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... ] THE BOYS OF' THE IRISH BRIGADE. , There have been considerable disturbances among the Irish papal recruits at Macerata, in which shillelaghs were freely used. and the police, who interfered, were severely ?? owon Corresponcdent from Rome. Wid a stick in my fist, an' a pipe in my cheek, 8- Holy father, I'm come to resthore ye: But bad cess to yer pay- sure what's four;ince a-day And divil a ...


... weather durinn tb -, -- -n - Ad The weather during the peel week wfas very favourable n ror excursions, Witih the exception of some heavy showers On Eriday evening, and a few slight showers On Saturday afternoon, the 'weather waS, excellent. We sre glad to atatoe cl that the various excursions to which we referred in the la early part of last week wrere erteneively patronisod by the th working ...


... LITER AT U RE. Tsa FIFTY YEARS1 STRUGGLE OF THE SCOTTISH CovrNAx- Varc TunS. 1.638-88. By James Dlodde. Edinburgh: Edmon- of ft Eton &I Dou1glas, Prince's Street. 1860. the TiioSE who bad the pleasude of hearing Mr. Defdle deliver turn his excellent lectures, on the Scotch Covenanters, will be glead GeI~ to see themn in the shape which they have nowy assumed. Without professing to be-a history ...


... ENGLAND AND GARIBALDL Aione I did it ?? Coriolanus.' [We extract from the Vines the following ?? verses, apparently by Mrs Browning. How true to life and circumstances is the sentiment; Howbit- torly satirical, #ndb nevertheless, accordant with fact, the deicription of the spirit that now animates the country ir which we live ?? Stand aloof and look on, wise old England. . . The shoht of asces ...


... SCHrOOL OF ART. EF* We had lately to intimate the examination of tliis and lnR other schools of the city in Drawing by the Governmn Art Inspector ; and in fulfilmenlt of an arrangemnnet the us, announced, by which exercises clone at sulch ecaniatio' are forwarded to London to be adjudicated on, we arecow [0- enabled to give the folluwiog as the result of the Iic SCHIOOL. OF ART-MECHANSICS ...


... ROYAL A~SOtC1ASON FOR Tog~ pRO; MlOTIONT Oe TEfE FINE ARTS. Ga Ont rday afteasoon the annual genersi rneigo tli ?? Asoitn for the Ptow works ?? took place in Queen Street Hall, * hich wras completely filled by a large assesa. blage of ladies and gentlemen. Among those present wiere Lord Jerviewoode, Sir James G. Baird, Sir -William dJohaston, Professor Camp. bell Sw~inton, 3 Dundas Grant, Esqs ...

Literature, Science, Art,&c

... M. Horace Say, tbe son of J. B. Say, and di one of the most eminent wbriters on political sa economy in Frane, has just died. as A onnmber of hitherto unpublished letters in 'twixt N~elson and Sir Willinm Hamilton are ; annoanced to apppear in the London (w^eekly) la Review. pl Mr Bentley announces as forthcomning a History ot English Literature, Critical acd ce Anecdotical, and The ...

Literary Notices

... , t, act$* I I Pam THE MAGAZINES, AND PERIODICALS 0F THE MONTH. [FIRST NOTICE.] Thacfkeray has commenced the second volume of his CORaNIJta MAGAZINH with a first-ratl number. He leads off in his own person by printing his wonderful lecture on the first of the Four Georges. Apart from the value of its con- tents per se this lecture is quite a study in mode and style. The imitation by M. Sala in ...


... LITER ATURE. CIMSTrAln BaELIEVIxc AND LirvSG. By F. D. Huntington, D.D. Edinbruagh: Alexander Strachan & Co. 18G0, r a: Tax present is an interesting volume of sermons, written in a a pleasing and earnest style, and depicting the various con- ditions of the mind of man while under the operation of Divine n grace. The author discovers the sinner listening to the calln of the Gospel, critically ...


... TL T ERA TU R E. I/ic Fifty flat-a' Straggle of f/ic Scott/sh Cores aatci'e-163S- £1 1688. By JAMES Donna. Edinburgh: Ednionstone & F. Douglas. Ma Doors is, we believe, a lawyer, practisieg at West- -: miosler. He has ais adneiration of the Scottish Covensutere, Ai and a conviction that they leave not yet received adocluate justice from history. This is isot, however, in his case, a mere ...


... `T oNATTLE OF TEE PA.SS3 OF ECIG, | *hewcoibdonthishote inifs gdlde~nft -. ?? Andthe red fruit clu~tring hung, VA ii deelp~er',ioi'n~d it~littb e Ec1aig glen Than the harvest music rung. 4A - ound through vaulted coVe,-. A sdund'trddgb toheink kge~ Like the hollowswel-of-arushingwave; 'Twaas whp txef ofP{ 'C By Loch j-trwleaming steel ¶Atthb,;8est,-f the Riflemen m 5ed DeLnBenogrieos rooks ...


... T1~VSENE6,SEEIP AND WOOL - -t .: 0 : .(FroDi the InverneSs Cto~rir.): r - ' ?? (Froj the Inverness Courier.). This fair was hellion Satar kay. The kili'acy of the, weather during the past fortnight, the remarkable advance j in the prie4 of wool' and' thb ?? prosperity prevailiug through thernianu'ftacleg disttictiave colddiibed to-bring ou beerdiinh udet e :WdotX, ewriet much iuoibetter our ...