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... ?? Q HER NEMAJBltY'8 THEATRE. On Monday night a grand extra performance was given, the receipts of which have been presented by Mr. E. T. Smith to the fund of the Volunteer Rifle Association. The evening of the day was selected as being that on which the Rifle Association commeneed their operations on Wimbledon-oommon. The entertainments were of a varied kind, and consisted of the first scene ...

Published: Sunday 08 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3709 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Dr. Pech and English Opera

... I It was stated iu Tin Ea on a former occasion that Dr. James Pooh, who had been the mueical director of the English Opera at Drury-lane Theatre had petitioned the Insolvent Debtora Court, and had been libe- rated on ball. He appeared on Thursday to be board before Mr Comntls- eioner Nichols, and wae etrongly opposed. Mr Dowee represented a creditor named Joseph Braham; and Mr Bicker Caarten ...

Published: Sunday 08 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1200 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Amateur Performance of the West Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Corps

... The Lyceum Theatre was opened on Monday evening by some members of the above corps and their friends, in aid of the funds of this distinguished body of Volunteers, the pieces selected for the essay of their various capabilities being The Rough Diaosed, The Corsicae Brothers, and Mr. Oxenford's admirable one-act farce of Twice Killed. Amateur acting has become so highly respectable and there is ...

Published: Sunday 29 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1455 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L I T E RAT U R E, THE BADDINGrON P1ERBAGEI* Mr. Sala's novel lais been subjected to severe oriti- eism. The saturday Review gave it to their unsc~a. pulous slasher; the amiable editor of this periodical Lass his list of authors to be abused, Mr. Sala, with Mr. Dickens, is on the black list. Let the popular George Augustus place his name upon a new title ' page, rind all lovers of ill-natured ...


... ~ i --a) ?S ?? ,- - I o, . ?? - 4 ' ;: . ?? . : . ?? . : 01 I I .. I. 'T-I . Last night W. BW fe ioert (the firt of a fd %li~e)4 Ibm : i r The price of :dison -ft a shilling, I : as an immense aemblage; the music-hall being au densely erowded as it used to be when the Serr1' Oanlen were' sX nact in vogue it the dmy, dais of poor Juijien. The concer consited (withX one exceptiou}o pl~ece ...


... it h- Last evening, nfter the play of Biretc'icms, a new farce of ad the good old English school, from the pen of Mr. H. Craven, was produced, entitled Biel'il GOut. The plot is too extra- er vagant and complicated to bear very strict analysis; but the c- audience were faiu to overlook the improbability of the story e in consideration of the drollery of the incidonts. The seen is laid in the ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, HER M&1ESTY'S THEATRE. mings end operas appear never to die. On TUes. day last HER M rAJEsTY TnaAT'E finished its season, and on Thursday it was working away as hard as ever, and no more feeling the fatigue than would a steam- engine. The explanation is that the now season, com. menced on Thursday, is to be a series of extra nights at reduced prices, for the especial ...


... fjj-& ?A TURF. Yriciasstides of Painilties. $ed.7didl Series. By Sir ant BEIRNAR.D BurxE, Ijlster Ring-a-tt-Antis. Lou- w~ll( don: Longmuan anrd Co. Sir Those whD have seen the firs e'e fSrB dev Burke's 1Vicissitudes will need no rouid giv tion of ours to read the second. We on]>' regfret bin that want of space will not permit us to notice 'Ore Mel than a few out of the many romlances which ...


... A VOICE FROIE THE SESSION. I think a Foreign Minister Should be above reproof, And fromi everything that's sinister Should always keep aloof! Against my best intention, Though all the worlhi hios run, I vastulre just to miention The things that I have ' done ! I sanctioned th' annexing Of SAVoy aed of NICE For, thongle it W3aS pIrplexing, It Europe kept in peace ! The treaty made with Pir ...

Published: Sunday 22 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 304 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I -THE Ino MJTHI7EL CLUB C4TTLE SHOW. An adjourned special general meeting of the members of the Smithfield Club, very nuneronalyt- tded, was held yesterday at the Frems Msvern. to consider the question of the removal of the annual show from' Baler.atreet to Dixn's Lain, Islingto, where a company, called the Agricultual Hiall Company, has undertaken to eret a anitable uilding, provided the ...


... THEATRES, &o. goyinarket.-Mit. BucKSfTOtB's BaEouRoT.- Ever aoces ,i.Backetone has been the lessee of the Haymarket, the bsnefit WhIrh he takes about the period of the summer solstice has always We looked forward to as one of the annual feaeures of his mena- g~i9,;l campaign. It is not merely that the entertainments are for t 1 ecsin rndeedmore than ordinarily attractive, but the ad- s 0amrby ...

Published: Sunday 15 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5367 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L8ITERATURE. The Cotkgqe Of &h Alps: or, Life atW Man neri; inbakt &itzerliald. By a LADY. In Two Volumes. those ~ Sampson Low and Son. tion w The preface is at first sight rather puzzliug. it picture sets off with a commendatory memoir of Madame In Dora d'Istria, an ?? lady and duotor prnesof the Ghika family, to whom these weil-co vlmsare dedicated by the American lady their prospcM author. ...