Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 1 Eyre Place, on the 16th inst,, Mrs James Ogilvy. of a laughter. ; At AIuMs. urgh, on the 15th inst., the wife of Cap- tadn bl, k&ntash of a son. At Mary Gol1,-on the 16th inst., M1ra7Thoxieas Bdw dli!, of a daughter. .. At Dam Dam, on the 25th May. the wife of Captain, P. MI. Symae. Bengal Artillery, of a daughter. At Pau, Bawsea Pyreenes, on the 28th Jane, the wife of the Hon. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... £l tBIRTHS, 1 i At 10 East Campbell Street, on the 10th instant, Mrs. sur William Harvey; a daughter. ant At 183 Stirling's Road, on the 10th instant, Mrs. Georg cell Craig; ad(aughter. cl At the ?? Manse, Shawlands, on the 9th instant, Mrs. I William Money; ;a eon, the At 163 Eglinton Street, on the 5th instant, Mrs. L, Fraser- had .tJun. ; a son., At 29 Hospital Street, on the 8th instant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... It All Mtarriages sent from a distance ?? be 1 tolkeaticated DM the snaelture of one of our aglents, or by that of a known. corres- p)o denl. A nnottncenls of Births orc subjecd to a charge oJ 2s. 6d. each, and must be properly authenticated. on the 16th inst.. at tho Indepeueent chapel, Little Lever, by the R1ev, B. Pickford, 'Mr. Joux; tGiLurxT, of that place, to Eulicisn ehlest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? BIRTHIS. Mr. . . Ai g2 Great -railton Street, on the 17th matantp 3: Lawranace maxbmn?. ae s. At 106 Dumbe Road on the 10 instt, e Wifof- I4o0h raid ?? a . . - 0 . ,:0. ;. jI RRAGE3Sn. At Burnfoob Ilchwinnooh, oan the ?? instant, 4-the tirv. W. Gjahasm, Mr. George Weir; merchaat, Glasgow, -to - At Greenhill Cottage, Paisley, ai-the 17th intant, by-the. R5~vGedrge.-Cliy, Mn Thomas Swtt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Boiui, t artlage0. July 1, at Sculcoates Church, Hull, by the Rev T. S. Bo..i, Mr Thomas Beadle, mariner, to Mrs Nary Ann Harrison. July l, at Soulcoates Church. Hull, by the Rev T. S. Bonnin, Mr Goorge Leighton, chair maker, to Charlotte, daughter of the late Mr J. A. Morrison, brush maker. July 2, at Scalcoates Church, Hull, by the Rev T. S. Bonnin, Mr James White, whitesmtth, to Harrriet, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. ALLEN.-July 11, at the Vicarage, Brinaop, near Hereford, the wife of the Rev. W. T. Allen, of a son. BlOWN.-July 12, at Hampstead, the wife of Dr. Brown, of - twins, eon and daughter. COTTON.-July 12, at Southeas, Hants, the wife of C. W. Cotton, Esq., of a eon. COX.-July 12, at Watford, Herts, the wife of the Rev. F. Cor, * of a boll. JAMFB9.-July 12, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. t July 10, at Whitehall, Clones, Mr1s. P. O'Neill, of a son. 9 July 12, at Seapoint Lodge, Clontarf, the wife of Glascott Symes, of a son.0 Jaly 12, at Leinster-road, the wife of Andrew Armstrong, of a daughter. t July 11, at the rectory, Castlerehan, thc wife of the Rev. Dr. Hogg, of a eon. MARRitAGES. July 11, at Orangelield, county Cavan (the residence of tile brides mother), by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BlITliS. 51 Jnly 25,- at aItoneagh-read, the wife of IV. r. Bavyett, Esq, g of a daughter. d July 23, at Gort, thc wife of Pat .Drke, of a daughter. c July 23, at Cogregg Castle, the vife of R. IC. Shecliy, of Etilleedy liouse, county Limerick, of a daughter. t July 24, at Newtoynbarry, the lady of Thomas Wyse, Con- t stabulary, of a soa. I July 24, the wife of Ilenry Greece, Johnstownt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIllTH3S. Cotar.-On the 4th inst., at the Rectory, Nettlestead, thle wife of the liev. W. F. CoIJb, jUI., of aL daughter. CRaAW IAY.-OGl the tth inst., at Scole-logoe, Norfolk, the wife of Frederick Crtwoltoay, Esq., of it son. .-Out the 5th inst., at Chalvey-parl, Bticks, the wife, of Joseph Johnu Cridlarid, Esqj., of Lincoln's-iun-fielLs, of a son. DloaT.-Oll the 5tl illst,, at No. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... July 16, at Hurn Cottage, Bevorley, the wife ot Lient.. colonel B. Granville Layard, of a daughter.- July 17, at Leckonfield, East Yorkshire, thewlfe of the Rev Robert Whitaker, rector of Scorboro' with Leokoradeld, of a daughter. July 11, at Hull, the wife of Mr .JoL Sherwood. of a daughter. May 28, at Secunderad, by the.Bev T. D. ostrechan, Lientenant Jaumes. William Hassetl, H. M. let ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 88 Alma Place, PaLiley Road, on the 21st inst., Mrs. james Thomson; a daughter. At Oakbasoh, 25 FossIlRoad, on the 21at instant, Mrs. Steel; a daughter. At Carntyne Rouse, by Parlihead, on the 21st jnstant, MIrs. David Fulton ; a daughter. At Jordanbank Cottage, on the 20th instant, Mrs. Robt. Curie; a daughter. At Barrowiield Print Works, 'on the '20th instantj hI rs. .Deyid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIrIl'f tS. B-.-iithe 231 inist., Ot A0rhlro1i, the ?? of Captain Bentf, lot liattlitsi 25th Itegitociti, of a sonl. Tr.D . ntrio.Oathe 2tith inst., at33 Prinees-eate, 'Ys .Ward Li Chapmnan, of' a daughiteir.I Corn -Cii the 24tli ins~.,st 1, WNcsilioulrne-park-terraeecc, Pad- dington, thu(, wife of Dr. CockC, Of at dftIqhteV.I Cn~oreioti.-tti the 22,1 inst., ?? Aslito, lteynos8, Wilts, the sal ...