represent successively, and always admirably, characters so unlike each other as t those of Sir Pertinax Macsycophant, ...


... A IITNT FOIR COMMEMORATION DAY. I Soand, Sir John, u1pon myrnivileqe.''-01d Play. JUVENIS. : Tut, tut, old man, 'tis vain, whate'er you say Call iie'er avail to change illy mlillnd; the right h That we so long have 'herited can nc'er Be lightly ceded. On Enemonia day Shout may the Undergrad. and will; 'tis the f The mugs, dilinely still in lecture roomn, c Finld their frec vent, and tell the ...


... Le TIIE NATION'AL PORTRAIT GALLElly I- The third annual report has just been tmadc . sf trustees, from which it appeals that certain ,is w - e have been appointed. The fullowin, gelitleren nov, el lute the ?? Stanhope (chlailillM ?? r Esq., the Lord President of the (ouncil for the tue r s. the Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord Richo, Lc~rd p to Cecil, the Bishop of Oxforl, the Chancellor of t 1- ...


... MUSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON'. At the fifth and last concert of the season, given on Wed- nesday, the following programme was presented:- PART I. Overture,.Loorior ?? 3Beethoven. I Arin, Ach, nur cininal nochim Leben, Titus ?? Mozart. F lifth Concerto, Violin ?? Molique. ilecitative, * B mi lasci cosi 7'7 ?? Spolir. Aria, Tu m'abbandoni . ?? Spohr. Overture, Los Deux Isurntes. ?? .. ...


... EUNDSWORTH AND LOZELLS FLOWER S HI 0 W. The second exhibition of the soason, in connection with ithc Handsworth and Lozelis Floral and Horticultural Society, was beld yesterday afternoon, in the delightful grounds of Perry Hall, the soat of the Ron. F. G. Cal- thorpe, M.P., whjo nost kindly placed them at the disposal of the committee for the occasion. The weathor proved lmexpecthdly fine, ai ...