... SUMME:R IS NIGH. ,'erect of perfunies and jewels are mine, lc tiogroes blow and tie dew-53)panglel shine; lsejogftit of nie is wakened for uie, A the pe the 5treafls 'cr th pebble-tile nind i tho tree, kind Mother, iny theart i content With thc beauty arid nuk tilltou hqst ?? sent ECeCt aellnr le nigh}, and my spirit loaps high, As 110C SUIItravelo further aiong the blue siky. If I rourutulr, ...


... FACETIE. ?? * i~ a fel lkeb eedl ?-,e ha neye, but nobhead.! Ipitesoe you won't charge oanlrhig fr~r juM ce't sdl me, said a onae-leged. sal~or to a woedenK.Aeg manufacturer, tin A Frenchman wishi1 capien~ girl as alittle lamb,~ Tv Called her a 11small mu , on.; *What money. bigs themost 0dAdbstanill ierest2H~! Mony. tnsla,'t Don't, your tet ook apttln, when it rahinS?- Oh, no, ld *madame, ...


... HE]? AAJESTYS THEAATRE. Lest night ai new mandiato for buffi honorirs was intro. ducel in theperson of Signor GOuseppoCiampi, who appeared as Dostor Bartoto in the Blartser The new butle is a very y young man, not more, we understand, than 21 years of age, possesses a capital voice-a baritone rather than a base in register-and hns evidently been tutored in the very beet school. lie is a first ...


... NE W ?? ITIOAGC CONCEItTS The seiies of five conecrts was brought to a termination last night, with perhaps the best performance of the season. Dr. Wylde was determined to leave n good ~impressoin in his leave-taking, and to thank those who had carried hicm so triumphantly through his ninth mausical session in the most graceful and appropriate manner. An irreproachable selec- tion, such as ...


... MISS SUSAWNA COLE'S COQS'CEIT. Miss Susanna Cole, one of the most popular and aliairabloh of our concert-room singers, gave a concert on T'hursday it evening at St. James's-hall, which, despite the iountcr. attractions of the Orphionistes at the Crystal P'alstcs and the first night of .oAerma at the Royal Italian Opera, at. ii tracted a very large and fashionable audience. The young lady ...


... RoYst' DZ-AMATIC COLLE E, The foundatioft stone of Ithe Royal Dramnatic, College at Mayburna Woeing Fass'laid' on -Firday by' his UtylHgns~h i'ineConsort, 4nd in oonhoblonis ih ecrmoytreWAS a fancy fair, at whichpof oaldtr were amateur 'dealers. One account -pays r.Barkstone- by )holding out a faint hope of knvsthn't. wousld do anything but cut, at the rate of three throws a shiiling, ...


... ROSES ON A GRAVE. Oin! plant them above me, the soft and the bright, TIhe touched with the crimson sunset's light, The warm with the earliest breath of Spring, The sweet with the sweep of the West ivind's wIing; Let the green bough and the red leaf wave- Plant the glad roses upon my grave. Why should the mournful willow weep O'er the quiet rest of the dreamless sheen? Weep for life with its ...


... T HE COURT. LONDON, FRIDAY.-The Prince Consort, the King of the Belgians, Prince Arthur, the Princesses Helena and Louisa, and the Comnt of Flanders went to the flower show at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Regenthr Paik, on Wednesday morning. The Queen, accoml- ponied by the Princess Alice, and attended by the Hon. Caroline Cavendish, took a drive on Wednesday afternoon in a carriage-and-four. ...

Court and Fashion

... go-sit Rub ?? 4'he Queen held a Conet on E~Fiday afternomn at ?? Palace Thle Prince Consort, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, visited the National 'Gallery. lis Royal Highness inspected the 6Hon. Artillery Com- lany, of which corys he is Captain-General and Colonel, in the afternoon. foiessoi'leaslow had tijhonour`' nbf delivering a course of lectures on botany at Bucking- ,haam Palace. The ...


... THE LITERARy EXAMINER. The Cottages of the Alps; or Life and Manners in 3Swit- zerland. By a Lady, In Two Volumes. Sampson Low, Son, and Co. This is a valuable sketch of the present state of Switzer- land by an American lady, Who has already written a good account of Peasant Life in Germany, but cannot make the titles of her two works uniform, because in republican Switzerland there is no ...


... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. Gli~ck's Orpheus and Euridice. It was of the performance of Oipheus and Euridice that Rousseau said, If so much noble pleasure can be enjoyed within two hours, life is worth something after all. Englishmen are not accustomed to look to the opera for evidence of the worth of human life, but it is little to our credit that the exquisite performance this week of Gliek's ...


... DRAMA, MUSIS, &a. HAYMARuKET.- A new farce, by the author of Box and Cox, has been produced with great success. Fitz- smythe of Fitnemythe Hall, asthe production is christcncd is an adaptation from the French, but is so well turned into English that few traces of its foreign parentage are dis- cernible. Like roost of Mr. Madison Morton's farces, it is full of outrageous fun, and deals ...