Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZDEAT o~r PRINCE VESRO E MON.&A- AnTEz. Prince ilerorne Bonaparte, uncle of the Emperor, died, on Sunday, at -his residence near Paris:' Prince Jerome was born at Ajaccio on the 15th December, 1784, and was the youngest brother of the Emperor Napoleon I. He was brought to France in 1793, and educated at the college of Juilly, and on his brother .having been raised to the high dignity of first ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Sos --June 21, at Hleadfort house, Lady John Taylour. -Jume 23, at Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, the wife of the Rev. E. Bull.-Jmae 21, at 86, Waterloo road, Dublin, the wife of Captain Day, 211th Camneroniane.-.fune 23, at GreatBaddow, Essex, the wife of the Rev. N Charriogton. _-June 23, at Waiwortb, the wife of Captain C Jones - June 22, at Heavitree-loonec, near Exeter, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. BISHOP OF LONDON.-On the 23d alt., at Fulham Palace, the wife of the Lord Bishop of London, of a daughter. GURTON.-On the 21st ult., at Old 13ond-street, Mrs J. Gurton, of a son. LEWIS - ?? 21th alt,, at Faversham, Kent, the wife of the Rev. Lewis W. Lewis. of a daughter. ?? the 24th ult., at No. 16, Hanover Villas, Notting-hillJ, the wife of John Rendall, Esq,, of the Inner Temple, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D DEATH (It JERONE BONAPARTE. The Paris mondw of Monday announced the deathi of Prince Jerome Bonaparte, ?? of Westphalia, and the last of the brothers of the great Enperor Napoleon, among whom were partitioned the states which he acquired by his successive conquests. The deceased prince was in his seventy-seventh year. He was the youngest child of Charles and Letitia Bonaparte, and the: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DEATE OF M.I1 ROBERT B. BROUGH. But a few weeks ago we recorded in these columns the amateur performance of the Savage Club, to provide funds for the relief of the widows and families of two literary gentlemen who had died under painful circumstances of pecuniary embarrassment. Out of the generous band who thus came forward to minister to the wants of those left behind them by their ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES,& DEATHS. *, 10 notlee ot Birth, aage, or Death teo be inerted unless authentcatd 0y the uame and addraesof the sender. :. RRIA.E,8. June 9X at Weleot Churoh. Bath, by the Be,. G. Campbell, the Biev, Horace Mann Blakieton. vicar ot Blenal. heftetk, seeond mon of Bir Matthew Blakmston, But:, to Obarlotte Seconddulterl the oMv. W. H. G. Mann, late of viarrof Bawden. Uhe June 28 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BARRtlS-Gtn the 2z5th ott. at 13, Corntatughit-terraco, Ilytte-pork, thle wife of M r, 'nllaiste Ilarrv, of Lyons, of a dITtrghtor. LActitRAM-Oti the 2ilt tilt., ait Orreunford, Middlesex, the wife of Dir. it. G. Lathatoin ?? of it daughter. M1ArNANIABA.-fi tile 20'th tilt ., at Maieaii hl-adnSt. tohnl's-wosd, the( wilt' of It. TI. J. Maitaenamar, Es1., lt.irrist,:r. lit-aitt ,of a daunaitter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 227 Upper Crown Street, on the 30thultimo, Mrs. A. E. flenderson; a eOn. At 62 Stewart Street, Coweaddene, on the 30th ultimo, Mirs; W~illiam Dickson; a son-nuot surviving. At 12 Neflston Street, Paisley, on the 29th ultiNo, Mrs. Jobn Ballantyne; a son. At 48 Shamrock Street, Mrs. Wm. Cameron; a daughter. At Bath House, PiccadiUy, on the 26th ultimo, Lad; Aeshburton; a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BTRTIII,-MAIRtIAGES, & IJEATHS: . 6 Of Joi Yeo. of te barqi ioa_ ~ 6f a dahtWr.O. . ttutton. ?? . Hwiry t Meeg n ., .. o oW ?Invton. - donf tr. .a 'DEAETH, - orAfwdgw,w.-r.!0 ~qig van DieMa Lau. aom L% 3ie Quet.. ;ola ?? , , , cnwp wifewi~. of-~ hh rolh Chl,tSEb.l lames Moeaa qhueelow n earn . amer guen. ged 44e . trda, ar-e~, son GiXi. Thomag 0uAghttr of ~Itma, anilat o f Mr.Thec on sr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR1THS. At 14 Rankeillor Street, on the lst inst., the wife of George Cowan, IJ.D., of a daughter. At 7 Victora Terrace, Dowanhill, Glasgow, on the 1st inst., Mrs Thomas M. Fergusson, of a daughter, At 42 Pollock Street, Glasgow, on the 30th ult,, Mrs James Gray, of a daughter. At 48 Shamrock Street, Mra Wm. Cameron, of a daughter. At 12 Neilston Street, Paisley, on the 29th ait, srs John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... oune .t6t1, lbU. i g On tco 2ud inbt., at our parish church, by the Rev. P. G. Ilume 1- Scinth, Mr. ARTHUR EIH3DEN, grocer, to BLIZABOln, dactghter of MDr. ?? DiON, army contractor, all of thie town. Same a dy, at our parish ohurch. by the Rev. F. (l. lume Sinith, Mr. TnoNAH WADDINGTON, to hisa EuIzAotTn BROOK, both o0 a this town. ie Salice clay, and place, Mr. Jxsee PooLEy, to MaSS L]LLoor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. D, At 152 Rottenrow Street, on the 2d instant, Mrs. James Gardner; a son. At Springhall, on the 2d inst, the wife of Adam Paterson, Req., writer; a son. At 60 Rosebank Terrace, on the 2d instant, Mrs. John B. Caw'; a daughter. At 15 Hamilton Park Terrace, on the 1st instant, Mrs. AleL A. Fergusson; a daughter. a At 7 Victoria Terrace, Dowanhill, on the lst instant, Mrs. i Thomas M. ...