... Alusi. 1I FnsMAN'S SOING. By Norman Macleod, D.D. Dedicated to the Glasgow Riflemen. Published antd sold to allt a Bazaar for Barony Parish Missions. TaerT IX GOD AND no TEE RIGHT. Song by the Rev. Nor. man Macleod, D.D.; the melody by Mendelssohn; arranged by William Hutchins Calcott. -Published and sold to aid a Bazaar fur Barony Parish Missions. Wasar the above songs have a strong ...


... HtURRAH FORt OtLt ELBM ! aY ELVA COOY. murrab for ?? I men Of tl nding; Who have sprung wkindt e Warst y branid, Bot willtg nor ager t brand eight oet burning. Buttegave bsrat rob tbey have fronts for a blow; Theyhav bm etfratd 5ee'how the'll win them; Show them lsure' a trigger, and eyes for a foe, They b0have 5d5 fgt roe Briton i in tbem. That WhiU prhe eGarey, and tbe Green, and the Bl*e; ...


... EASTWOOD AND CATHCART AGRICULTURAL I _. 0APEN SH:OW. . C. - t The second competition of this society took place on Thurs- a day, in the usual field, kindly granted by J. I R. Cog6s. Thb-day was fine, and a large ncourse of people were assem- R cblead-a number of ladies being accommodated with seats S] 'inside the show ground. The following were the judges, Si ?? cattle-Mesgrs. Andrew Pollock. ...

Pickings from Punch

... vithing% from 11 vuntb. II A PLANATARY PrERvRT.- in consequence of the long-con- tinned cloudy sky, which hidos all the stars, a report has got about that Venue bas actually taken the vell. Ten PRAcTIcAL HousEw:Fz.-` Sir, said, speaking of his wife, the husband of a lady whoee mind was exclusively devoted to .domestic affairs-` Sir, she would have made a dumpling of the apple which revealed ...


... By degrees flounces appear to be regaining the posi- tion which, for a time, they had partially lost. For dresses of thin texture they certainly form the pret- tiest and most suitable ornament.. On. barege or tarlatane, plisse or bolliflonne may be used effectively. For Summer toilet, large open-sleeves wvill be adopted. Bodies arg worn low, or high and buttoned up,. In the former case ...


... .1 ? Vofirg. SPRING. I LOVE to walk abroad in spring, And hear the birds so sweetly sing; I love to view returning green Throughout the checring landscape seen. I love to see the primrose bloom, To osmell the violet's rich perfume; I love the Bwellig g bud to see Just bursting forth, in plant and tree. I love to sec the days grow long, To feel the sun's rays warm and strong; I love to hear the ...


... BY-GONE HOURS. 'Ts sad, 'tis sad, to think upon The joyous days of old, When every day that wearies on Is number'd by some friendship gone- Some kindly heart grown cold! Could those days but come again, With their thorns and flow'rs, I would give the hope of years For those by-gone hours! 'Tis sad, 'tis sid, to number o'er The faces, glad and gay, Which we have lov'd; some smile no more Around ...


... FASHIONS FOR.J.ULy. . ( . FromrbLe F'eisJ. on By dogreesfiobioes appear to be regainhi the pdsition whioh, for a time, they had partial3 lost. F dresses of thin texture they certainly -form the prettiest and most suitable ?? On. barege or tarlatane, pTs86 or bouillon6 may'be used effectively.! , i 5 : For summer toilet, large open- sleeves are generally adopted. We cainot say ha ey show& any ...


... BIRMINGHAM HORTICULTURAL 8 O o SOCIETY. SECOND EXHIBITION. The seound exhibition of plants, fruits, and vegetables, in connection with the Birmingham Botanical and Horti- cultural Society, took place in the Botanical Gardens yes. terday, under peculiarly favourable circumstances. The weather was lovely, for while the sun shone brilliantly, a gentle breeze played through the trees, and ...


... The literary anvils are now in full activity, and the resfllts come so fast one upou the other thet the critic has much ado to keep pace with them. Several important works were submitted to us !ate ]last Week, and but for the faet j Lrnat it wouI(1 L1?' a been urf ?? t.o Cotice them on a mere glauce-perusal, tiliy would have received attention earlier. Pro- niilent aniong these is Tlhe History ...


... HER MAJESTY'S 1I1P.HEITRE. _ _ - I Lar.t night a grand extra plerfi ir nce vas given, the re- i ceipts (f biceh have been presented by Mr. E. T. Smith to P l the fuend of t he VolYuniteer Riflo Association, The day was selected as being thatton whicth the distribntion (of prizes for I the best rifle shooting in the presence oif her Ma jesty and the I'rince Consort was fixecl to tako placo at ...


... LitypPity, i Po-fwipg'.~I A LI1h$ARY 4olT]rJES.~il h m T i: i, ?? :V ?? ot 1 , ')fl1' !4 T ) ,, Ii . j ' ' ;: lil'.. ,: ?? ; .~i . ?? ; i I I I I .1 I .I ?i ' MAG'rN>inicoaii v iiu'v-'it te abld'alek evilewQf1 -d Froid&'s Histoo 6f ?? aiiH t -.n 'Ularki ad' sroai6bedO, yr-itli ?? StiprybV'Wlleb in Tareso i `U 'scqunt i i3 wli Lie ibtefiit41'olonel' o r ,tO te CiCvil ,ero ice ytegSntt ...