... DUMBARTONSMIRE CATrLE SEOW. _. . . . - -W . I ?? A _ - I ?? annual show of the Dumbartonshire Agricultural Society WU- held at Dumbarton yesterday. The display of to wits 1 and of a very superior ?? stock was large, , '-arscs exhibited being particularly number of first-class .. - * I d worthy of notics. The fullOvWt, id a list of the awardd SECTION ?? AYRSHIRE BREED, Class I. Cow in milk (9 ...


... THE COURT. LO\DON, MONDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen held a Privy Council and Court on Saturday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. The Right Rev. Dr. Longley, Lord Bishop of Duraiam, Archbishop of York desig- nate, by command of the Queen was sworn of her Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council. Arthur Helps, Esq., was sworn in the clerk of the Privy Council. The Hon. Win. Bathurst (late clerk of the ...


... A C U R IO US ST OR Y. Oa;le of the llavie journals has the following somewhat imiprobabla story:- A w idow, Mime. R-, possesses a large farm in the departmeut of the Rhone, andi manages it herself, assisted, however, by lier daughter, Helene by name, who is 26 years ofage. One morning some tiue ago, a young lman wearing a foreign costume, and speaking Frenaic with a strong German accent, ...


... 1,LI-tl lntl LsXl ACTlS. MORTALITY 1tt THE POLICE FoRcEs.-Of the 12 or 13 days of average illness in the year, less than one day and a half is from injuries received from violence or accident. Some readers may he surprised to hear how few deaths result from vilhat they are apt to consider the special danger of the police -from assaults and accidents. These assaults and accidents, together with ...


... EX2TRACTS FROM PUNCR. SHALL OUR POOR. LITTLE BILL HAVE A STATUE ? A proposal is under consideration.for the erection of a Monument to. the late lamented, Bill of Lord John Russell, which expired at Westminster, .on llonday, the 11th of June. after a lingering snd tedious illness. We bave received eeveral LIN suggestlone for in menmorftm inscriplions, to be placed over the remains of this ...


... THE:ROYAL DR.AMATIC COLLEGE. : I l' I thro Sien I ' ' . I . * (Yron. the Timesj) An event occilrred. on Eriday at llayb try, near xWu6kinz. whlich snav not improperly be considered as constitutiug an era in dramatic annals. The fogndari~n-stee of an instit- tion )wLiCh is intended to affirda horno ftr needy and dd~s tresed actors, anda kchooI for the iastrucltwr of their chi! dren, was laid ...


... LITERARY A4D PHIlOSjOHICAL SOOIETY. ANNUAL CONVEIhAZLONlE The annual conversasione of this flourishing society was held on Friday evening. More than ordinaryinterest attached to this nisaoly pleasant gathering, from the faet that this was allthle day appointed for inaugurat. ing the new lecture hall,l Constructed by the munifi- ceace of Sir, W. G. ArmstrOng, ?? president of the society. The ...


... The Autobiography of a Seaman. By Thomas, tenth Earl of Dundonald, ?? Admiral of the Red, Rear-Admiral of the Fleet, &c. &c. Vol. I. Bentley. Memoirs of Major-General Havelock, K.C.B. By John Clark Marshman. Longman. While we are all warm with the military ardour kindled by a glance at our young army of volunteers, it is a right time for dwelling upon the careers of men who, like Lord ...


... The great annual show and competition of stock under the direction of the General Central Union for the Promotion of Agriculture came off yesterday in a field contiguous to Stirling. The show was in every respect superior to that of previous exhibitions, the amount distributed in prizes being about L 250. A large number of spectators were on the ground during the day. The field was excellently ...


... CLING TO THY MOTHER. Cling to thy mother; for she was first To know thy bidding, and to feel thy life; lhoe hope of thee through manya pang she unrsed; And, when 'midst anguish like the parting strife, Her babe was in her nrms, the agony Was all forgot, for bliss of loving thee. BIe gentle to thy mother; Iong she bore Thine infant fretfulness and silly youth; Nor rudely scorn the faithful voio ...


... FAIRS F01' NEXT WEEK. ANTRIN.-Mounthill, CrUmliln, Monday; Portglenone, Tuesday; Belfast, Wedaesdav. ARMIAGl.-Ballybot, Loughgall. Charlestown, Mon- day; Armagh, Middletown, Tandragee, Thursday Crossmaclen, Friday; Poyntzpass, Saturday. C,AVAX.-Ballyhaise, Bawnhbov, Monday; Daura, Kingscourt, Tuesday; Belturbet, Thursday. DERRY.-Bellaghey, Monday; Coleraine, Killoweii, Tyradd, Thursday; ...


... GAR I B AL DI. AN ODE. H-s sword is flashing in Sicilia's sun; I low I eavpn joys to kiss the patriot's steel! liis ifglit's a sacredl fight-the only one thle vise will bless, the good approving feel: The struggle that in every age comnnands All that is God in man- A people's battle! Oft with swordless hands, And oftener still without the soldier's plan, The scaltered wrongs of years meet to ...