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... ark- -z_1 A: (Prom the Saturday Review.) This book contains accounts of about forty shipwrecks which have occurred in the Royal Navy between the years 1793 and 1852; and it is designed to exhibit, in the most trying circumstances, the discipline and fortitude to which British sailors have often owed their safety amid the most fearful violence of winds and waves, no less than the long series of ...


... THE HEENAN AND SAYERS XEIlI- BITIONS. I ,I. Yesterday Sayers and Heenan gave their two exhibitions of science and skill, as exemplified in sham, pugilistic encounters. The many ac- Counts of the notorious fight in the neiglbour- hood of Aldershott last. April tender any de- scription of these'notorieties: of the Prize Ring unnecessary. With the exception of a slight scar on the American's ...


... SATANELLA. The engagement of the Royal English Opera Company terminated last night, on which occa- sion the performances were for the benefit of Miss Louisa Pyne; and we were happy to see that this much-esteemed artiste was re- warded ?? a bumper house. The opera chosen was Balfe's Satanella ; and as it is new to this quarter, a short detail of the plot and incidents upon which it is founded ...


... THROUGIH FIRE A1~D WATER; OR THE ?? I LONDON VOLUNTEERS ?? ?? '.LV;tIlJUfl V ''341 ?? s Ufl Some talk of Alexander, ' And-some oE we euies,- 'The Cief whose martii dande;, Asked wor~lds to stand at ease- * The Sayers of the Pnze.Ring, In bighOlyiupiaxiEpharE5,- , . - .E But ?? be bound, now-a-days would be found * E~nroled in the V'olunteersE Ocir soldiers they are heroes ' We know; in facig ...


... GIFFORD F AIR. TUBSDAY, JUNE 19. I The stock to-day was somewhat similar in Si point of number and vajiety to those exhibited P' last year at this time-blackfaeed wetbers, e2 half-bred hoggs (clipt and rough), and a few lots n of Cheviot ewes. The trade in the morning ar was very dull in consequence of the high prices at asked by the dealers, and continued so up to s5t twelve o'clock, when the ...


... DUMBARTONSMIRE CATrLE SEOW. _. . . . - -W . I ?? A _ - I ?? annual show of the Dumbartonshire Agricultural Society WU- held at Dumbarton yesterday. The display of to wits 1 and of a very superior ?? stock was large, , '-arscs exhibited being particularly number of first-class .. - * I d worthy of notics. The fullOvWt, id a list of the awardd SECTION ?? AYRSHIRE BREED, Class I. Cow in milk (9 ...


... THE:ROYAL DR.AMATIC COLLEGE. : I l' I thro Sien I ' ' . I . * (Yron. the Timesj) An event occilrred. on Eriday at llayb try, near xWu6kinz. whlich snav not improperly be considered as constitutiug an era in dramatic annals. The fogndari~n-stee of an instit- tion )wLiCh is intended to affirda horno ftr needy and dd~s tresed actors, anda kchooI for the iastrucltwr of their chi! dren, was laid ...


... The great annual show and competition of stock under the direction of the General Central Union for the Promotion of Agriculture came off yesterday in a field contiguous to Stirling. The show was in every respect superior to that of previous exhibitions, the amount distributed in prizes being about L 250. A large number of spectators were on the ground during the day. The field was excellently ...


... POETRY- ---- EVEMtNO RHAPSiODY. : 'Tienigh anr,, th mnse ofr ocen' dac ,,,av:*e Comes swct aos thc perfm o eers wo'e h r Ainth aclraptn tboU cesaliee, ithouh mosOfbam tyrlO Sodt sleenand rodlikon 'nct the gaoun of th raco, Asucit pnycthystlf billowis dahu olre mtheyleaso. gaze fomc tvcr Semilnt, ti Frelll soft eautr breeinge Thou it~sin L vo'ellsmep55rm~oun woll A1herInnir dioterrday F hor ...


... LITZER ATURE. Iu aR1 MM EsrTOy OF THE CTUgARCE OF SCOThAND, T 'Y3X3. r- REFBXtNION TO sTEE REvoLfl''ION SOLE 3r&lT By rthe late'YerfRev. John Lee, D.D., LL.D. Principal of the UiIversity fi Edinburgh. With Notes and Appendices from-the Autheis Papers. Edited by bis oN the' Rov. William Lee. In Two Volumes. W sliam Blackwood-, Sons Esinburgh and London. ?? -WfELU, in one of hbi dissertatioles ...


... FRENCH NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL 1 EXHIBITION. I __ ml The North British Agricultusrist gives the fol- Sp lowing account of tbis exhibition :- in The National Exhibition of 1860 is being held shb in. the Polais de rIndustrie, and on the grounds adjoining the Palais. Toe display of cattle is composed of French breeds, with specimens of breeds not peculiarly French-such as the i-hori- born, Ayrshire ...


... LJTERATUR.?. Unseen RealUieS; or, Gliuspses into Cite World to come. By tb the Rev. Woo. TRAIL, A.M., Author of The Christian lie Graces. Glasgow : W. Collins. hi ABOUT twelve months ago, we had pleasure in noticing Mr p1 Trail's book on Tue Christian Graces, and in doing so ft expressed our opinion on the author's manner and style. Ii' While according to bins snost freely many good ...