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... THE COURT. Her ?? and the Prince Consort wvill leave town, for WVindsor Castle, on Tuesday, for the Ascot week. A succession of visitors will be invited to the Castle, and on Wednesday and Thursday grand din- ners will be given. St. George's Hall will be used on this occasion. The Court will return to Buckingham Palaca next Saturday.-Court Jorw'nal. Her Majesty the Queen will arrive in Berlin ...


... THE COURT. LO\DON, MONDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen held a Privy Council and Court on Saturday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. The Right Rev. Dr. Longley, Lord Bishop of Duraiam, Archbishop of York desig- nate, by command of the Queen was sworn of her Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council. Arthur Helps, Esq., was sworn in the clerk of the Privy Council. The Hon. Win. Bathurst (late clerk of the ...


... A C U R IO US ST OR Y. Oa;le of the llavie journals has the following somewhat imiprobabla story:- A w idow, Mime. R-, possesses a large farm in the departmeut of the Rhone, andi manages it herself, assisted, however, by lier daughter, Helene by name, who is 26 years ofage. One morning some tiue ago, a young lman wearing a foreign costume, and speaking Frenaic with a strong German accent, ...


... T H E T W O SIC IL IES. NAPLES, MAY 29.-Last night we bad a demonstra- tion, which was got up in consequence of news from' Palerimo. The crowds assembled in the Caffe Europa and the Toledo appeared to be in great agitation, and scarcely able to keep themselves from boiling over- About 200 persons, all gentlemen, went froom the caffo up the Toledo shouting, Viva Garibaldi !-Viva Sicilial- ...


... 'Tirt HOLY BIBLE, with an Explanatory and Practical Commnientary. London: Virtles 4 Co.; Belfiast: Jewies lferrion, Waring Street. Wx: have received the first part of this edition of the ]tible, and, judging from the specimen before us, it will be, when completed, one of the most beautiful ever issued from tile press. The part contains the first thir- teen chapters of Genesis, the commentary ...


... T HE COURT. T1lu LEVEE. LONDON, THmURSDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen held a Levee in St. James's Palace 3esterday afternoon, ' The Queen and the Prince Consort, with an escort of Life Guards, arrived from Buckingham Palace about two o'clock, attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting, and were received by the great officers of State. The Qcecn. and the Prince Consort were at- tended by the ...


... FASHI.ON. T11 E CO U R T. Her Majesty the Queen lwent on Saturday after- noon to revive the Volunteer Rifle Corps in Hyde Park. The Queen left Butickinoghani Palace at a quarter before four o'clock. A carriage-nid-four conveyed the Queen, the King of the Bulgians, the Princess Alice, and Prince Arthur. The Prhince Con- sort and the Count of Flanders rode on horseback on one side of her ...


... Among ?? other artists who have come to Lon- don this season, is Herr Strauss, whose instrument is the violin. On the Sth of next month a festival is to be held at Zwickau, in commemoration of Shumann, the day being- the fiftieth anniversary of his birth. John Parry is about to make his appearance in conjunction with Mr. and Mrs. Reed, in their enter- tainment at the Galleiy of Illustration, ...


... T II B C O U R T. g The State ball on the 22nd will, it is thought, be e the crowningfete of the season, as far as the CoUIit is concerned. It is expected to he of unnsual brilliancy, as the number of invitations will considerably exceed r those issued for the last ?? Joernal. I Her Majesty will, it is believed, pay a visit to the - Royal Pavilion, at Aldershott, at the latter end of this ...


... T H E C O U R T. L Her Majesty and the Court arrived in town on Fri- day, fromn Windsor Castle. This is by far the busiest mouth of thu season, DS far as tile Court is concerned. On Monday, ?? is the Investiture of the Bath; on the following dayi the Drawing-Roomn; and, the day after the concert at Buckinghani Palace; on the 20th, a levee; and on the 22nd the State aill; with the probability ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, WEDNESDAY.-IfOr Majesty the Queen held a Court yesterday at Buckineillm Palace. Their Serene IHighnesses the Prince Jules and Prince John of Schleswig-Holstein-Gluclsbourg, accom- pariied by Count Bernstorff, had an audience of the Queen. Their Serene Highnesses were introduced by Lold John Russell, the Queen's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and condncted ...


... SAYERS AND HEENAN. LINES SUGGESTED BY THlE FOLLOWING ADVERTISE- MENT: The two Champions of the Old and New Worlds will have the honor of Exhibiting their skill beforo a Belfast audienoe on Tuesday next (26th June), precisely as they appeared at Farnborough (excepting the dress, which in this ease cannot be objeoted to, even by the ladies), on the 17th day of April last, before Five Thou- sand ...