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... One by one the sands are flowing, One by one the momnents fall; Somc are coining, some are going; Do not strive to grasp theum all. One by one thy duties wait thee, Let thy whole strength go to each let no future dreams elate thee, Learn thou first what these can teach. One by one (bright gifts from Heaven) Joys aro sent thee here below; Tahe them readily when given, Ready, too, to let them go ...


... Ia, xlfql[afqt. 4 Sett The Cornhsill Mlagazine. No. 7.-Snmith, Elder, & Co., 65, seet Cornhill, London. afte Tinu excellent geueralship with which Mr. Thackeray rallies A his forces, enables the Cornhill publishers to be ready betimes nonr with their large impression, and the July number-the first of win, den] the second volume-is already in our Iands. A great feature of wseh thecontents is ...


... THE HEENAN AND SAYERS XEIlI- BITIONS. I ,I. Yesterday Sayers and Heenan gave their two exhibitions of science and skill, as exemplified in sham, pugilistic encounters. The many ac- Counts of the notorious fight in the neiglbour- hood of Aldershott last. April tender any de- scription of these'notorieties: of the Prize Ring unnecessary. With the exception of a slight scar on the American's ...


... TIRg ORPHEONDI AT EXM M HALL. The Sacred Hamonic Society have paid a grace- ful compinit to their tuneful bretbren of France by giving, IAt nigt a performance got up expTBlY and ex- elusiveiy fr Iiet. UnlucIkily, this courteous design wa in aeontiei~ble dpeg tee rred byt an untoward occurrece -sonie accldeital delay in the distrbtion Of the tickets of invitaea so btt the tatg instead of ...


... BOTANICAL AND HORTICuLTuRA I ?? - -SOCIETY. The summer exhibition of this society, which aiwavs forms one of the chief attraction, in Meweastle during the Igce week, was held on Wednesday and yesterday, in tents ranged, as usual, in the society's show gtound, Barrae Bridge. The show this year, as everybody Would expect, has suffered from the extraordinary cha. racter of the aeason. Almost all ...


... THE C OURT. LONDON, TusnsDAY.-The Prince of Wales, at- tended by Major-General the Hon. .R. Bruce, Colonel the Hon. Sir Charles Phippa, and, LieutenliautColonel Keppel, went yesterday afternoon, shortly before four o'clock, to lay the-first stone of -the Now School of Art at Vauxlatll.- The Qneen, accompanied by the Princesses Alice and Helena, and attended by the Hon. Carolinea Cavendish; ...


... MISS SUSAWNA COLE'S COQS'CEIT. Miss Susanna Cole, one of the most popular and aliairabloh of our concert-room singers, gave a concert on T'hursday it evening at St. James's-hall, which, despite the iountcr. attractions of the Orphionistes at the Crystal P'alstcs and the first night of .oAerma at the Royal Italian Opera, at. ii tracted a very large and fashionable audience. The young lady ...


... ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA. Gli~ck's Orpheus and Euridice. It was of the performance of Oipheus and Euridice that Rousseau said, If so much noble pleasure can be enjoyed within two hours, life is worth something after all. Englishmen are not accustomed to look to the opera for evidence of the worth of human life, but it is little to our credit that the exquisite performance this week of Gliek's ...


... ii _ ?? LIF AND LOVE& Life is a gadnfai and free, But 'tis Vove that holds the golden key; For band and heart, Once held apart, ifaos flowers are dashed with storms and sorrow, d' bloom eto eday way be blight to-morrow, So reckless ever of wind and weather, Let Life and Love be linked together. Life is a diamond rich and rare, But Love is the lustre that danceth there; For hand and heart Once ...


... No weather damps the ardourof the novelists. A summer might be spent in cultivating the acquaintance of the hero- ines and heroes introduced into society during the present season. There is Mary Bertrand (1), presented by Mr Francis Meredith upon her marriage with Mr Philip Gray. The story of her wooing is such stuff as fashionable dreams perhaps are made of. After passing through the romance ...


... The Autobiography of a Seaman. By Thomas, tenth Earl of Dundonald, ?? Admiral of the Red, Rear-Admiral of the Fleet, &c. &c. Vol. I. Bentley. Memoirs of Major-General Havelock, K.C.B. By John Clark Marshman. Longman. While we are all warm with the military ardour kindled by a glance at our young army of volunteers, it is a right time for dwelling upon the careers of men who, like Lord ...


... FAIRS F01' NEXT WEEK. ANTRIN.-Mounthill, CrUmliln, Monday; Portglenone, Tuesday; Belfast, Wedaesdav. ARMIAGl.-Ballybot, Loughgall. Charlestown, Mon- day; Armagh, Middletown, Tandragee, Thursday Crossmaclen, Friday; Poyntzpass, Saturday. C,AVAX.-Ballyhaise, Bawnhbov, Monday; Daura, Kingscourt, Tuesday; Belturbet, Thursday. DERRY.-Bellaghey, Monday; Coleraine, Killoweii, Tyradd, Thursday; ...