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Morning Chronicle


... it h- Last evening, nfter the play of Biretc'icms, a new farce of ad the good old English school, from the pen of Mr. H. Craven, was produced, entitled Biel'il GOut. The plot is too extra- er vagant and complicated to bear very strict analysis; but the c- audience were faiu to overlook the improbability of the story e in consideration of the drollery of the incidonts. The seen is laid in the ...


... fjj-& ?A TURF. Yriciasstides of Painilties. $ed.7didl Series. By Sir ant BEIRNAR.D BurxE, Ijlster Ring-a-tt-Antis. Lou- w~ll( don: Longmuan anrd Co. Sir Those whD have seen the firs e'e fSrB dev Burke's 1Vicissitudes will need no rouid giv tion of ours to read the second. We on]>' regfret bin that want of space will not permit us to notice 'Ore Mel than a few out of the many romlances which ...


... XiJTSICI. it, lie nr to, 0- J(C e.s e- er of le *2r 0- le t, ial s8 le 9. 11', ly .11, I.5 J]1 R- e- id .1- Oar Ri, I Volunters. WVords by A. It, 11loeSrTOx, Esqn. ilc/lody by Dr. Aitxe, newly arranged by I.. Atuoews, Manehester: Riclard Andrews. The musical public by this tine are well nigh bored to death with Volunteer strins nndl patriotic Rifle songs. We venture to assett that if ill ...


... IIAYXARKET THEATRBE. Last evening this theatre was crowdei to the ceil in~g fotr thle benefit oflMr. Buckstons, the worthy and justly popular Y manager. Tihe rationale, of a manamger's benefit, enld the tt' Secret causes of the vaet accutnulation of admiring friends re ordinarily scen on such occasions, were vory good-humiouredly In eaplained in the address, which, according to Customn, the ...


... TBE ROYAL AGRICU'LTURA.4L SOCIETYIS .EXHIIBITI ON. CANTERtBURY. WVEDINESDAY. The show of live stock at the present exhibition, if not quitcou large as on sone fortueroccasiolls, is, upon the whole, an exceedingly good one,, and, to tho general visitor, must have sonxeiiing of a reassuring effect. After the terribly cold Spring, and the wet iuid ungonial summer, which caused tile tasot gloomy ...


... FLORAL EXHIBITI )A AT CO VEST GARDENY. se o S, This very beautiful exhibition was thrown open to the te public yestordan, most of whom, if we may judge from the expressions of delight :mnl admiration which escaped them, had never seen so many flowers before in their lives. In- dependently of the flowers and fruit (for soeic very fine e pines were not denied admittance), the picturesque clha- ...


... The literary anvils are now in full activity, and the resfllts come so fast one upou the other thet the critic has much ado to keep pace with them. Several important works were submitted to us !ate ]last Week, and but for the faet j Lrnat it wouI(1 L1?' a been urf ?? t.o Cotice them on a mere glauce-perusal, tiliy would have received attention earlier. Pro- niilent aniong these is Tlhe History ...


... HER MAJESTY'S 1I1P.HEITRE. _ _ - I Lar.t night a grand extra plerfi ir nce vas given, the re- i ceipts (f biceh have been presented by Mr. E. T. Smith to P l the fuend of t he VolYuniteer Riflo Association, The day was selected as being thatton whicth the distribntion (of prizes for I the best rifle shooting in the presence oif her Ma jesty and the I'rince Consort was fixecl to tako placo at ...


... POYAL ITALIAN OPERA. Nothing more incontestably proves the deartll Of modern I composers, or, more properly, the want of interest in their th( compositionse, than the attempt now bcing iuade to resuscitate fal) the works of the great masters, which have long been laid fec y'aside uts useless, or unbeseemning the peculiar tastes and re- ke I-Wihnigtdytw 1. finemeints of the present generation. ...


... GRAND EXIIIBITION OF FINE' ARTS AT BER USSELS. i _ LUnderthe immediatepatronege if the Belgian Government.] The exhibition commences on the 15th of August, and closes on the 15th of October, 1860. It is open to the works of all living Belgian or foreign artists. The objects intended for exhibition must be addressed, A la Commission Directrice do 1'Exposition Geinerle dcs Beaux-Arts i; ...


... LITBRARY REPORT. A most profoundland important work has ap- peared from. the pen of the Abbe Domenech. n Gratified at the favour which the public accorded .a to his Missionary Adventures in Texas and t Mexico, he has given us a further instalment of rh lis ethnological studies, in two volumes, entitled e Seven Yearns' Residence tni the Great Deserts of North, tB America. By the Abb6 Emr. Do ...


... ROYAL A GRIC.L7'URAL SOCLTYw-'SSROW5'. [FliRIt OUiR OWN COtRiRESPONIDENT.] CANTERBIURY, MIONDAY. The judges have just nlade their awards for the cattle and livestock and li inAMple10ents, and as thb showv has been !his doY opefned to flis public for the first time, there hns been, of course, an imniense amouno t of excitement. The ground, admirably adapted for the purpose, is in the large ...