... BIRMINGHAM HORTICULTURAL 8 O o SOCIETY. SECOND EXHIBITION. The seound exhibition of plants, fruits, and vegetables, in connection with the Birmingham Botanical and Horti- cultural Society, took place in the Botanical Gardens yes. terday, under peculiarly favourable circumstances. The weather was lovely, for while the sun shone brilliantly, a gentle breeze played through the trees, and ...


... REviEw.-Bookcs, Music. Nev *.,'BooKs Fo R EVIEw-Books, Music, New Engravings, &c., intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr. C. MITCHELL., Red Lion-court, Fleet-street London, addressed to the Editor of the Derbl Mercury,will be forwarded and receive attention. The Reliquary. A Depository for Precious Relics-Legen- dary, Biographical, and Historical; illustrative of the Habits. ...


... THE&TRICALS AT SAN FRANCIBOG, (FRoM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) May 31st, 1860. Friend ERA.-Another tour through the State lai prevented ine from keeping you informed of the theatrical and musical eveata ni this country. Since my last TrHE WIZARD ANEDBSON has played his farewell eugagerneet delivered his parting address, and left our shores for New Yrk, where, he says, it is his intention to ...

Published: Sunday 15 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 584 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I ?? _ - .I_ 7eNtulr.e1'siflkd British Sea- Wee-is: A History, ¶of accompanied by Figures and Dissections, of the Algve of the British Isles. By W. G. JoHN- Ws sToN.E, ?? and A. CROALL, AB,BS.E pap Naturme-Printed by Henry Bradbury. Bradbury Iedi and Evans. Hi4 This charming work, as valuable a contribution th to J~cience as it is a~u elegant addition to the drawig tist room tablel, is just ...


... T , E C O U R T. OSIORNE, SATURDAY.-The Earl of Clarendon and Lady Constance Villiers arrived yesterday on a visit to her ilikjesty. In the afternoon her Mejesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Consoit embarlled in the Royal yacht Fairy, and steamied. up the South- ampton, Water, accompanied Iy Prince Leopold, Princessl Helena, Princoss Louise, and Princess Bca- trice. The Earl of Clarendon ...

Literary Notices

... 1,wi~fc I i ttA O I ' or GsRcc: A History of the Ulster IeviVa of l 859- By Rev. WM. (GIBBON, c p?,fessor of Cbristian Etbics, and Moderator ao of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Edinburgh: Andrew a Elliot. th Tas book, we learn from the preface, is pab- M lished simultaneously on both sides of the Hi Atlantic. It is the fullest, clearest, and moss 5stisfactory work ...


... GRATUITOUS . ?? BY AN IDLE MAN. I confess to a partiality for cheap amusements. Edinburgh possesses an abundance of exhibitions which are to be viewed gratis. In a western city I read, not long ago, a placard announcing that the United Order of .Tally Rrieki wras shortly to take its annual trip to the inetropolis of Scotland. Among the many temptations with which the excursion was baited I ...


... FLORAL EXHIBITI )A AT CO VEST GARDENY. se o S, This very beautiful exhibition was thrown open to the te public yestordan, most of whom, if we may judge from the expressions of delight :mnl admiration which escaped them, had never seen so many flowers before in their lives. In- dependently of the flowers and fruit (for soeic very fine e pines were not denied admittance), the picturesque clha- ...


... THE SCRAP-BOOK COL'UIL ' TNxrsTBucivE ExTzETANMfiNT. -On referring to iots of the courses of lectures that had been given in this thriving hall, I fancied -I detected a shyness in admitting that human nature when at leisure has any desire whatever to be relieved and diverted; icnd a future sliding in of any poor make.weight piece of amusement, shame-facedly and edgewise. 'Thus, I observed that ...


... BROUGH tMEORIAL FUND. A vocal and instrumental concert on a great s took place on Friday at St. Jame'sb-lal, for the beneft of the widow and family of the late lamented Robert Brough. It was got up by a committee of gentle- men-riends of Mr. Brough ; and a number of the r0ost 4minern members of the musical profession-a profession ever ready to come forward in the cause of benevolence- gave ...


... PROVINCIAL THEA rRICALO. (FROac OUR OWN CORRERSPONDEN!TS.) ABRBDBEN- Thewafe o or gad~jtyhae fr te lstfew weeks been completel)' Covredwit imens poter, anoucin avisit from Messrs Howe's ?? fmou CioueThor frstapparance in Aberdeen will be no Mnda, te 16h istat, wenweas sue, heywil have an exeel- lentaudenc, fr tereis o oasoof musmens mre opnar here t han a god Creu, an wekno theUntedStats ne ...

Published: Sunday 15 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 7570 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Lucite. By Owen Meredith, Author of ' The Wanderer,' I Clytemnestra,' etc. Chapman and Hall. Three narrative poems have appeared during the season now closing, namely, Lucite, by the writer signing himself Owen Meredith, Vfiryinia's Hand, by Miss Power, and A 3Ian's Heart, by Dr Mackay. Of the numerous volumes of minor poetry few have risen above the mono- tony of undistinguished cleverness; ...